With Toa Sasaki's mind-blowing bs crooked nollie flip out over the 90cm rail to seal the deal at the jam session, our Japan tour for the premiere of Vans' "WABI-SABI" skate video has officially wrapped up.

And during these past few days, we got up close and personal with the young guns on the Vans Japan team. If you're not already familiar with them, it's time to add these names to your radar.

随着 Toa Sasaki 在 90 cm 杆子上用 bs crooked nollie flip out 绝杀果酱赛后,我们在日本的 Vans《WABI-SABI》滑板影片首映活动之旅,也告一段落。

而在这几天的活动中,我们也直面了 Vans 日本队伍中的年轻面孔。如果你还不熟悉他们,下面是时候把他们加入你的关注名单中了。

Toa Sasaki, a core member of the young Vans Japan crew, is only 17 years old but already boasts sponsorships from Monster, Bones, Grizzly, and Spitfire.

Last year, at the Olympic qualifying event in France, he snagged second place in Street - right behind Nyjah. And just a few days later, Nyjah announced that he was bringing this kid onto his own brand, Disorder. The future's looking bright for this one, for sure.

On top of that, he also took home second place at this year's PHXAM AM and last year's TAMPA AM.

Toa Sasaki 作为 Vans 日本年轻一代的中坚力量,今年只有17 岁,但已经拥有 Monster,Bones,Grizzly 和 Spitfire 赞助。

在去年的奥运积分赛法国站比赛中,他也获得街式第二——仅次于 Nyjah。而几天后, Nyjah 便宣布将这位小孩纳入自己的品牌 Disorder 旗下。绝对是未来可期了。

此外,在今年的 PHXAM AM 和去年的 TAMPA AM 比赛中,他也均拿下第二名。

Before the "WABI-SABI" events kicked off, we also got to skate with the Japan team for a couple of days. Besides witnessing Toa's insane skills firsthand, we also met another skater who recently joined Vans Japan - Raimu Sasaki. Yep, he's Toa's older brother.

在《WABI-SABI》活动之前,我们也和日本队伍一起滑了两天板,除了见识到 Toa 的惊人实力外,也见到了刚刚加入 Vans 日本的另一位滑手——Raimu Sasaki。没错,他是 Toa 的哥哥。

Some of you might remember his mind-blowing switch 270 front blunt fakie from last year's THRASHER's "BUST OR BAIL: RIPPER AT CLIPPER 2".

Besides being Toa's brother, here's a little fun fact about him - he's also dating Hina from the Vans Japan team. Looks like joining the Vans family was definitely meant to be.

或许还有人记得他去年在 THRASHER 举办的《BUST OR BAIL: RIPPER AT CLIPPER 2》中惊人的 switch 270 front blunt fakie。

除了他是 Toa 的哥哥,关于他的一个小八卦是——他也是 Vans 日本队伍里 Hina 的男朋友。看起来加入 Vans 大家庭绝对是水到渠成。

Another one to watch is Junnosuke Hasegawa, the skater featured on the "WABI-SABI" poster. He's also sponsored by local brand Lesque and is part of the Stump Boys skate crew.

In the video, Junnosuke comes in last but definitely brings the heavy artillery. While filming that fs lip, he actually fractured his left ankle on the first attempt and had to recover for about half a year. But in the final month of filming, he made a comeback and nailed the trick.

He also mentioned that if it were any other video, he might've been too scared to go back and try it again. But because it was a Vans project, he wanted to give it another shot.

另一位则是出现在《WABI-SABI》海报上的滑手 Junnosuke Hasegawa。他同时也是本土品牌 Lesque 的赞助和滑板团体 Stump Boys 的一员。

在影片中,Junnosuke 最后出场,贡献了重量级火力。而他在拍摄这个 fs lip 的时候,第一次不慎左脚脚踝骨折,因此康复了半年左右。但在整个拍摄的最后一个月,他终于归来并拿下了这个动作。

他也说到,如果是其他视频的话,可能会因为害怕而不太愿意再次回去,但是因为是 VANS 的作品,所以想再次挑战了。

During our few days there, we also got to meet 14-year-old Kento Namekawa, as well as Yushin Hashimoto, and others. Yushin, unfortunately, broke his upper arm during our first encounter while attempting a massive 5-0 grind.

在几天的行程中,我们也见到了14 岁的 Kento Namekawa,以及 Yushin Hashimoto 等人。后者因为挑战巨大的 5-0 动作,在初次见面时就摔断了自己的大臂。

Kento Namekawa

Here's a quick recap video of us skating with the crew before the events

While "WABI-SABI" usually gives off a mellow vibe, the atmosphere at the Japanese skate events was anything but chill. Those skaters were absolutely hyped!


Even before the setup was fully done, the Vans skaters were already itching to get on their boards. And even as the event was wrapping up, Daiki and Rubi were still filming each other.

After they finally called it a day, the workers came swarming in with drills, cheering and celebrating as they tore down the last remaining vert wall obstacle.

甚至在一开始,场地还未搭建好时,Vans 滑手们就已经迫不及待在滑板了。直到活动撤场时,Daiki 还在和 Rubi 互相拍摄。


At the event, Vans not only built a sumo-inspired obstacle but also featured a truck obstacle. Tsubasa Nomura told us it was his idea, inspired by the truck in Street Fighter.

在活动现场,Vans 除了搭建了以相扑场地为灵感的道具外,还呈现了一个卡车道具。Tsubasa Nomura 告诉我们这是他的想法,灵感来自《街头霸王》里的卡车。

Toa,Aoto Yoroi,Tsubasa 和 Daiki

You might've already caught some of these skaters in action in "LAVA" and "Coast2Coast", but in Vans Japan's latest masterpiece, "WABI-SABI", they're bound to keep surprising you. So stay tuned for the online release!

或许你们已经在此前的《LAVA》和《Coast2Coast》中认识过部分滑手,但在本次 Vans 日本的最新力作《WABI-SABI》中,相信他们还会持续带给你惊喜。那么就敬请期待之后的线上发布吧。

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