女性滑板正往前所未有的高度发展,从 SLS,X Games等等赛场或者各类大片视频里,你都能看到越来越多的优秀的女滑手,她们正用自己的风格影响着世界,前些日子我们也在上海见到了 adidas 旗下亲和力十足的女滑手 Jenn Soto,看看她眼中的世界滑板和女滑手:

📄 滑手档案 📄
- 姓名:Jenn Soto
- 国家:美国,洛杉矶
- 年纪:22岁
- 脚位:goofy(右脚)
🏆 获奖记录一览 🏆
🎙️ 你好,Jenn。能介绍下自己吗?
大家好,我的名字叫 Jenn Soto,我22岁,来自新泽西但现在搬去洛杉矶。我的赞助商是 adidas skateboading,SkullCandy 耳机,Primitive 滑板,Grizzly 砂纸,Bones 滑板轮,Andale 轴承。
- Hi Jenn. Could you introduce yourself
Hi my name is Jenn Soto, I’m twenty-Two years old, and Im from New Jersey but now currently living in Los Angeles. I skate for Adidas Skateboarding, SkullCandy Headphones, Primitive Skateboarding, Grizzly Griptape, Bones Wheels, Andale Bearing.

🎙️ 你是第一次来上海吗?
- Is this your first time in Shanghai?
I’ve been to Shanghai one time before this and I love it so much. The city is so beautiful and the skate spots are so unreal! Everyone has been so welcoming and for that I thank Shanghai! I love to eat and exploring all the foods here had to be one of my favorite things to do! GO MOONCAKE!

🎙️ 旅途中有好玩的事情分享一下吗?
- Any fun life experience during the trip?
I loved riding the scooters around haha those things are always super fun! I still can’t believe how perfect the city is for skateboarding, it’s a giant skatepark!

🎙️ 经过这次旅行,你觉得中国的地形什么特别的地方吗?
我感觉这里的地形比我那边的都要新很多。这里总会看到新的广场,太疯狂了!我想我最喜欢的地形是红色的石台斜面(red marble hips),我之前没滑过街边的斜面,那样的地形滑起来就像一个滑板场。
- How do you feel the skate spot between your homeland and China, any your favorite one in this trip?
I feel like the spots here are just so much newer than the spots back home. There’s always a new plaza somewhere, it’s crazy! I think my favorite spot are the red marble hips, I’ve never skated a street hip before, and that spot felt like a skate park.

🎙️ 聊一下你的滑板经历吧?
我十二岁的时候开始滑板,真正喜欢到难以自拔是我在六年级遇到我的好朋友 Jade 的那时候!对滑板的爱从那之后就没有变过了,那也是我直到今天还在滑板的原因。我喜欢在街头滑板,但我以后也想学怎么滑碗池!我最近的滑板日常就是包括很多的旅行,我真的很享受每一刻!
- Talk about your skate life.
I started skating when I was twelve years old and I got into it heavy when I met my best friend Jade in sixth grade! The love has never changed for it and that’s why im still skating today. I love skating street, but I would love to learn how to skate bowl one day! My daily skate life lately has included a lot of traveling and I love every moment of it!

🎙️ 你最喜欢的滑手有哪些?
我有很多喜欢的滑手,因为我很敬佩他们!我是 P-Rod,Manny Santiago 和 Evan Smith 的超级粉丝!他们太厉害了,让滑板的一切都看起来很美好!
- Who is your favorite skater?
I have a couple favorite skaters just because I look up to so many of them! Big fan of P.Rod, Manny Santiago, and Evan Smith! They rip and make everything look so beautiful!

🎙️ 你觉得现在的女子滑板在世界范围的发展如何?对一些想得到支持的女滑手有什么建议吗?
- How do you think about female skateboarding in the world now?
I think the female skateboarding world is growing more and more everyday and I’m so happy to be apart the movement and progression! I say for any girl that wants to get sponsored to not rush and understand those things come later in life. Just skate for the love and everything will fall into place the way it is supposed to! Don’t stress the need to be sponsored so soon, enjoy the journey!

🎙️ 你每天滑板和生活是怎么分配的呢?
- What you do everyday with skate and life?
I’m really fortunate to be in a place in life where I can skate everyday with my friends! When we’re not doing that I just love to listen to music and kick it with my friends somewhere cool! We never know if we’re going to end up at the beach or on a random road trip. We just take life one day at a time and live in each moment!

🎙️ 你现在或之后有在进行什么项目吗?
- Do you have any project working on or after?
I would like to start working on a part for a company I ride for, im not going to go into detail so it could be a surprise, I love surprises. I am super excited to have the opportunity to film my own part, I have never done that before!

🎙️ 想和中国的大家说点什么吗?
- Would you share some words for the people and skaters in China.
People of China keep being rad and amazing, take advantage of the spots you have because I’m still dreaming of them haha! Keep skating and keep spreading love! Sending everyone positive vibes and so much love! Thank you for everything China can’t wait to be back!
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