Fresh Tracks - Luo Yang

"19-year-old Luoyang is from Chengdu and started skating 7 years ago. Four years ago, he got on Vans and MAVEN, and he's also flowed by POGO skateshop and local brand FCplaya in Chengdu. "Fresh Tracks" is his first video part, and it marks his pro debut for MAVEN.

19 岁的罗杨来自成都,7 年前开始滑板,4 年前加入了 Vans 和 MAVEN,同时还拥有成都滑板店 POGO 和本土品牌 FCplaya 的赞助。这部《Fresh Tracks》是他的第一部滑板影片,也是他晋升 MAVEN 职业滑手的第一部职业影片。

🎙️ "How long did it take to film this video?"
"We started filming back on October 16th, 2022, and traveled to a few different spots – Guangxi, Nanchang, Changsha, and Wuhan."

🎙️ 这部视频拍了多久?
这部视频最早拍摄于 2022 年 10 月 16 日日,期间去过广西、南昌、长沙、武汉几个地方。

🎙️ "Did you have to request time off from your team to film this? Or did you just work around their schedule?"
"Yeah, I have to request leave for any trips. They'll only approve it if I don't have any competitions coming up."

🎙️ 有为了拍摄向队里请假吗?还是根据他们的安排自己协调时间。

🎙️ "By the way, do you think regular team training helps you land tricks more consistently when you're out skating in the streets?"
"Yeah, for sure. When I practice tricks with the team, it definitely boosts my confidence and helps me land them more consistently when I'm out on the streets."

🎙️ 顺便说说,你觉得平常的队里训练,能帮助你在街头提高动作成功率吗?

🎙️ "For skaters who don't have access to that kind of structured training, what do you think they need to rely on? Self-discipline and planning?"
"No matter where you practice, it's all the same. Skateboarding is all about self-discipline, planning, and putting in the effort to improve your skills. That's how you make your tricks solid and consistent."

🎙️ 没有这种训练条件的滑手你觉得他们要靠什么呢?自律规划?

🎙️ "Were there any tricks in this video that pushed your limits or were particularly tough to land?"
"In this part, the one that really sticks out was that 12-stair slant rail in Yingtan, Jiangxi. I was feeling super confident and jumped straight into it without warming up. That was a mistake! I almost tore the ligaments in my knee. In the end, I had to grit my teeth, do like 2,000 jump ropes to warm up, and then go back and hit the rail. After we got the shot and I cooled down, I was in so much pain I could barely walk. So yeah, always warm up properly before skating, kids!"

🎙️ 这次视频有什么突破自己的动作或者最难拿下的动作?
在我这部片里面,我的印象最深刻的是去南昌鹰潭市拍摄一个 12 层斜杆。由于自己很自信没有热身去跳,导致自己膝盖韧带差点断掉,最后咬牙跳了 2,000 个绳热开身后,又上去了跳斜杆,拍完等自己身体冷下来后,我痛苦的路都走不了。在这里奉劝大家滑板前要热好身。

🎙️ "That reminds me, you've been dealing with a hand injury for a few years now and have had multiple surgeries. What happened there? When did you first get injured?"
"I remember it like it was yesterday. I messed up my left wrist really badly on August 18th, 2021, in Shanghai. I got it checked out at a bunch of hospitals here, and honestly, I was shocked when I saw the reports. Torn ligaments, fractured bone fragments, and a dislocated bone. The doctors said surgery was the only option – putting in pins, stitching up the ligaments, and fitting an external fixator. It was a pretty serious injury, so I went ahead with the surgery."

🎙️ 这让我想起来,你的手这几年一直有伤,做了很多次手术,是怎么回事?第一次受伤是什么时候?
这件事情我记得特别清楚,我左手手腕在 2021 年 8 月 18 日在上海受了一个很严重的伤害。在上海好几个医院做检查,几个医院的检查报告出来时我都惊呆了。韧带断裂里面的小骨头骨裂加骨头错位,然后医生的治疗方案就是开刀打钢钉缝韧带装外固定,由于伤势严重,我就选择手术。

But things got complicated after the first surgery. I got an infection, had to go back in for another operation to clean it all up… ended up having three surgeries in total. I spent a whole year recovering, with three months of that stuck in the hospital. There were times I would just cry, thinking my career was over. I even thought about giving up skating altogether. But I dug deep and found the strength to keep going.


🎙️ "It's awesome that you persevered, Luo. Otherwise, we wouldn't have you here today. So, how did that whole 'Luo Ge' nickname catch on?"
"Ah, it was just my friends messing around when we were skating. It kinda stuck! But honestly, I prefer it when people just call me by my real name."

🎙️ 好在你坚持下来,才有了今天,罗哥。所以“罗哥”这个梗是怎么火的?

🎙️ "Heard you got a car! Is that a new hobby for you, or just a way to get around?"
"Just a way to get around, really. Makes it easier for my family to get out and about."

🎙️ 听说你买车了?这算是你的新爱好?还是纯通勤工具?

video premiere day

🎙️ "Your family must be stoked about that. What did they have to say?"
"My parents actually came to the premiere and watched my video part. They were super happy for me and encouraged me to keep pushing myself in skateboarding."

🎙️ 家里人应该对这件事很开心吧,他们有说什么?

🎙️ "So, what competitions are you planning on hitting next?"
"Next up is the National Championships at the end of this month, and then the National Games next year. Those are the two big ones I'm focused on."

🎙️ 接下来有什么比赛的计划在进行吗?

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