从「上海五」到「上海六」经过了 10 年时间,上海的滑手们也从最初不被理解的臭小子,变成了滑板社群的建设和捍卫者。

这期间上海的滑板地形,风格,文化也在经历着多元化的改变,Charles Lanceplaine 用自己的镜头记录下了其中的故事。我们找到他一起讨论了有关上海滑手,保安,PUSH Media 和他自己的故事。

🎙️ 你在什么时候,因为什么来到上海?
When did you move to Shanghai, and why did you choose Shanghai?
所以我在 2007 年的 10 月搬到上海参加实习工作,我本来只打算在这儿待 6 个月,但在这里生活了 2 个月过后,我辞掉了实习,决定找一个工作留在这里。我被这里的有趣的生活和热情感动。特别是在这个时代,上海还能有这样积极的态度和能量,让我觉得在这个城市一切都是有可能的。我留在了这座城市,并且很幸运能亲眼见证上海滑板的变化。

Back then I was dating a girl living in Tokyo, actually at first I was trying to go Tokyo for an internship but that did not work out. And in the meantime I found an internship in Shanghai, I had heard that they had just finished building the biggest skatepark in the world there. I was like “cool!” there has to be skaters out there and plus I will get “closer” to my lady friend. (spoiler we broke up very quickly after I moved to Shanghai)
So I moved to Shanghai in October 2007 for that internship, I was supposed to stay only for 6 months, but after just spending two months, I quit my internship and decided to stay and find a job. I was really blown away about how interesting and welcoming the scene was. And especially in this era there was such a positive attitude and energy in Shanghai, you felt like anything was possible in this city. It felt like the place to be. It was cool to witness the growth of the scene.

🎙️ 你现在在哪,为什么离开上海?未来如何打算?
Where are you now,and Why did you leave Shanghai after living here for so long? You have anything planned for the near future?
我现在居住在阿姆斯特丹,去年 10 月我就从上海搬走了。在上海待了 12 年之后,我想要新的挑战,看看更多的东西,再加上我的父母年龄越来越大,所以我想和我的家人们更近一点。阿姆斯特丹是一个非常国际化的大都市,这里有太多事可以做了,所以会是一个与上海之间很好的过渡。但我计划再次旅行,回到上海。

目前,我正在参与两个滑板项目,一个是 Push 成员在 COVID-19 期间关于滑板的纪录片,我们采访了世界各地的人,了解他们的生活如何改变,以及如何应对隔离期。我们采访了 Walker Ryan、Gabriel Summers、Jeremy Hu、Johnny Tang 等等。
另一个是阿姆斯特丹的滑板项目,叫做《In the Dam》,它更是像一个以阿姆斯特丹为场景的视觉滑板作品,是《In the Hai》和《In the Kong》的后续,这些作品是几年前我与 PUSH 团队一同完成的。我们会在下一届 Push Fest 滑板电影节上展映这部视频。
《In the Kong》(在香港)
I’m currently living in Amsterdam, I’ve moved out of Shanghai this past October.I felt after 12 years in Shanghai I needed a new challenge and see something else, plus my parents are getting older so I wanted to get a little closer to my family. Amsterdam is a really international city and there is a lot going on in there so it felt like a nice transition from Shanghai. But I’m planning on coming back and forth to Shanghai once travel is allowed again.
For now I’m currently working on two skate projects, one documentary with the crew at Push about skateboarding during Covid-19 where we’ve interviewed people all around the world about how their life has changed and how they copped with the lockdown. We have people like Walker Ryan, Gabriel Summers, Jeremy Hu, Johnny Tang and many more.
And another one is an Amsterdam skate project called “In the Dam” which is more of a visual skate piece featuring the Amsterdam scene, it’s a follow up to the “In the Hai” and “In the Kong” which we shot a couple of years ago with the Push crew. We will showcase these videos at the next Push Fest.
《In the Hai》(在上海)
🎙️ 怎么走上拍摄这条路?
How did you end up being a videographer?
当初我搬来上海时,我便开始接触上海滑板圈,我觉得需要有人来纪录他们,这就是《Shanghai 5》想法的由来,于是就买了一台摄像机做起了纪录片,就那么简单。
当时我不了解制片,甚至也不知道如何正确地使用摄像机。但我从小就看滑板视频和 MTV 的音乐 MV。《On Video》一直以来都是我最喜欢的一部滑板视频,我从这些视频还有早期的 Transworld 视频中获取了很多灵感。
我从来没想过我会成为一名专业的视频制作人,但这都多亏了上海和《Shanghai 5》,大家开始关注到我,这就是我职业生涯的起点。我觉得这就是正确的时间、地点结合到一起了吧。

