There's this new movie out (it's rated R, by the way) that's making waves! It just won the Audience Award at Sundance, and even scored the Dolby Institute Fellowship!
又一部和滑板有关系的电影(R级片)今年在美国上映,目前斩获 2024 年第 40 届圣丹斯电影节观众选择奖,并获得了杜比学院奖学金。
If you've seen "mid90s" and "Skate Kitchen," you know those movies are all about those teenage skate vibes in the US. But Bing Liu's "Minding the Gap" takes a different approach. It's a documentary that gets real about the struggles of some skaters from different walks of life.
曾经看过《 mid 90s》和《滑板厨房》电影的滑手应该都知道,这两部电影讲述了美国少年少女的青春滑板故事;而华裔导演刘冰的《滑板少年Minding the Gap》则是以纪录片的形式,讲述了几位代表不同群体滑手的生活之痛。

And "Dìdi" tackles similar themes, but this time it's about a Taiwanese-American kid named Chris Wang and his family dealing with culture clashes and growing up in Northern California. Think stuff like figuring out how to kiss, fighting with your sister, dealing with an absent father, a mom who sacrifices everything for her family, learning to skate and film… you know, real-life stuff.
而《弟弟》也选择讨论了类似的问题,只不过这次他们讲述的是台裔小子 Chris Wang 和其家庭在北加州所面对的文化冲击和青春问题。比如如何接吻,和姐姐吵架,父亲的缺失,为家庭牺牲自我的母亲,如何开始滑板并拍摄……

This film is the debut of Taiwanese-American director Sean Wang, and it's kind of like his semi-autobiographical story. So the skating in the movie is totally authentic, not just thrown in there for no reason. Even now, he's still got it on a skateboard!
And playing another key role in the film, Chris's mom, Chungsing, is played by the amazing Joan Chen. Her performance in the movie has blown everyone away – critics are even saying she could get nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress!
作为影片中另一个重要角色,Chris 的母亲 Chungsing 则由知名演员陈冲饰演。而她在片中的细腻演技也是令无数媒体称赞,甚至有望冲击奥斯卡最佳女配角提名。

And get this, during the film's preview tour, Spike Jonze himself showed up to a screening to support the project! We're talking about the legendary skater and Oscar-winning director of films like "Being John Malkovich" and "Her"! That's not something just anyone gets.
而此前电影在巡回点映期间,著名 GRIL 滑板&奥斯卡导演 Spike Jonze 还前去为其助阵。这可不是谁都能有的待遇。

And check out one of the movie posters – the main character is rocking GIRL tee, and the whole vibe of the photo has that classic FA signature deck aesthetic. And in the trailer, you see Baker and Emerica apparel everywhere!
而影片的其中一张宣传海报,主演不仅穿着 GIRL,肖像照也颇有 FA 签名款板面的气质。在预告片中,诸如 Baker,Emerica 的服饰也是随处可见。

Okay, so the movie isn't just about skating. It's about finding your identity, dealing with culture shock and language barriers, all that teenage angst, and family drama... But honestly, what skater hasn't dealt with some of that stuff at some point?
This movie, "Dìdi," is real and honest, and it deserves to be seen by more people. Hopefully it hits theaters in China soon!

Sean Wang is an Oscar-nominated Taiwanese-American filmmaker based in LA. He studied at USC's film school, participated in a bunch of Sundance Institute's directing and screenwriting programs, and was even part of Google's Creative Lab 5.

His latest short film, "Nǎi Nai & Wài Pó" ("Grandma & Grandma"), premiered at SXSW in 2023 and totally killed it! It won both the Grand Jury Prize and the Audience Award for documentary shorts. Then it went on to win jury awards at AFI Fest and SIFF, and get this – it was even nominated for an Oscar in 2024! You can check it out on Disney+ and Hulu right now.
His first feature film, "Dìdi" ("Little Brother"), premiered at Sundance this year in the U.S. Dramatic Competition and snagged the Audience Award and a Special Jury Prize for Best Ensemble Cast. Focus Features picked it up for worldwide distribution, and it's been getting rave reviews. The New York Times even named it a Critics' Pick, and at one point, it was the fourth highest-grossing film in limited release!"
Here's a slightly more concise version:
"His short film "Nǎi Nai & Wài Pó" premiered at SXSW in 2023, won a bunch of awards, including at SXSW, and was even nominated for an Oscar! You can see it on Disney+ and Hulu. His first feature, "Dìdi," also premiered at Sundance and won a bunch of awards. It got amazing reviews – even the New York Times loved it! It was a huge hit in limited release too.
他的最新短片《奶奶和外婆》(Nǎi Nai & Wài Pó)在 2023 年 SXSW 西南偏南电影节上首映,荣获纪录片短片大评审团奖和观众奖。
之后该片又在美国美国电影艺术学院电影节(AFI Fest)和西雅图国际电影节(SIFF)上获得评审团大奖,并获得 2024 年奥斯卡最佳纪录短片奖(Academy Award®)提名。该片目前正在迪斯尼+ 和 Hulu 上播放。
这部处女作《弟弟》(Dìdi)则在 2024 年圣丹斯电影节美国戏剧竞赛单元首映,获得美国戏剧观众奖和最佳演员阵容评审团特别奖,并被 Focus Features 公司收购进行全球发行。该片自上映来广受好评,并被《纽约时报》评为 “影评人之选”,一度在美国有限影院排名第四。
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