Tampa AM 2024 just wrapped up, and it was a battle out there! Beijing ripper Xiaohu threw down hard and made it all the way to the semi-finals, finishing 21st overall. He might not have made the finals this time, but that's the best result ever for a Chinese skater at Tampa AM!
在刚刚结束的 Tampa Am 2024 比赛中,面对激烈的决赛晋级名额争夺,北京滑手小虎一路比拼,最终获得半决赛第 21 名。虽无缘决赛,但已经是中国滑手在这里的最好成绩了。

The finals were stacked! 12 skaters battling it out, and get this – 6 of them were from Japan, and there was one skater from Korea. The pressure in the finals is insane. Just a couple of slip-ups, or if your tricks aren't gnarly enough, and you can kiss that podium goodbye.
But that one Korean skater, Juni Kang (who was first in the prelims yesterday), totally killed it! In the last round, he landed all his bangers under crazy pressure and took home the win. He made history as the first-ever Korean skater to win Tampa AM!
决赛圈 12 位滑手中,6 位来自日本,1 位来自韩国。决赛圈的压力非常之大,只要一两个失误,或动作相对简单,基本宣告你无缘领奖台。最终这名唯一的韩国滑手 Juni Kang(昨日预赛第一)在最后一轮线路中,顶住压力发挥出自己的全部大招,拿下冠军。至此他也创造了历史,成为第一个拿下 Tampa Am 冠军的韩国滑手。
Second and third place went to Japan again, just like last year! Taiga Nagai and Momohei Yabushita took those spots. (And fun fact, Momohei got third place last year too!)
二三名和去年一样,继续来自日本,Taiga Nagai 和 Momohei Yabushita(Momohei 去年也是第三名)。

Of course, Tampa AM is way more than just the main contest. Every year they've got those epic best trick contests and the concrete jam in the outdoor bowl. And this year was no different! First up, DBH presented their "Rising Star" award to 14-year-old Julian Jeang-Agliardi, who also made it to the finals!
当然在 Tampa Am 赛事之外,每年的大绝招,室外碗池混凝土果酱赛等都是必不可少的。首先,DBH 的最佳新人奖颁给了同样进入决赛的 14 岁滑手 Julian Jeang-Agliardi。

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