It’s when I moved to Shanghai and started skating with the whole community I felt like somebody needed to document it, that’s when the idea of “Shanghai 5”. I decided to buy a camera and make a documentary, as simple as that.
At the time I had no idea about filmmaking techniques, about how to properly use a camera. But I’ve grown up binge watching skate videos and music videos on MTV. “On Video” skateboarding have always been some of my favorite skate videos. I took a lot of inspiration from these and from some of the early Transworld videos.
I never thought I would ever become a professional filmmaker, but all thanks to Shanghai and “Shanghai 5” people started noticing my work and that’s how it kickstarted my career. I think it was a combination of right time right place.

🎙️ PUSH 的由来。
Tell me how did PUSH form (start)?
PUSH 成立于 2014 年,由 Kristian Kvam Hansen、Jonathon Lim 和我创建。我们都是在滑板和滑板视频创作中认识的彼此,我们三个滑板人就这样建立了一家公司。
滑板只是我们日常工作的一个小方面,我们工作的核心在于商业拍摄、纪录片和音乐视频。我们与众多品牌合作,如 The North Face、Beats、Vans、 Redbull 等等。我们把许多工作都聚焦在青年文化上。我们的工作最重要的一点是做我们感兴趣的项目。

Push Media was founded in 2014 by Kristian Kvam Hansen, Jonathon Lim and myself. We all knew each other from skateboarding and sharing the same passion for filmmaking. We’re pretty much three skate homies who decided to start a company.
Skateboarding is a small side of what we do on the daily, the core of our work resides in commercials, documentaries and music videos. We’ve worked with brands like The North Face, Beats, Vans, Redbull to name a few.. A lot of our work is focused towards youth culture. Our thing has always been to make projects that we are interested in.

🎙️ 《Shanghai 6 》的拍摄动机是什么,拍了多久,拍摄过程中记忆最深刻的一件事是什么?
What was the motivation for SH6? How long was the whole process? Tell us your favorite memory during the making of SH6.
这几年,大家都叫我制作《Shanghai 5》的续集,我有点不愿意,因为我觉得我已经讲述过上海的故事了。但当我看到 LP 的消失而发生的变化时,为了尊重这个陪伴滑板人成长的传奇地形,我觉得是时候该讲述一个新的故事了。能够看到一个地形影响这么多人,以及它的消失产生的持久影响,这一定会很有意思。

那时,我也想在搬离上海前再制作一个视频,《Shanghai 6》在某种程度上是我对一个城市的告别信,也是给予我众多回忆的地方的一个纪录。从拍摄到上映历时大约 3 年时间。其中为了获得音乐版权我们花了很长时间,大概有 6 个月。这也解释了为什么这部纪录片没有被提前上映。
此外,我总是倾向于花很多时间在剪辑上,并且我总是想找到恰当应景的音乐,这次的版本与去年在 Push Fest 上放映的版本相比,有几首音乐不同,那就是因为这个原因。

我想说,我最喜欢的记忆是与 Jeremy 回到 LP 采访的那一段。我们在那儿的时候,有一个在那里工作很久的保安来到我们面前,他见到 Jeremy 很开心,还并允许我们在那里滑 1 小时。这是一个温暖而不可思议的时刻,让你感觉到那些保安甚至还可能非常想念这些滑手。如果你现在去 LP 的话,那里只是一片充满悲伤的空地。

Over the years people asked me for a sequel to Shanghai 5, I was always a bit reluctant because I felt that the story of the skate scene had already been told. But when I saw a change with the gradual loss of LP I felt it was time to tell a new story and pay respect to this legendary spot where a lot of people grew up skating. It’s interesting to see how one spot can influence so many people and how the loss of it can really have a lasting impact on a scene.

