Avenue & Son 是由滑手 Boss Xie、Jeremy Hu,Stephen Khou 创立的中国本土滑板品牌,他们这段 VX1000 摄像机拍摄的滑板影片,展示了 Nike 最新系列 Air Rubber Dunk X Off-White,该片由摄像师 Ya Chai 拍摄制作。

两位摄影师 Jedi Zhou 和 Wangchenwei 用 35mm 胶片机拍摄其中摄影作品,展览将联合队伍滑手 CK,Kyle Ke,Wu Jia Hui,Xiao Yu,Stephen Khou,Brandon 和 Di Di,他们滑在上海街头,以他们独具一格的滑板风采为大家展示 Rubber Dunk 鞋款。

Avenue & Son, a local Chinese skateboarding brand founded by Boss Xie, Jeremy Hu, and Stephen Khou, previewed Nike Air Rubber Dunk X Off-White through a skateboarding video filmed with the VX1000 video camera. The video was shot by Ya Chai and stills were shot by jedi zhou and Wangchenwei with 35mm films. The exhibition features their team riders CK,Kyle Ke ,Wu Jia Hui,Xiao Yu ,Stephen Khou ,Brandon ,Di Di,shredding the Shanghai streets with their unique style and Rubber Dunk.

为了迎接 Nike Air Rubber Dunk X Off-White 鞋款的发布,Nike Lab 预先携手 Avenue & Son 合作带来了一次球鞋的生活方式化演绎,早前在"TX淮海|年轻力中心"开展 GAME OF SKATE 滑板比赛,见证来自街头的年轻滑板力量。

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