前所未有的时期?可能是吧,但对 PUSHFEST 来说不是问题——这是亚洲第一的滑板电影节,而今年 10 月 24 日,PUSHFEST 将在奂镜迎来第五届 PUSHFEST。
2018 年 PUSHFEST 滑板电影节回顾

Saturday, October 24, 2020
2020 年 10 月 24 日,周六
15:00 - 22:00
Central Studios 奂镜
South Huangpi Road No. 751
Free Entry 免费入场
Limited seating for film screenings
2019 年 PUSHFEST 接待了超过 1,200 位以上来自上海滑板社群和各界人士。而今年,PUSHFEST 2020 将会让大家在这场打断中国和世界各地活动的疫情后重聚!记住这个充满滑板,滑板电影,展览,音乐,吃喝玩乐的下午!届时,KickerClub 也将继续为大家带来现场直播,采访现场的参展导演和知名滑手,关注微博@kickeclub 及时收看!

October 2020, Shanghai - PUSHFEST 2020 Announcement
PUSHFEST is coming back to Central Studios
Unprecedented times? Maybe so, but that’s no problem for PUSHFEST — Asia’s number-one skateboarding film festival — which is back again this year for its fifth edition, taking place at Central Studios on October 24th. After an incredible outing in 2019 that saw over 1,200 attendees from the skateboarding community in Shanghai and beyond, PUSHFEST 2020 is a chance for everyone to reconnect amidst this “new normal” that has disrupted so much of the year’s usual activities in China and elsewhere around the world. Save the date for an afternoon filled with skateboarding, skate films, exhibitions, music, food and drinks.

除了刘毛毛,刘路等人的个人滑板片首映,PUSHFEST 2020 也将展映三部「Converse Crew’d Up」的决赛视频——这是一项邀请了中国各地的业余滑板团队来投递自己滑板视频的网络竞赛,赢家将会获得一个独家的赞助权。
三个入围的滑板团队分别是:上海 Dizzle,北京 LOVESPOT,南宁甜街。活动当天电影节将会首映他们最终的影片,现场观众会投票给自己认为的最终冠军, 当然三个团队也会带来精彩的滑板表演!

Turning skating dreams into reality with the Converse All Stars “Crew’d Up” contest
PUSHFEST 2020 will also host the finale of Converse All Stars “Crew’d Up” — an online skate competition that has called upon local amateur skate crews across China to submit their videos to win an exclusive sponsorship deal and the final grand prize money that will support their future tours.

Converse has gone through all the submissions and hand-picked a shortlist of three skate crews who will get to spend seven days in Shanghai ahead of the event to film their best video. On the day of, we’ll be premiering their videos and giving the live audience and online audience a chance to vote on who they think should ride away as champions, sparking progress for the community and showcasing the hard work (and tricks) of all three crews.

PUSHMART 是 PUSHFEST 自己的快闪店,它由滑板人设计也面向滑板人。像去年一样,PUSHFEST 将会展览中国最棒的本土滑板品牌,同时也会展览艺术作品,提供上海限量的商品,这将让它成为最酷的便利店。
PUSHMART is back — bigger and better than ever
PUSHMART is our very own pop-up store designed by skaters, for skaters. Just like last year, we’ll be showcasing China’s best grassroots skate brands, as well as exhibiting artwork and showcasing exclusive merchandise from Shanghai and beyond, all of which makes this the coolest convenience store ever.

由 SLOW 呈现音乐 | SLOW 是一个音乐为主的平台,它汇聚了上海的创意人士,同时也传播平衡的生活方式,强调文化,匠心, 健康和可持续性。在对于这些派对上的音乐选择,SLOW 探索各种各种形式的风格还有50年的派对音乐,但 这一切都讲是 SLOW 的节奏。
Music programming by SLOW
SLOW is a music-centric platform, bringing together creative minds of Shanghai, and promoting balanced lifestyles that put emphasis on culture, craft, health and sustainability. With a focus on the musicality of the track selection at these parties and places, SLOW explores tunes across genres and 50 years of club music and beyond. But that at a SLOW pace.
在以下赞助商的大力支持下,PUSHFEST 2020 将为您带来更多惊喜!
PUSHFEST 2020 is brought to you with the kind support of the following sponsors!

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