And I always wanted to make a last video in Shanghai before I move out. In a way Shanghai 6 is my goodbye letter to a city and a scene that gave me so much. It took about 3 years from filming to release. What actually took the longest was getting the music rights cleared… that took a good 6 months. That’s partly why it didn’t come out earlier.
Plus I always tend to spend too much time editing around with my projects and always want to find the right songs for the video. That’s why the version showed last year at Push Fest has a couple of different songs.
I would say my favorite memory was when we headed back to LP with Jeremy to film his interview. When we were there one of the OG security guard came up to us and looked so happy to see Jeremy there that he let us skate for an hour. It felt like such a warm and incredible moment that makes you realize that some of those security guards probably miss having the skaters around. If you go to LP nowadays it’s just a sad empty space.
🎙️ 你是怎么看滑手与保安的关系。
What’s your stand on the skater / security relationship?
最后,我们需要更多地考虑滑手和财产管理之间的关系,保安只是服从高层命令而已。我认为,如果滑手们和上海音乐厅(LP)负责人之间能有一次对话,情况就会大不一样,也许那些地形还会在那儿。如果那样的话,《Shanghai 6》就永远不会上映。

I understand security guards, they are just trying to do their job, they don’t necessarily want to kick you out but they have to work. And now with so many skaters around they have definitely caught up to us. I think young skaters have to put themselves in the security guards shoes and realize he is not an “enemy”, he is just a guy trying to make a living.
Pro-tip for kids: Avoid young security guards, they are the aggressive ones. Old guards don’t care as much.
At the end of the day we need to think more about the relationship in between skaters and property management, security guards are only just taking orders from the top. I think if there would have been a dialogue in between skaters and the people in charge of the Shanghai Music Hall (LP), the situation would have been quite different, maybe the spot would still be around. And maybe Shanghai 6 would have never come out.

🎙️ 在你看来,这十年上海滑板最大的变化是什么?除了外在的人数的明显增加,文化上最大的变化又是什么?
In your opinion, what was the dramatic change in SH skateboarding? Other than the obvious increasing amount of skaters, what was the biggest change culturally?
由于观念的转变,这几年出现了许多品牌,Avenue & Son、Dizzle、BFH、Sandwich Layer、 turD。令人难以置信,滑手们创建自己的品牌,变得更具有商业头脑。这挺好的,因为这样做真的有助于建设滑板圈,并且能够支持到全国各地的新兴滑手。
另一个巨大的变化是滑板风格的演变,上海一直以其技术型滑手而闻名,但现在我们看到越来越多的滑手长大,他们会尝试去跳台阶或者换种方式做 Slappies、No comply。我们已经看到了滑手们滑板风格的转变。

People’s perception has radically changed, it’s now more socially accepted, people are used to seeing skateboarders now. Back in the day people would gather in a crowd to watch skaters. Now it’s just like anywhere else, people don’t seem to care all that much. Skateboarding is now mainstream cool.
Thanks to that shift many brands have popped up over the years, Avenue & Son, Dizzle, BFH, Sandwich Layer, turD. It’s incredible to see skaters really becoming business savvy and building their brands. It’s cool because it really helps building the community and support a lot of up and coming talents all around the country.
One other great change is the evolution in the style of skating, Shanghai has always been known for its technical skaters but now we see more and more younger skaters going big, trying to skate gaps or even skate in different ways doing slappies, no comply. We are definitely seeing a change in the way people skate spots.
🎙️ 再过十年,滑板应该经历过两届奥运会了,《Shanghai 7》 可以拍一下那时的滑板文化应该会很有意思。
In 10 years, Skateboarding will be in 2 more Olympic games, and should be interesting to see how Skateboarding evolve in Shanghai 7.
是的,我真的很好奇,随着奥运会的到来,未来会是什么样子?当局会对它更加开放还是更加严格?在这一点上很难说。十年前,当我发布《Shanghai 5》时,我从来没有想到十年后的景象会是今天这个样子。时间能告诉我们,也许会在《Shanghai 7》里,全部都是滑板公园的素材……
Yeah I am really curious about what the future holds with the Olympics coming into the picture, will the authorities become more open about it or more restrictive? It’s so hard to tell at this point. Ten years ago when I released Shanghai 5 I would have never imagined that the scene would be the way it is today. Only time will tell. Maybe Shanghai 7 will be all skatepark footage…

🎁 福利时间 🎁
奖品:PUSH Media 限量短袖一件
截止日期:2020 年 6 月 11 日晚 20:00

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