Volcom 发布了旗下队员最新的法国巴黎滑板片段「L' Waiting Game」,巴黎气候并不给力,每天都是滑板,下雨,等待雨停再滑板,不过即使这样,大家也献上了这部极为精彩的片子!Louie Lopez,Collin Provost等等出镜,速度欣赏!
The Volcom crew spent one week in Paris—France's uniquely skateable capital—getting clips in the face of stormy weather. Every day was skate/rain/wait… skate/rain/wait… But the waiting game paid off: Axel Cruysberghs, Louie Lopez, Collin Provost, Victor Pellegrin, and Eniz Fazliov got some in the world's most romantic city, proving that patience is indeed a virtue.
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