adidas Skateboarding is bring back their legacy "THREE STRIPE SKATE HYPE" event in Shanghai this week (September 27th - 29th)! Team rider Kotora Mitani, Heitor Da Silva, Gui Silva, Lil Dre, Kai Kishi, Diego Najera, Jenn Soto, and more are arriving today! (sad that Tyshawn can't make it this time)
On top of the adidas China team, they've also invited some awesome local crews to join the fun. We're talking Shanghai's Avenue & Son and NO POP, Beijing's LOVESPOT, Chengdu's GREENERGY, Zhengzhou's CHE LIN, Hong Kong's Psyroot... the list goes on!
So, where can you catch all these skaters over the next few days? And where's the action happening for this multi-day event? Check out the schedule below and get ready to shred!
adidas Skateboarding 携手全球顶尖滑手开启中国“THREE STRIPE SKATE HYPE”活动,这场滑板文化盛宴将从 9 月 27 日持续至 9 月 29 日。而今天,滑手 Kotora Mitani,Heitor Da Silva,Gui Silva,Lil Dre, Kai Kishi,Diego Najera,Jenn Soto 等也在陆续抵达上海。
同时,除了 adidas Skateboarding 中国队伍的滑手们,本次还特别邀请了包括上海大道之子,上海 NO POP,北京 LOVESPOT,成都 GREENERGY,郑州 CHE LIN,香港 Psyroot 等多个滑板 crew 加入!
/// 9 月 27 日///
First stop (4:00 PM): The global skate team will be hitting up FlyStreetwear skate shop for an autograph session and a chance to hang out with the skaters!
首站(16:00),全球滑手团队将抵达 FlyStreetwear 滑板店,举行签名活动并与滑手们进行近距离互动!
add: Fly Streetwear, No.704, Changle RD, Shanghai
In the evening (6:00 PM), the skaters will head over to Avenue & Son skate shop for a skate party. Besides the awesome party vibes and cultural celebration, there'll be fun activities happening at Avenue's skatepark too.
晚间(18:00),滑手们将前往大道之子 Avenue & Son 滑板店参加滑板主题派对。除了好玩的派对和文化盛宴,在大道的滑板场内,也将有好玩的活动举办,别错过 adidas 队伍高超的技巧展示!
add: Avenue&Son, Moho Mall, No. 699, Jiangning RD, Jingan District, Shanghai

/// 9 月 28 日///
The skate team will be putting on a skate demo at Xuhui Riverside Skatepark (2:00 PM). adidas has given the park a special makeover for this event, incorporating classic skate obstacles and elements that the international skaters have tackled before. The day's activities will include a skate team jam session and a cash jam—with plenty of participation from local skate communities.
You can also catch the livestream on Douyin @adidas运动鞋服旗舰店抖音官方直播间 to share in the stoke of skateboarding!
add: Ruining Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai.
滑手团队将在徐汇滨江滑板公园(14:00)举行滑板表演。adidas 本次特别再度设计了滑板公园,融合国外滑手挑战过的经典滑板地形及元素,当天的活动将包括滑板团队果酱赛和现金果酱赛——同时会有多支当地滑板社区的广泛参与。
大家也可以通过抖音 @adidas运动鞋服旗舰店抖音官方直播间观看现场直播,共享滑板精神的魅力。

/// 9 月 29 日///
On the final day, there's gonna be a skate video screening at CAGES Sports Bar (9:00 PM). The skaters will be watching some international skate videos with everyone, and there'll also be a Q&A quiz and mini-games for fans to interact and get to know them better.
最后一天,在上海静安 CAGES 体育酒吧将举行系列滑板电影放映会活动(21:00)。滑手们不仅会一起观看国外滑手的滑板视频,当晚还有问答小比赛和迷你游戏,让粉丝们进行更深入的互动和交流。
add: Jingan Sports Center, 2nd floor, No. 428 Jiangning RD, Shanghai

From September 27th to 29th, 12 local skate crews will be battling it out in the ADI-MISSION skate culture challenge. Each crew will tackle different skate and non-skate missions, like completing skate tricks from a checklist or getting special guests involved, to rack up points.
We'll be following the crews' challenges with live updates on WeChat video channel KCSKATE, so don't miss it!
Each crew will document their challenge in a video, and after 3 days of competition, we'll see who comes out on top. On screening day, we'll all get to watch everyone's videos together! Are you ready?!
9 月 27 - 29 日,共有 12 支国内滑板队伍将获邀参加 ADI-MISSION 滑板文化任务比赛。每支队伍将挑战不同的滑板及非滑板任务,如完成任务清单中的滑板动作,邀请特别嘉宾参与行动等来获取积分。
届时,我们也将在视频号 KCSKATE 进行队伍挑战的跟踪式直播,不要错过!
最终,每个队伍要以视频记录挑战过程,在 3 天比赛后决出胜负,在放映日当天,我们也会一起回顾所有人的影片!都准备好了吗?!

“THREE STRIPE SKATE HYPE" used to be one of adidas Skateboarding's biggest annual events, celebrating skate culture. They held it for four years straight from 2007 to 2010. And now, they're bringing this awesome gathering of skateboarding, art, and community back to Shanghai, China!
“THREE STRIPE SKATE HYPE”曾经是阿迪达斯滑板部门(adidas Skateboarding)年度重磅滑板文化活动之一,曾于 2007 - 2010 连续四年举办。今年,他们则将这一聚集滑板、艺术和社区文化的活动重新带回到中国上海!

adidas Skateboarding 此次活动不仅将为粉丝与观众们带来一场滑板盛宴,更将中国本土的滑板文化展现给全世界,通过全球滑手团队与中国滑板社区的互动交流,展现多样性与创新力,激发新的滑板潮流。滑手们的精彩表现和活动现场的热烈氛围,必将为未来发展注入更多活力与灵感。
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