In the adidas Skateboarding "GET-GO" video, we follow the team on a two-week journey to Macau, Zhuhai, and Guangzhou. We wanted to share the behind for the skate community. Let’s get to meet the new bloods on the block.
在 adidas Skateboarding《GET-GO》这趟为期半个月的旅途中,我们也跟随整个队伍一同前往澳门,珠海和广州,记录了滑手每一天的日常。从队员们对彼此的照顾和看法,到天气骤降,大风中的滑板,以及一些动作的背后故事和第一感受……
In the adidas Skateboarding "GET-GO" video, Song Zihou's opening wallride 5050 was a standout moment. That trick also brought Song on board with adidas team for this trip, let's get back to the spot and check it out how did he land it.
宋子豪曾经凭借超长 wallride 5050 引起更多人的注意,这也为他赢得了本次旅行的机票。在影片中的开场动作想必大家都记忆深刻,现在我们回到当时,看看他是如何拿下这个地形的?他的队友 G 又如何评价?
Xiao Min and Cheng Cheng are also joining the tour for the first time, on the recommendation of Xi Gua. They quickly made a name for themselves with their impressive skills and fearless attitude. The video not only focuses on their tricks, but also show the positive and supportive team atmosphere behind the scenes.
小敏和程程在西瓜的推荐下,也是首次加入 adidas 的旅途。不过她俩很快就让这群男滑手为之雀跃——她们要玩的东西都不是那么简单的。这次短片不仅聚焦在小敏拿下斜杆的动作背后,更借助她,展现了 adidas 队伍背后的团队气氛。
Jayden Zhang is only 9 years old, but he has a maturity that you wouldn't expect from a child his age. Johnny Tang here not only tells about the first time he met him, but also tells about his energetic and fearless state during the trip, as well as his playful moments.
张显达有着不符合 9 岁孩子应该有的成熟——滑板上和滑板下都是。Johnny Tang 在这里不但讲述第一次遇见他的情形,也讲述了他在旅途中的精力旺盛,不怕痛的状态,以及调皮时刻。
Don't let Xiao Gui's height of nearly 2 meters scare you off - he's another lively kid on the team. This time, we'll not only get to know his personal story, but we'll also get a deeper look at the bad weather and the good times everyone had on the trip. And of course, there are countless exciting moments, like when DGK lands a trick.
不要被小鬼快 2 米的身高吓到,他绝对是队伍里又一位活泼的孩子。这一次我们不仅能看到他的个人故事,还能深入了解旅途中大家遇到的恶劣天气,和融洽的气氛——还有无数了类似 DGK 那样拿下动作时,令人兴奋的时刻。
Laoshu has been skating since he was a child, and he was often "bullied" by professional skateboarders. This experience helped him develop amazing switch tricks. In this short film, he tells his own story and gives us a different perspective on Johnny Tang.
从小被职业滑手“欺负”的老鼠,练就了令人惊讶的反脚动作。这部短片中,他不仅讲述了自己的故事,也从另一个视角带我们了解了 Johnny Tang。
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