前段时间摄影师 Patrik Wallner 带着红牛滑手们一起来到了哈萨克斯坦探索这里的滑板风情,这里的独立历史还不到30年,街头Spot更是无人问津,然而就在这里Patrik带给我们了精彩的旅途。现在收录了9张旅途照片一起欣赏。
Kazakhstan is one of the 10 largest countries in the world, and within that list Kazakhstan will probably be the state you know least about – for a few reasons. Firstly, Central Asia is a very distant region from most of us, and is situated far from the current news agenda. Also, it is a young country which only became independent in 1991 after the collapse of the USSR. Underdeveloped tourism is another factor: Kazakhstan has started to open up recently, but it is still more difficult to travel around than many countries.
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