The hottest topic lately has undoubtedly been TikTok's bumpy ride in the US. While Douyin's popularity in China is undisputed, TikTok has also emerged as the fastest-growing social media platform in the US, particularly among the younger generation. Naturally, this has piqued my curiosity: what's TikTok's place in the skateboarding world, and how does it compare to the traditional social media platform Instagram?
这一段时间以来最热门的话题应该就是 TikTok 在美国遭遇的波折,抖音在国内的普及度自不必说,TikTok 在美国也是增长最快的社交媒体平台,尤其受到年轻一代的喜爱,这自然勾起了我的好奇心,TikTok 在滑板圈是怎样的存在呢?和传统的社交媒体平台 Instagram 相比又如何呢?
Let's start with The Berrics, as TikTok actually sponsored The Berrics to produce a 6-episode series called "Push to Gold" about the US skateboarding national team during the 2021 Olympics. This was a clear indication of TikTok's Chinese roots, focus on Olympic and gold medals, like the stories of the national team.
先从 The Berrics 开始,因为 TikTok 早在 2021 年奥运期间就曾经赞助过 The Berrics 拍摄了一个关于美国滑板国家队的 6 集系列片 - 《滑向金牌》。这绝对是正宗中国血统无疑了,锁定奥运与金牌,讲好国家队故事。

The Berrics has 550,000 follower on TikTok, while on Instagram, their follower reaches 3 million.
The Berrics 在 TikTok 上55万粉丝,Instagram 上300万。

The viewership for The Berrics' videos on these two platforms exhibits a remarkable difference.
The Berrics 视频在两个平台上的播放量也是差了几个数量级。

Let's look at Thrasher, 150k follower on TikTok and 6.6m on instagram.
然后对比一下 Thrasher,TikTok 上有15万粉丝,Instagram 上660万。

For professional media, Instagram is still the go-to platform. Now, let's explore accounts that target a broader audience.
专业媒体看来还是 Instagram 的天下,再看看偏大众一些的账号。

Red Bull is a master of creating viral videos, and it's not surprising that Red Bull Skateboarding has its own TikTok account. Even though their TikTok following isn't as large as their Instagram one, it's evident that they value this platform.
红牛的视频一向非常出圈,令人惊讶的是 RedBull Skateboarding 在 TikTok 上有专门的账号,虽然粉丝与 Instagram 还是差距很大但是也足见非常重视 TikTok 这个平台。
On TikTok, many professional brands adopt a unified approach, utilizing a single account instead of creating niche-specific accounts. Vans, for example, operates multiple accounts on Instagram, such as @Vans, @VansSkate, @VansSnow, and @VansSurf. They even have a dedicated account for skateboarding in the Asia-Pacific region, @VansSkateAPAC. However, on TikTok, they stick to a single account, @Vans.
很多专业向的品牌在 TikTok 上一般只有一个统一的大账号,并没有细分账号。比如 Vans 在 Instagram 上有 @Vans, @VansSkate, @VansSnow, @VansSurf 等一票账号,甚至亚太地区的滑板还有独立账号 @VansSkateAPAC, 但在 TikTok 上就只有一个 @Vans。

Vans has 880k follower on TikTok and 16.5m on Instagram!
Vans 在 TikTok 上88万粉丝,Instagram 上粉丝多大1650万!

Even VansSkate has 3.7m followers on instagram.
VansSkate 在 Instagram 上都有370万粉丝,Vans亚太地区滑板账号的粉丝有8600.

Moving on from media and brands, let's examine individuals. Tony Hawk is undoubtedly one of the most recognizable skater. His follower counts on the two platforms are 2.9 million and 8.8 million, respectively.
看完了媒体与品牌,再来看看个人,Tony Hawk 无疑是滑板人物中最出圈的一位了,他在两个平台的粉丝数分别是 290万与880万.

It's noteworthy that Tony Hawk's videos perform remarkably better on TikTok than on Instagram. This observation aligns with TikTok's broader audience base, positioning it as a platform for general entertainment rather than a niche skateboarding community, much like its Chinese counterpart, Douyin.
但他的视频在 TikTok 上播放明显比 Instagram 要高,看来 TikTok 更偏大众向一些,更像是非滑板人群茶余饭后的消遣平台,这很像他的亲哥抖音。
"TikTok is undoubtedly the place to find a broader spectrum of skateboarding videos, featuring newcomers, girls, and casual skaters. It's a platform that prioritizes ease of access and entertainment, whereas Instagram caters more to the established skateboarding community and those seeking a more curated and visually appealing experience.
事实上也是如此,TikTok 上你可以看到更多新手,女孩,大众的,便入门,便娱乐的滑板短片,而 Instagram 则是 “酷小孩” 的天地。

Speaking of 'cool kids,' I tried searching for some trendy brands, and Dime was the only one I could find with a TikTok account (it's unverified, so I'm not sure if it's official). With a mere 3,500 followers, it's no match for their Instagram presence, but at least they have an account. Other brands like Supreme, Palace, Violet, and Limozine are nowhere to be found on TikTok, and that's not even mentioning the countless non-big-name skaters, industry people, and skateshops...
说到“酷小孩”,我尝试搜索一些时下比较酷的品牌,Dime 是唯一找到的一个在 TikTok 开设账号的品牌(账号没有认证,其实也不太确定是否是真的官方账号),虽然区区3500粉丝无法与其 Instagram 账号相比,但好歹有账号。其他品牌比如 Supreme, Palace, violet, limosine... 在 TikTok 上都是找不到账号的,更别说众多的非大牌滑手,滑板行业从业人员,滑板店铺......
In the skateboarding realm, Instagram holds an unshakeable position. It's the go-to hub for the latest industry news, the most comprehensive network of industry professionals, and the widest reach among the core skateboarding community. However, TikTok has emerged as a platform for newcomers to showcase their skills and personalities. On Instagram, you might feel self-conscious about your skills or style, hesitating to share content. But on TikTok, that pressure simply doesn't exist.
总体看下来 Instagram 在滑板圈还是有其无法撼动的地位,最新的行业资讯,最全的行业人员关系网,最大的核心人群覆盖面。但是 TikTok 给众多小白提供了一个展示自己的舞台,在 Instagram 上可能你觉得自己技术还不够好,打扮还不够酷,羞于发内容,但是 TikTok 上完全没有这个心理负担,放眼望去都是纵情自我,图个乐。没准儿今天 TikTok 上的小白就是明天 Instagram 上的大神了呢。
So, what do you think about the TikTok Ban as a skater?
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