Vans Charity Program Nangqian Trip

Vans China’s annual charity program visited Nangqian, Yushu in Qinghai province, donating 2,700 pairs of shoes to students and teachers at four local schools. This is actually the eighth year in a row that Vans China has been doing this awesome charity work.

They also brought riders Cyres Wang, Wang Guohua, Lin Siqiao and Li Jiawei to teach the kids how to skate.

This rural town is 3600m above the sea level, thin oxygen levels makes physical activities twice as difficult to do 😵‍💫 but we noticed that there’s one young blood show incredible talent on a skateboard! A young Z boy in a rural town in middle of China.

2018 Vans 的公益之旅就曾经到达过青海泽库,今年 Vans 又回到了青海,为囊谦县四所学校的师生带来了2700多双鞋子。这已经是 Vans 公益之旅的第八个年头了。

So, we flew to Xining first, then hopped on another flight to Yushu. From Yushu, it was a three-hour drive to Nangqian County. Our first stop was the Nangqian Sunshine Welfare School, one of the schools we're supporting on this trip. It was founded in 2013 and has over 400 kids—around 180 boys and 200 girls. Many of them are from single-parent families or are orphans. The principal was super friendly and gave us a really warm welcome.


The kids live and eat at the school. The government helps cover their living expenses, and kind people and organizations from the community chip in for their tuition and other school fees.


Later, we visited the homes of two students from Sunshine Welfare School, Gama Duojia and Pengcuo Cuomo. We brought them flour, Pu-erh tea, and a bunch of other everyday essentials.


Little Gama Duojia is such a bright kid! He's one of 15 children – can you imagine, 11 brothers and sisters! They don't have much, so he's really lucky to have the opportunity to go to Sunshine Welfare School. Hopefully, this will open up a lot more opportunities for him in the future.


Pengcuo Cuomo's story is really something. She was actually abandoned as a baby and found by her stepmother at the edge of the village. Her stepmom raised her all on her own and makes a living by collecting stones in the mountains, carving scriptures onto them, and selling them.


After the home visits, we headed over to Nangqian No. 1 Ethnic Minority Middle School, another school we're supporting this year. Just like every other year, Vans is super thorough with the donations. They got the exact shoe size of every single student and teacher! We spent some time in the school warehouse, sticking labels with the kid's name, class, and shoe size on each box and sorting them out. Everything's gotta be ready for the official donation ceremony tomorrow!

家访结束之后大家又来到囊谦第一民族中学,这里也是本次捐助的学校之一,和此前每一年一样,Vans 每一年的捐赠工作都做的非常细致,精确到每一位师生的准确尺码,我们在学校的仓库里为每一双鞋子贴上对应的孩子的班级,姓名和尺码的标签,分类放好,为第二天正式的捐赠仪式做准备。

October 15th was the last day of the sports meet at Nangqian No. 1 Ethnic Minority Middle School. We used desks and chairs to mark out different zones on the school grounds, like an area for the art workshop and another for the skateboarding lessons.


Just like every year, Vans brought along skateboards and their pro skaters: Cyres Wang, Xiaoji, Jiawei, and Lin Siqiao. They spent the whole day shredding with the kids, even though they had to use oxygen tanks to help with the altitude!

和每一年的公益之行一样,这一次 Vans 也带来了滑板和自己的滑手们,汇丰,小鸡,佳威,薯条,吸着氧气跟孩子们玩了一整天。

Along with the skateboarding lessons, we also had a creative painting workshop.

除了滑板体验课,还有创意绘画 workshop。

We were also joined by the awesome illustrator NichiNichi, who helped the kids create a giant painting that we hung up on the wall by the school playground!

这次一起前来的还有插画艺术家 NichiNichi,她带着孩子们共同创作了一副大画,挂在了校园操场的院墙上。

To show their appreciation for the Vans donation, the principal of Sunshine Welfare School invited us to have lunch with the kids in the school cafeteria. Those beef buns were seriously amazing! (In the end, we insisted on leaving money for the meal, and the principal used it to buy ice cream for all the kids!)

为了表达对 Vans 公益捐赠的感谢,阳光福利学校的校长邀请我们去他们学校食堂和小朋友们一起吃午饭,牛肉包子是真的赞!(最后我们还是给校长留下了餐费,校长用餐费给全校的孩子们买了雪糕)

The donation ceremony itself took place at the closing ceremony of the sports meet at Nangqian No. 1 Ethnic Minority Middle School. Every kid got their new shoes, and you could see from their smiles how stoked they were!


Huge thanks to Vans for eight years of continuous support, and to everyone who worked so hard to make this happen! Vans is spreading the love and sharing its awesome culture with all these kids, giving them opportunities and a platform to express themselves creatively. See you all next year!

感谢 Vans 八年以来持续不断的回馈,感谢所有工作人员辛苦的准备工作,Vans 将爱心与品牌文化传递给了更多的孩子们,为他们提供平台与机会,鼓励孩子们创意自我表达。我们明年再见!

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