On the way to the Vans charity project, Huifeng Wang couldn't keep it a secret any longer and spilled the beans about a surprise he'd been working on. That's how this documentary came to be! We followed him on his journey and talked about everything from being a skater and his love for Harleys, to learning pinstriping and his wife Rocklee's design work, and of course, BOARDHEAD's philosophy and approach to art.
在去 Vans 公益行的旅途中,王汇丰没忍住将自己为我们准备的秘密惊喜透露出来。这也促成了本次记录短片的拍摄计划。跟随影片,我们也和他聊了聊关于滑手身份,哈雷,学习 Pinstriping 绘画,和妻子 Rocklee 的设计故事,以及 BOARDHEAD 的“板头经验之道&艺术理念”。
🎙️ "So, did you fall in love with motorcycles after filming that Harley commercial? What is it about Harleys that you find so appealing?"
"Actually, I've been dreaming of owning a Harley for over a decade. I remember skating this spot near Shekou skatepark, and suddenly I heard this vroom vroom sound. Then I saw this Harley 883 with a custom white gas tank at the intersection. I was like, "Damn, that's cool!" Later, I looked up how much they cost, and my jaw dropped!
What I love most about them is the exposed engine and all the chrome. When you start it up, the whole thing vibrates. It's like this powerful, living machine."
🎙️ 你是拍了哈雷广告后爱上摩托车的吗?哈雷吸引你的魅力点是什么?
想拥有一台哈雷的想法在十多年前就埋伏下了。我记得当时在蛇口滑板场附近的一个 spot 滑板时,突然听到哒哒哒的声音,然后就在十字路口那看到一台白色油箱涂装的哈雷 883。当时就觉得太帅了,然后闲下来的时候查了一下多少钱,一看傻眼了。

🎙️ "So then you got into pinstriping on cars, which inspired the design for this board. What are some of the challenges in going from painting to designing a skateboard graphic? Are there any specific details or color choices you made for this design?"
"Yeah, so with pinstriping, I was watching a lot of movies and saw these amazing paint jobs on lowriders, and that's how I first learned about it.
The design for this board actually came from a project I was working on, learning how to do custom paint jobs. I've been at it for about two years now. I couldn't just start practicing on gas tanks or helmets, so my wife Rocklee suggested I use a skateboard. And luckily, I have a ton of those!
Like any beginner, I messed up my first board. But I kept trying and trying, and eventually, I finished that black and flames board that I posted online. I remember when I finished spraying it, my mentor Stone shook my hand and said, 'You graduated!'"
🎙️ 然后你又爱上了车身上的美式拉线绘画(Pinstriping),也是本次板面的设计灵感。从绘画本身,到设计板面,这当中有什么难点?这次设计的元素和配色上有什么讲究吗?
关于 Pinstriping 是这样的,早期看了很多电影,偶尔会看到一些很漂亮的涂装风格(Lowrider 风格),然后才了解到 Pinstriping。
这次板面设计来源是我正在学习做的涂装,前前后后学习了差不多两年了。因为一开始我不可能就拿油箱或头盔来练手,我老婆 Rocklee 就提议我用滑板来做,刚好我有这么多的滑板。
就像所有新手一样,我的第一片板面涂装失败了,然后就不断的尝试,直到之前我发出来那片火焰黑色涂装板面出来。我记得当时喷好后,我的师傅 Stone 和我握手后说了一句,你毕业了。

There are tons of ways to get creative with pinstriping, but it all comes down to lines. All those different shapes, images, and designs? They're all made by combining lines in different ways.
Pinstriping 的设计元素也有很多种变化,但都离不开线这个部分。很多不同形态的图案,形象,元素,都是靠线条组合来完成的。

For this skateboard graphic, I designed the "K" with these flowing lines that weave in and out, and the "C" fits perfectly in the gaps of the "K." It's pretty sick how it all came together.
这次的滑板涂装设计我将 K 做了流线型的穿插字体设计,C 刚好可以穿插在 K 的缝隙里面,就很巧妙。

For this design, I also threw in some classic flames. I split the board diagonally to separate the text from the flames, and I used KickerClub's signature blue for the colorway.
这次的设计也加入了经典的火焰元素,板面构图采取了斜切的分区,将上面的文字与下面的火焰分开,配色选用了 KickerClub 的蓝色调。

🎙️ "Your wife Rocklee is an artist and helps out with all the BOARDHEAD designs. How do you two collaborate on those?"
"Yeah, I gotta give a huge shout-out to my wife for always having my back. I remember when we were working on the second batch of boards, we finally started to find our groove with the designs. That first one with the film strip was a real breakthrough for us."
🎙️ 你的太太 Rocklee 作为艺术家参与了 BOARDHEAD 每次的设计工作,你们俩在这方面是如何协同配合的?

