
“Ou Zhe” Book Release and Exhibition
📆 时间:2019 年 10 月 19 日,下午 3 - 6 点
📍 地点:DOE 新天地店
📆 Time: 2019/10/19 3pm-6pm
📍 Location: DOE Store XinTianDi
一个持续 6 年的拍摄计划
This is a, 6-years in the making,
photography project.
Which has captured the
Chinese skateboarding sceneand culture,
through the eyes of an international portrait
and fashion photographer.
而在《沤着》这个拍摄计划里,发起人管牧和 Robert Nilsson 正是希望用摄影捕捉住在上海的滑板人最真实、自然、日常的状态,“这些滑板人来自五湖四海,大家都在上海做着自己的事情——滑板,这本身也是宏观上的一种沤着”,管牧说。

“Ou Zhe”, this might be the most frequent street slang that skaters use. It describes a state of mind after a skate session, homies just chilling together, doing nothing. During the making of “Ou Zhe”, founder Andrew Guan and photographer Robert Nilsson is hoping to capture the authentic, every day life among skateboarders in ShangHai. “They all came from different places, but they all doing the same thing in ShangHai — skateboarding. I would consider that’s “Ou Zhe” in macro-perspective.” Says Andrew.

From the start of this photo project, the whole process of making this book has been pretty “Ou Zhe” too.

2012 年,刚从瑞典搬到上海的时尚摄影师 Robert 和刚从北京搬到上海的滑板媒体人管牧,在 WK 上海的 Open Office 碰上了,俩人在闲聊中聊出了记录上海滑板人这个群体的想法。“作为一个现在不滑板、也不了解中国滑板文化的时尚摄影师,我的拍摄视角会有所不同”,Robert 说。而对和国内外众多专业滑板摄影师合作过的管牧来说,“我也很好奇时尚摄影师眼里的滑板会拍成什么样子”。

Swedish fashion photographer Robert moved to ShangHai in 2012, Andrew had just moved from BeiJing to ShangHai around the same time, they met each-other in Wieden+Kennedy’s ShangHai’s Open Office. The idea of documenting skaters in ShangHai came from there. “As a fashion photographer, who doesn’t really skate, and totally new to Chinese skate culture,” Robert says, “My view will be quite different.” On the other hand, Andrew has worked with professional skate photographers in China and abroad, “I was curious to see how a fashion photographer would capture skateboarding culture.”

这个拍摄计划从 2012 年开始,前后拍摄了十多位滑板人,松散地持续了 6 年多,不知不觉中成了一个有趣的记录。在这些年里,所拍的这些滑板人的生活轨迹发生了很大的变化:比如波仔搬回了深圳将重心放在自己的滑板品牌,胡天祐换了滑板鞋的赞助商,还和谢汶凯一同创立了自己的滑板品牌……上海这座城市本身和它对滑板文化的态度也经历了各样的变迁,比如滑板人最爱的 spot——上海音乐厅 Love Park 因为城市建设原因禁止了滑板。

This project has been going over 6 years since it started in 2012, and photographed 13 skateboarders. We documented the changes of these people’s life tracks unknowingly. For example, Eric Lai moved back to ShenZhen to focus on his skateboard brand; Jeremy Hu switched his shoe sponsor, and started a skate brand with Boss Xie. ShangHai’s ever changing city-scape is affecting civilian’s perspective on skate culture too. The beloved skate spot — ShangHai Concert Hall “Love Park” is skateboarding prohibited, due to urban construction.

2019 年夏天,Robert 和管牧终于决定为这个拍摄计划收尾,把6年积累的摄影作品和 13 位滑板人的故事整理成《沤着》这本摄影书。来自美国犹他州的耳机品牌 Skullcandy 对这个计划提供了重要的支持。诞生在雪山上,对板类运动的热爱根植于基因,签下 Trevor Colden、Jenn Soto 等著名滑手,Skullcandy 一直是世界滑板场景中的活跃分子。在这本关于中国街头文化的摄影书里,Skullcandy 也贡献了一份“沤着”精神。同时,在 DOE 的支持下,也实现了本次摄影展和新书发布活动。

In summer 2019, Robert and Andrew decided to wrap up this the project, reorganised all the photos and stories from the 13 skateboarders represented, to publish this photograph publication “Ou Zhe” / Shanghai Skaters. Skullcandy from Utah, U.S., has been giving this project tremendous support. Passion for boarding sports is embedded in Skullcandy’s genes. The Company has been active in the skateboarding scene, and signed skaters like Trevor Colden and Jenn Soto to its roster. In this Chinese street culture photography publication, Skullcandy has been truly “Ou Zhe” with us too. And with a big support from DOE, we are launching this book and mini photo exhibition.

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