当今,特别是在上海这座容纳了 2,500 万常住人口的大都市,新地标的出现往往代表着新地形的诞生,徐汇滨江就是上海现阶段最具代表性的地形之一。同样的,当一个新地形变得热闹起来,老地形就会由于各式各样的原因落下寂寞,渐渐淡出大众视野。譬如威宁路、LP(上海音乐厅)、虹桥中骏广场,等国际性地形最终都没能逃出绿化改造的命运,潜移默化地沦为城市发展进程下的“殉道者”。
Spots come and go. That phenomenon feels especially familiar in Shanghai – a city with more than 25 million where things are constantly getting built and destroyed. New construction sometimes means new skate spots. Binjiang was a blessing. It can also mean saying goodbye to a great spot. Weining Lu, LP, and Hongqiao Plaza (Minhang) all fell victim to ‘green space’ development.
追忆消逝的地形纵然不是难事,但仔细想想,那些剩下的呢?那些从始至终依旧存在,贯穿过去与现实,承载了 90 年代至 2000 年间本土滑板的地形,它们现在又是怎样呢?通过这个机会,我们挑选了五个经由时间验证,真正意义上的上海 OG 滑板地形向大家一一介绍。
It’s easy to reminisce. What about the ones that still stand? The ones that link the past to the present? The ones people were skating in the late 90s/early 2000s? We set out to make a list of 5 time-tested OG Shanghai spots. Our criteria was simple. The spot had to have been around for 15 years (or more) and still be around today. Here’s what we came up with. Check them out if you get the chance. Who knows how much longer they’ll be around before some guy starts thinking the space would look better with grass.
评判 OG 的标准很简单,诞生至今超过 15 年历史且至今依旧存在的地形。与此同时,也建议身在上海的广大滑手朋友们阅文过后,能实地去到地形溜一圈,指不定早晚哪天某些人又会冒出将这些地形铺上绿色的“好点子”。
Our criteria was simple. The spot had to have been around for 15 years (or more) and still be around today. Here’s what we came up with. Check them out if you get the chance. Who knows how much longer they’ll be around before some guy starts thinking the space would look better with grass.
此文是 OG 地形系列文章的开篇,主要叙述五卅广场的存在是如何为上海本土刚刚萌芽且快速发展的滑板文化奠定基础,以及作为初代“OG地形”地位不可撼动的原因。
This article is the first in a series, showcasing some spots that have earned their place in the short but ever changing history of Chinese skateboarding.
Wusa Square in the bottom left corner.五卅曾经的照片
五卅广场是位于人民广场边缘上的一个小分支(最初的位置在人民公园内部),初建于 1990 年,是纪念五卅反帝爱国运动的象征,同时也是 90 年早期热门滑板地形。广场的布局并不复杂,一席平地与错落有致的围栏环绕着中心的焰火雕塑,是一处适合练习基础动作的理想场所。
Wusa Square is a small park that lies on the edge of the larger Shanghai People’s Park (In the past, it was inside People’s Park, not on the edge). It was built in 1990 as a tribute to the May 30th Movement, and it was a popular skate spot in the 90s. It’s a simple spot – a statue of a flame surrounded by flatground – an ideal spot for learning the basics.
90 年代刚建成时,整个雕塑周围的地面呈现阶梯状依次排开,每层台阶都比相邻的台阶矮一节,且每层台阶边缘都设有及膝高的黄色栏杆,现今五卅广场雕塑周围的布局与 90 年代的样貌大相径庭。自从部分区域被改造成公共绿地后,除雕塑和其周围的两个三阶,其他大部分地形都已经消失。就目前来说,保留下来的平地和三阶还有些许可滑性。
In the 90s the flatground in front of the statue was tiered – each tier one-step lower than the other – and there were curved paths around the sides of the statue that were bordered by yellow knee-height rails. The spot looks different today than it did in the 90s, but some parts (like the area around the statue) are the same, and it’s stillskate-able.
