2024-08-27 15:43 / / GLOBAL VIDEOVIDEO

KickerTheater 2024-08-24

No rules, that's just T4. With his killer opening and closing parts, GX1000 leaves their mark all over the streets of Tokyo and Yoko.

毫无规则可言,这就是 T4。在他猛烈的开场和压轴中,GX1000 将自己的痕迹深深刻在东京和横须街头。

From London to LA, Daniel Wheatley just dropped a new banger for Blanket. Mingus Gamble & Matlok Bennett Jones, plus Josh Pall, Avi Malina, Cam Sedlick, Charlie Birch, Ron Parker, Judah Bubes, Billy Trick and Shane "Shane Wreck" Farber all bring the absolute heat - this one's a non-stop ripper from start to finish.

从伦敦到洛杉矶,Daniel Wheatley 为 Blanket 拍摄了最新影片。Mingus Gamble & Matlok Bennett Jones,以及 Josh Pall,Avi Malina,Cam Sedlick,Charlie Birch,Ron Parker,Judah Bubes,Billy Trick 和 Shane "Shane Wreck" Farber 都贡献了绝对出色的火力——一部从头到尾都不无聊的影片。

Check out Heitor da Silva, Dennis Busenitz, Mark Suciu and a bunch of other adidas rippers shredding spots in Madrid, Malmö, Stuttgart and Paris in this black and white masterpiece.
This is 'BUILD', adidas Skateboarding's latest project in Europe, where they're leaving behind some 3D-printed skate obstacles to support the local scenes.

跟随黑白画面观赏 Heitor da Silva,Dennis Busenitz,Mark Suciu 等一众 adidas 明星滑手,在马德里、马尔默、斯图加特和巴黎的风格秀。
这部《BUILD》是 adidas 滑板在欧洲的最新项目,他们将一些 3D 打印道具留在当地,旨在为那些滑板社群提供支持。

Pop Trading Company from the Netherlands has been killing it with their sick skate crew, consistently dope videos and style, and fresh apparel designs & cuts. They're a true source of pride for Dutch skateboarding – and they're making waves worldwide. After 11 years in the game, they've finally dropped their first full-length video, 'Pop'!!

荷兰的 Pop Trading Company 以其出色的滑板实力,持续高质量的影片和风格,精美服饰设计&剪裁,令自己成为本国滑板的骄傲——并在世界各地引起共鸣。在成立 11 年后,这支队伍终于呈现了首部全长影片《Pop》!!

Believe it or not, this is already Nike SB's 11th full-length skate video! It took 10 months to make and features over 40 skaters. Whether you're into Nike or not, you gotta admit, SB is putting in the work.

你可能不信,这已经是 NikeSB 推出的第11部全长滑板影片了!花了10个月的时间,超过40名滑手参与,无论你喜不喜欢 Nike, SB真的非常用心和努力。

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