2024 Go Skateboarding Day in China

Whether you're stoked, over it, or just don't care, it's Go Skateboarding Day again. Where'd you shred this year?

Fifteen years ago, Vans first backed Go Skateboarding Day in China, with just two cities: Beijing (Wangfujing Church) and Shanghai (SMP Skatepark). Back then, not many brands were supporting skate culture in China, so local shops and skaters were starving for it. Vans stepped up, and everyone answered the call. It just snowballed from there. As China's economy boomed, so did Go Skateboarding Day. It went from a few cities to dozens, breaking records every year. Even though China's skate scene and market aren't as big as the US, our Go Skateboarding Day events are the biggest in the world, no doubt.

In 2021, Vision Street Wear took the torch from Vans and started supporting Go Skateboarding Day nationwide. Same formula, same format, and this year they went all out with 48 cities, 60+ skate shops, and even a whole cruise ship in Chongqing!

But with the economy taking a nosedive lately, brands and shops aren't growing like they used to. It's tough out there, and marketing budgets are getting slashed. For skaters, it's the same old song and dance every year: best trick contests, group photos, more style than substance. Most skaters just show up for the free stuff and food. What's the point of Go Skateboarding Day anymore?

It's time for a change in China. Let's get back to the roots of Go Skateboarding Day, where skaters are the stars. It's a day to celebrate our culture, not to be actors in a brand's commercial. How are you gonna spend Go Skateboarding Day next year?

15年以前,Vans 第一次在中国支持世界滑板日活动,只有北京(王府井教堂)和上海(SMP滑板场)两个城市。十几年在中国支持滑板文化的商业品牌屈指可数,各地的滑板店和滑手们如饥似渴,Vans 站出来撑起了大旗,一呼百应,随后一发而不可收拾,随着中国经济驶入快车道,Vans 滑板日活动规模页逐年扩大,从十几个城市到几十个城市,每年都是打破上一年的纪录。中国的滑板水平和市场规模虽然远不及美国,但是滑板日活动的规模绝对冠绝全球,无出其右。
2021年,Vision Street Wear 从 Vans 手里接过了接力棒,开始在全国大规模支持世界滑板日活动,同样的配方同样的形式,直到今年,48个城市,60多家滑板店,他们甚至在重庆包下了一艘游轮。

GSD poster by China local artist Candy

Vans GSD Zhengzhou event, we met skater Fu Erheng 🫡 mad respect!

Vision Street Wear high ollie contest nationwide during GSD.

Vision rent a cruiser ship in Chongqing for skaters hangout after GSD skate event.

GSD event in Changsha, a typical shopping mall event in every main cities in China during GSD.

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