SLAPPY is A Ze's independent video series, and he's been dropping a new one every year since the first one came out in 2022. He just released the third installment, and let me tell you, in these tough times, seeing "The Slappy Video 3" is a breath of fresh air!
A Ze started filming with his VX2000 back in 2019. He linked up with the Yu Fen and Fanlian crews, started filming his friends just skating around, and eventually, all that footage turned into a full-length video. You know, that whole process is something only skaters who've been there can truly understand. In A Ze's videos, you see a lot of skaters you don't know, spots you've never seen before, and there's this raw, authentic vibe to it all. That's why we still need independent skate videos.
SLAPPY 是阿泽的独立滑板影片系列,自 2022 年发布第一部正式影片以来,目前保持一年一部的状态,并在今年带来了第三部影片!在所有人都叫苦连天的年代,能看到的 The Slappy Video 3 实在令人想振臂呼喊。
从 19 年自己的第一部 VX2000 开始,到认识鱼粉和反脸的朋友,再从拍朋友日常到积攒成片,个中故事相信只有体会过的人才明白。在阿泽的视频中,你能看到很多你不认识的滑手,你此前没曾发掘的地形,也能感受到一股略带粗糙和原始的味道。这可能就是我们依旧需要独立滑板影片的原因之一。

🎙️ "For those who don't know you, tell us a bit about yourself!"
"Yo! I'm A Ze, from Guangdong. Right now, I'm filming skate videos and helping out with some online stuff for Yajie Li's 'Skateboard Dreamer' project."
🎙️ 先和不熟悉你的朋友介绍下自己吧!
🎙️ "You've already released three SLAPPY videos. How did this series get started, and why 'SLAPPY'?"
"Yeah, this is the third one! It started pretty simply, really. I just wanted to film the skaters around me and get some experience behind the camera.
As for the name... honestly, I don't really remember why I called it SLAPPY! Maybe it's because back then, my friends and I were super into doing all kinds of slappy tricks. We were just enjoying skateboarding, you know? And when you're doing slappies, you gotta be loose and relaxed. That's the vibe I wanted to capture – just skating with your friends and having fun."
🎙️ SLAPPY 已经拍了三部了,这个系列是怎么开始的,为什么叫 slappy?
至于名字,其实我也不知道为什么要叫 SLAPPY,也许当时我和很多朋友都很喜欢做各种 SLAPPY 的动作。我们都是在享受滑板。因为在做很多 SLAPPY 的动作的时候,都需要很放松,那种状态就是大家一起滑板的感觉。

🎙️ "I think the second video was the longest, and the first and third are shorter. Is there a reason for that? When you're making an independent video, when do you get that feeling of 'Okay, this video is about done'?"
"I don't really focus on the length, to be honest. I just go with the flow. But I know I still have a lot to learn, you know? I'm still developing my skills. I guess I get that 'it's done' feeling when I realize, 'If I don't edit this now, it's gonna get put off forever because of... life, you know?'"
🎙️ 我记得应该第二部最长,一/三都比较短,这个有什么原因吗?做独立影片,什么时候才有那种“ok 这部视频差不多了”的时刻?
🎙️ "You guys have your own products too, right? Not just stickers. I think I've seen people using your griptape."
"Yeah, we've got some stickers and a few griptape designs. Mostly, we give them to our friends. Lao Wu designed the griptape and the logo, so big shout out to him!"
🎙️ 你们也有自己的产品对不对,不只是贴纸。我看人用过你们的砂纸?
有一些贴纸,几款砂纸。大多是送给身边的朋友用,砂纸和 LOGO 都是五哥的设计,感谢五哥!

🎙️ "Tell us about you and Wuge! You started out filming with them for Fanlian, right?"
"Yeah, so I met Wuge through Yajie. We were filming a lot together back then, and one day we were out skating and bumped into Wuge. He asked me if I wanted to film for Fanlian, and I've been filming with them ever since!"
🎙️ 说说你和老五的故事?你最开始和他们一起拍过反脸对吧?

🎙️ "What kind of camera do you like to use for filming?"
"I'm all about the Panasonic HPX-173. I think a lot of people love P2 cameras, right? The HPX-173 is basically the Chinese equivalent of the HPX-170.
When I first started filming skate videos, I was using some VX cameras, but I had to give those up because of how they store footage. The HPX-173 has that buttery smooth zoom and a CCD sensor, which gives the footage this look that I just love."
🎙️ 你拍摄都喜欢用什么机器?
我喜欢用 Panasonic HPX-173 ,相信很多人都喜欢 P2 吧。HPX-173 是国内能买到的 HPX-170 的平替款。
一开始拍滑板视频的时候,我也是用 VX 的一些机器,但是在存储视频方面的原因让我放弃了使用 VX。HPX-173 有着丝滑的变焦和 CCD 传感器,呈现出来的滑板视频片段,是目前我最喜欢的。

🎙️ "It seems like you don't use fisheye lenses that much. You mostly use telephoto and wide-angle lenses. Are there any specific videos or filmers that influenced that choice?"
"Actually, I use a fisheye from a Chinese third-party manufacturer. It's not perfect, but it gets the job done. The footage comes out with a bit of a vignette, so I just crop it out in post-production.
I'm a fan of a lot of different filmers: William Strobeck, Sirus, Tor Strom, Michael Nicholas... Right now, my favorite skate video is Michael Nicholas' "Untitled." It's so sick!"
🎙️ 似乎你的鱼眼镜头比较少,长焦和广角居多。是受哪些片子或摄像师的影响吗?
我喜欢的摄像师蛮多的,William Strobeck,Sirus,Tor Strom,Michael Nicholas,目前最喜欢的滑板片是 Michael Nicholas 的《Untitled》。

🎙️ "Are fisheye lenses not as cool as they used to be? Or have people just gotten tired of them?"
"Nah, fisheye is still sick! But you gotta admit, sometimes you miss out on those epic shots that only a telephoto lens can get."
🎙️ 鱼眼镜头是否没以前那么帅了?还是大家看疲劳了?

🎙️ "What's the most you've ever spent on a camera? Has anyone ever crashed into your camera and broken it?
"Actually, I haven't spent that much on cameras. The repairs have been pretty minor, so it's all good. But dude, I've been crashed into so many times, I can't even count them all!"
🎙️ 在机器上花过最大的一笔钱是什么?有谁撞坏过你的机器?

🎙️ "You've filmed a lot of skaters. If you had to pick the most motivated, the funniest, and the best skater, who would they be?"
"The most motivated would have to be Yajie Li. Not many skaters are down to get up early and hit the streets, and he's always on time. Funniest skater? Definitely Dami. That dude is a constant source of entertainment and surprises.
As for who rips the hardest... Honestly, all my friends are amazing skaters. They all have their own unique style, and they all look sick in my book."
🎙️ 你已经拍过很多人了,假如选出最积极,最有趣,滑得最好的滑手都有谁?

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