June 21st - Vans GSD China

Hey guys, Vans is stoked to announce that the highly anticipated VANS Go Skateboarding Day (GSD) is coming to Zhengzhou, China! As part of the global celebration of skate culture, this Zhengzhou stop promises an unforgettable experience for all you skate enthusiasts out there.

The action will be going down at CHELIN Skate Club, where you'll witness the local skaters shredding and showcasing their mind-blowing skills and creativity. Get ready for a high-energy vibe, a full-on celebration of creativity and self-expression!
原创运动鞋服品牌 Vans 自豪地宣布,备受期待的 VANS 世界滑板日(GSD)中国站活动即将在郑州举行。作为滑板文化全球庆祝活动的一部分,郑州站承诺为滑板狂热的爱好者们带来难忘的体验。
活动将在 CHELIN 滑板俱乐部展开,展示本地滑手惊人的动作和创新技巧。充满活力的氛围,打造一场全方位的创意和自我表达的庆祝活动。

Get ready to witness Vans' pro skaters Xiao Ji, HI Zi, and Shu Tiao unleash their mind-blowing moves and signature styles at the exhilarating skate competition. With the sick setup at the skatepark, we're expecting these guys to defy gravity and push their limits on Go Skateboarding Day. It's gonna be epic!
届时在激动人心的滑板比赛现场,VANS 职业滑手小鸡、HI仔、 薯条也将一展其令人惊喜的动作和风格。借助场地道具,也期待滑手们突破重力,在滑板日当天,挑战自我极限。

But that's not all! We're also hosting a meet-and-greet with the Vans pro skaters, where you can get autographs and chat with your favorite riders. It's all about fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for skateboarding as a positive and inclusive lifestyle.
除了令人兴奋的现场活动,还将举办关于 VANS 职业滑手与粉丝互动的签名会,旨在培养对滑板运动这种积极和包容的生活方式更加深入的理解和欣赏。

Vans has always been all about pushing skate culture, and their 16 years of support for Go Skateboarding Day has become legendary, bringing together skate enthusiasts from all corners of China. This year's Zhengzhou stop is all about solidifying its status as a beacon of skate culture in China.

But it's not just Zhengzhou! Vans is also hyping up Go Skateboarding Day worldwide. This year, they're heading back to Paris, France, where they'll be hosting a skate day and AVE 2.0 shoe testing event. It's gonna be a global skate party!

VANS 一直致力于对于滑板文化的推动,长达 16 年的支持已经成为一个传奇事件,也令来自全国各地的滑板爱好者齐聚一堂。今年的郑州站旨在进一步巩固其作为中国滑板文化灯塔的地位。
除了在中国郑州,Vans 也将在世界范围内支持并掀起滑板日的浪潮。今年,他们再次回到法国巴黎,并在那里举办滑板日&AVE 2.0 鞋测活动。

Vans team in Paris

Vans AVE2.0 event in Paris

Vans 上周末也和 AHKSA,8FIVE2 共同举办了滑板日活动:

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