在 Dylan Rieder 不幸离开我们之后,很多滑板杂志都发布了特刊来纪念这位伟大的滑手,今天 WHATYOUTH 杂志发布了一本特刊,全刊148页都是Dylan的故事,从 Arto Saari,Mark Gonzales,Jason Dill,Janoski等等人眼里回忆下Dylan。这本杂志现在可以在What Youth官网购买。
The latest issue of What Youth contains 148 pages entirely dedicated to Dylan. With contributions from Arto Saari, Ryan Allan, Langley Fox, Mark Gonzales, Jason Dill, William Strobeck, Alex Olson, Camille Rowe, Natas Kaupas, Cat Power, Dion Agius, Noa Deane, Stefan Janoski, Porous Walker, Greg Hunt, Doctor Woo, and more, this may be the most comprehensive print tribute to Rieder to come out yet.
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