1990 年 5 月“五卅”纪念日前夕,“五卅”运动纪念碑在人民公园内落成 (图片来自网络)
五卅广场的故事也得从 90 年代早期讲起。早在 80 年代末,无论在上海还是国内其他城市,滑板都算是一项新奇的运动,直到 90 年代早期,一部以滑板为主题的美国电影成为了这股热浪的起始点。很幸运我们联系到了麦哥 —— 一位成长于 90 年代,见证过上海早期滑板进程的本土滑手。麦哥曾提到过,“国内的滑板热源于 91 年上映的美国电影《危险之至》,讲一个南加州滑手的复仇故事,有当时 Powell 滑板队参演,上映后全国各地都有年轻人效仿,热潮就像 88 年的霹雳舞一样。”
Wusa’s story starts in the early 90s. In the late 80s, skateboarding was still a novel sport in Shanghai and China, but the release of the film Gleaming The Cube in the early 90s raised awareness. “After that film was released, young people started to skate, and the trend became just as popular as breakdancing in 1988,” says Mai Ge (麦哥), who also goes by the name “Wheat” in English, a guy who grew up skating Shanghai in the 90s. After Mai Ge saw Gleaming The Cube, he himself bought a skateboard. Buying a skateboard a skateboarding in Shanghai in the early 90s was not easy, but fortunately for Mai Ge and others who lived around People’s Park, there was a shop – Lian Chang Ji Sports Store (连长记体育用品商店) – on Jinling Road that sold Powell boards.
五卅滑板时期 DV 机视频素材截图 (素材由麦哥提供)
上图来源于麦哥 1993 年五卅滑板时期 DV 机视频素材截图,图中能明显看到当时五卅标志性的黄色栏杆扶手。由于麦哥 95 年才借到录像机来剪片,忘了去掉时间,所以字幕停留在了 95 年。视频中的滑手是当时90年代来自日本的上师大的留学生原口淳史,他也是FLY滑板店历史上的第一位赞助滑手。
Still from a video Mai Ge shot at Wusa in 1995. At the time there were yellow planter rails. The skater in the video is Atsushi Haraguchi (原口 淳史) – a Japanese skater who lived in Shanghai and studied at Shanghai Normal University in the 90s and was one of the first skaters to be sponsored by Fly Skateshop.
“就在我看了那部电影之后,一个很偶然的机会,我在金陵路的连长记体育用品商店(原店址离LP很近)看到有卖影片中 Powell 的滑板,当时滑板就被放在玻璃柜台里,和溜冰鞋、举重腰带什么的放一块,完完全全的供销社既视感,一点也没有现在的滑板店内那种专业和酷炫。价格是 330 元(支架为国产),按当时物价还挺贵的,苦苦哀求家长后买了一块,爱如珍宝,每天滑。”麦哥讲述着他人生中第一块滑板的经历。
The skateboards [at Lian Chang Ji] were just displayed in glass cases with rollerblade shoes, weightlifting belts and other super random stuff. It was like any of these skate shops that we have now where all boards are properly showcased,” says Mai Ge. “When I saw those boards I was psyched. Unfortunately, they weren’t cheap – 300RMB for an imported Powell board with domestically-made trucks. I begged my parents for so long and finally got one. It was a treasure to me.”
92 年,麦哥开始带着滑板出现在五卅广场,“在金陵路连长记体育用品店买了 Powell 滑板的年轻人周末都会去五卅滑板聚会。当时地铁出口就是人民公园的大门。有位板友叫朱永俊,他当时在地铁公司上班,我们跟着他连地铁票都不用买,他有时还有公园月票,我们会先让一位小伙伴从正门进去,然后通过公园的栅栏将票递出来给下一个人使用,这样就连门票都不用买了,最高记录是全部人员用一张月票就进去了,我们就是这么节俭。”麦哥满脸微笑地回忆道。
In 1992, Mai Ge bought a board and started skating at Wusa. “The young people who bought the Powell boards from the sports shop would often like to hang out and skate at Wusa,” he says. In the 90s, entry to Wusa was restricted and people needed to buy a ticket to enter, so, in order to avoid buying tickets, Mai Ge and his friends would buy one ticket and then relay it back and forth through the barrier.
Mai Ge and his friends had a crew, which they called Street Storm. “During that time we were just a bunch of kids who truly didn’t know anything about skateboarding. We helped each other learn skate history, figure tricks out, and have fun…Cao Zhen (曹祯) was one of the organizers and he was most kind-hearted…we all rooted for him to be the lead of our crew,” recounts Mai Ge.
麦哥 (站立的一排中,左起第二位)和他的老朋友们。(图片由麦哥提供)
1997 年,五卅广场迎来了第一次重新改造,广场的东侧部分被拆除,完全夷为了平地,但好在广场内部的大部分被保留了下来。“97 年五卅封闭改建,这是我们失去的第一个滑板基地。92 - 97 是大伙从门外汉到玩家的自我成就过程,有点像初恋,又有点像玩游戏打怪升级。那时宣璁有次对我说他梦到大家在五卅滑板,醒来哭了。我也明白,好怀念那段青葱岁月...…” 麦哥感慨道。
In 1997, Wusa was reconstructed. Mai Ge says that the reconstruction caused a feeling of loss. “That was the first community base we lost,” he says. Part of the east side of the plaza was destroyed and turned into flat ground, but most of the plaza was kept intact.
