Charles Lanceplaine 导演的 21 分钟滑板纪录片「上海六」正式发布!Charles 在片中采访了大量滑板人胡天祐,谢汶凯,Dan 梁,王国华,Tommy Zhao 等人,并从著名滑板地形上海音乐厅出发,讲述了快节奏城市发展和滑板地形的消失,滑手增长等一系列故事,也是 Charles 对他最喜欢的板友们和城市的告别。

导演,拍摄,剪辑:Charles Lanceplaine


「上海六」是 Charles Lanceplaine 于 2010 年发行的纪录片「上海五」的续集,新作品集中在过去十年中光景发生的根本变化及其对当地滑板社区的意义,讲述了新兴的滑板界。

Skateboarding in Shanghai has radically changed over the years, going from free for all skate spots to a heavily regulated practice. “Shanghai 6” is the sequel to Charles Lanceplaine’s "Shanghai 5", a documentary released in 2010 about the burgeoning skate scene. The new opus focuses on the radical changes the scene has undergone in the past decade and what it means for the local skate community.

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