Monster Pro Team Shanghai Demo

After a week of intense filming in the streets of Shanghai, the Monster Pro Team gave back to the local skate community before they left. On Friday afternoon, they held a signing session at the FLY skateshop on Changle Road, followed by a demo at the Avenue&Son MOHO store. Shanghai locals and skaters who were still in town got another chance to witness some world-class skateboarding up close.
在上海街头密集拍摄一周之后,临行前 Monster Pro Team 回馈本地滑板社群,周五下午分别在长乐路 FLY 滑板店签名及大道之子 MOHO 店外广场表演。上海本地滑手们以及仍然留在上海的滑手们再一次近距离感受到一波全球顶级的滑板洗礼。

The biggest highlight of the event was Monster officially signing Pan Jiajie, the first Chinese skater to join the Monster team. On the day of the signing, there were huge PJ posters inside and outside the shop. Congrats to PJ on landing another major international sponsor!
本次活动最大的亮点就是 Monster 正式签约潘家杰,这也是 Monster team 首位中国滑手。签名当天店内店外都有巨幅 PJ 海报,又添一个国际大牌赞助,恭喜潘家杰!


The signing session kicked off at 2 pm, and the line stretched down the sidewalk outside the shop. It wasn't just local skaters, but out-of-towners and curious passersby too, all asking who was signing and joining the queue. You didn't want to miss this!

I had a quick chat with Joey, the Monster Energy skate team US TM, and he said they've had a super productive week, everyone stacking clips and getting blown away by Shanghai's spots. This footage won't be edited into a tour video, but will be used in the skaters' individual video parts, rolling out in batches. Some stuff will drop in June/July, with more coming in September. Keep an eye on our channels for updates!
期间和 Monster energy skate team US TM Joey 聊了几句,在过去的一周内他们收获颇丰,大家都收了不少动作,也惊叹于上海丰富的地形。这些素材不会剪辑 tour video 发布,而是会并入滑手们各自的 video part 分批发布,6/7月份会发一些,9月还有一些。请密切关注我们账号。

Joey Shigeo Muellner, the Monster US Team Manager, was actually in Shenzhen back in 2007 with the Zero team as their photographer.
Joey Shigeo Muellner, Monster 美国 Team Manager,2007 年他曾以摄影师身份随 Zero team 来深圳拍摄

Brazilian filmer Daniel, who accompanied the team on this trip, also highly praised the Shanghai spots. He said his "big brother" Rodrigo Peterson (now Zoe Zeng's coach) has invited them to film in China many times, and they will definitely come back to film more when they have the chance.
这次随队的巴西摄像师 Daniel 也是对中国的 spot 大加赞赏,他说他的“好大哥” Rodrigo Peterson(现在曾文慧的教练)也多次召唤他们来中国拍摄,之后有机会一定再来多拍一些。


The signing session is done, and the show starts at 4 PM. Avenue&Son MOHO store has decked out their store just for this event.
签名过后的表演在下午4点,大道之子 MOHO 店为本次活动也专门做了布置。

Since the new skatepark of Avenue&Son (check out the latest episode of KickerRadio Podcast for details) is still under construction, the event is being held in the open plaza outside the store. It's super spacious.
因为大道的新板场(详情移步最新一期 KickerRadio 滑板广播)还在施工,所以活动放在店外广场,非常开阔。

Before the demo, we're having a cash jam. It's the simplest, most straightforward contest format there is. Just go for the cash!

Wu Xiaobin from Foshan 佛山滑手 吴晓斌

kickflip仔 from Shenzhen

Rayssa Leal, bs smith
Fresh off the Olympic qualifier Seris Shanghai stop, and then straight into a week of intense street skating filming—Rayssa Leal is seriously impressing everyone. With another qualifier coming up, and then the Paris Olympics, where she's got a real shot at gold, most "athlet skaters" would be playing it safe to avoid any injuries outside of training. But Rayssa is walking the walk and getting "Back to the Streets."
刚刚结束了奥运会资格赛的比赛,紧接着又是一周的高强度街头滑板拍摄,让人对巴西小仙女 Rayssa Leal 刮目相看。因为接下来还有一站资格赛,还有巴黎的奥运会,尤其她还有很大机会挣取金牌,大部分比赛型滑手在这种情况下会尽量避免训练之外的意外受伤。Rayssa 身体力行了“回到街头”。

Charlie Munro, fs kickflip

Giovanni Vianna

Jhancarlos Gonzalez, Melon Grab

潘家杰 tri flip

Giovanni Vianna, kickflip fs lipslide

Also spotted Taylor Kirby - the Deathwish's Pro Skater. This time, he's not in Shanghai as a pro skater, but as Thrasher's short video filmer.
现场还看到了 Deathwish 的 Pro Skater - Taylor Kirby,他这次随队来上海不是职业滑手身份,而是作为 Thrasher 的手机短视频摄像师。谁说只有中国卷,美国职业滑手也是够卷......

Big thanks again to Monster for throwing us such an awesome skate party! Speaking of which, it's almost June again... doesn't that mean Go Skateboarding Day is just around the corner? Always pushing...
再次感谢 Monster 为我们带来这样一场精彩的滑板大聚会,话说转眼6月,这滑板日不是又要来了么?Always Pushing......

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