后来一直到 2000 年初,五卅广场大多时候是个夜滑场,持续吸引着滑手们。“除了晚上,我们几乎不会在白天去五卅,五卅就是我们夜滑的起点,碰头后一起刷街滑到南京步行街。”2000 年时期居住在上海的滑手 Ansen Wang 回忆道。
People continued to skate Wusa in the early 2000s, but it was more of a night spot at that time. “You could never skate Wusa during the day,” says Ansen Wang, a skateboarder who lived in Shanghai in the early 2000s. “Wusa was the meet up spot at night. From there we would cruise to East Nanjing Road.”
现在的五卅广场 (图片来自网络)
同样是 2000 年时期开始滑板,土生土长的上海 OG 滑手 Boss 谢汶凯也曾提到过五卅是他最早去过的几个滑板地形之一。第一次见到滑板的 Boss 是在八万人体育场。
Boss Xie, another Shanghai skateboarder, grew up in Xuhui and started skating in Shanghai in the early 2000s. Wusa was one of the first spots he went to. He says that he first saw skating at the Bawanren Training Ground (八万人体育场) in Xuhui .
“我第一次去五卅广场是和朋友一起去的,当时在上海其实还有一个滑板的地方是在上海八万人体育场,零灵路这边几号入口我忘了,这也是我第一次接触滑板的地方。我们平时会在八万人体育场滑到四五点钟,之后往五卅广场的方向继续前进”,Boss 说道,“至于为什么那么多滑手喜欢在五卅滑,我觉得首先是因为五卅离地铁出口很近,靠近南京路步行街,人流大,围观群众也很多。当时滑板运动还算很新颖,大部分路人基本都没见过,观众一多就有女孩子看,这会给你很大动力去好好滑。”
“The first time I saw skateboarding was at the stadium. Then, in the afternoon, after [skating the] stadium, people would go skate Wusa at 4 or 5pm,” he says. “The audience [at Wusa] was huge. At the time, skateboarding was a very novel sport, basically nobody had seen it. There were more girls in the audience. You had a lot of motivation to skate.”
90 年代早期的滑手们,照片中大家当时滑的都是 Powell 板 (图片由麦哥提供)
上图,曹桢(上面一行,最右边的滑手)是五卅滑板群体的组织者,“曹桢还组织我们团体观摩了《危险之至》(英文名 Gleaming the Cube),就在五卅马路对面的大光明电影院,我们看完接着滑,这片子我去电影院看了 9 遍。”麦哥提及了当时的故事。
Cao Zhen (曹桢) (top row, furthest right) organized skate sessions at Wusa. He also organized a watching of Gleaming the Cube at Daguangming Cinema (大光明电影院), which was across the street from Wusa. “When we finished watching it, we went straight to skate at Wusa,and I have watched the film 9 times already haha ,” says Mai Ge.
图为 90 年代五卅广场,麦哥正在捡来的铁轨上做 boardslide (图片由麦哥提供)
关于 Shanghai Spots
SH Spots 是 Shanghai Spots的简称,是 Erik Thorbeck 几年前创办的一个网站,目的是绘制上海的滑板地形。他建立并发布了上海地形地图,至今仍在维护它。
联系 SH Spots:https://shanghaispots.com/contact
Erik 是一个曾经住在上海的滑手(去年搬到了香港定居),他在白天的工作中设计办公室,而在空闲时间则攀岩、滑板和痴迷于地形研究。Emmanuel,或者他的朋友们叫他“Manny”,是一个住在上海的滑手。你可以在滨江、七宝、虹桥等地方滑板的时候遇到他。二人一同维护管理着地形收集绘制以及网站内容。
去年,Erik 在网站上增加了一个博客部分,从那时起,他与朋友 Emmanuel (Manny) Lemire,Touie Li 合作,发布了关于上海地形、滑手和与滑板有关的文章。Touie 主要帮忙出点子,搜集资料以及编辑这类的工作,但编辑内容大家都会群策群力。
SH Spots 发表的第一篇文章叫做「哪个台子有更多的pinch:七宝还是滨江」。这篇文章的作者是 Emmanuel Lemire。此后,Erik、Manny 和 Touie 又合作写了几篇文章,Erik 继续在网站的博客部分发表这些文章。 该小队最近创建了一个微信公众号,以更方便地通过中国社交媒体分享文章。
本文是关于上海 OG 滑板地形系列的第一篇文章,由 Erik、Manny 和 Touie 撰写。
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