I'm always sharing ideas with Rocklee, but I've learned that sometimes a cool image doesn't translate well onto a skateboard. It's all about the medium, you know?
我经常会分享一些灵感给 Rocklee,然后我就发现,有些好看的“图”放在滑板里是不好看的,这个是关于载体问题。

Here's how we do it with the designs: First, I need a spark of inspiration! It might hit me when I'm surfing or cruising in the car listening to music. Then I tell Rocklee what I have in mind, and it's way easier if she can feel the vibe I'm going for.
And I gotta give her props, she's amazing at understanding what I mean. She can pretty much bring any image I describe to life.
我们做设计是这样,首先我需要一个突然的灵感!这个灵感可能是我在冲浪的时候,或者开车时听着音乐的时候。我会告诉 Rocklee 我想要的画面,尽量让她能理解我的感受后去做设计会比较容易实现。

🎙️ "You've recently started exploring pinstriping. Could this be seen as a sign that you're transitioning to a new career? What are your plans for the future, in terms of your 'professional' or 'design/art' identity?"
"Once a skater, always a skater, man. Learning pinstriping and custom painting is all about growing and expanding my skills. I want to explore all the things I'm passionate about."
🎙️ 最近开始探索美式拉花设计,是不是可以认为是你转型的标志?你对未来的“职业”或“设计/艺术”身份有什么打算?
对于我来说一日为滑手终身是滑手,学习 Pinstriping 和涂装是一个自我提升与学习的过程,我想将我热爱的领域都可以做尝试。

Skateboarding is still my main focus, but I want to bring all my passions together. Like with this project, I'm combining art with my love for skateboarding to create something totally unique. I'd love to film a part one day riding all these boards I've painted myself, that would be insane!
And it would be amazing to make more custom pieces for people who love this culture and love skateboarding. I want to keep putting out cool stuff and sharing it with everyone!
我的工作重心依然是滑板,但我想将喜欢的东西都可以融合起来,就像这次通过艺术的方式和我最爱的滑板结合,来呈现出不一样的作品。想像有一天,我可以踩着自己手工做的不同图案的滑板,拍个个人 part,那太酷了!

🎙️ "BOARDHEAD's graphics have gone through a lot of different phases, from film art to illustrations, collages, and now pinstriping. Are there any particular influences that have shaped your approach to skateboard design and branding?"
"For me, BOARDHEAD's image is all about the riders on the team. Each skater brings something unique to the table, and they're the ones who really bring the brand to life.
But if I had to pick one major influence, it would be Habitat Skateboards. Their graphics are just insane! I'd love to meet their designers someday."
🎙️ BOARDHEAD 的图案设计一路走来有过很多探索,从胶片艺术,到插画风格,拼贴设计,再到这次的 Pinstriping。你对滑板设计,乃至于对品牌形象打造,有受过谁的影响吗?
对于我来说 Boardhead 的形象是靠队伍的滑手来打造的。队伍里的每位滑手都有独特的一面,是他们让 Boardhead 变得更有生命力。
最大的影响是 Habitat 滑板,他们做的设计实在太牛逼了,希望有机会认识一下他们的设计师。

Here's a funny story: back when the Vans global team came to Shenzhen to skate, I actually asked Geoff Rowley about starting a brand. He said, 'Just find the best skateboard factory you can, get some team riders, and things will fall into place.' Later on, he even emailed me like, 'Hey Huifeng, did you find that factory yet? 'Cause I need one too!
有个小故事,当年 Vans globe team 来深圳滑板时,我还真问过 Geoff Rowley 关于做品牌的问题,他说你只要找到一个最好的滑板工厂就可以了,然后找到 team rider ,一切慢慢就发生了。后来他还给我发来邮件问我:Hey 汇丰,你找到了最好的工厂了吗,因为我也需要了。

There are a lot of skateboard artists who have inspired me too, like Fulingchao (Xiaofeng). He had that photo and painting exhibition a while back. And Stefan Janoski with his sculptures, and Arto Saari with his photography. Those guys are some of my favorite skaters, so I guess I've been subconsciously influenced by them.
还有很多滑板艺术家,对我的影响也很深,就像付令超(小疯)早期的时候他举办过照片和画作的展览,Stefan Janoski 的雕塑作品,Arto Sarri 拍摄的照片,刚好以上都是我最喜欢的滑手之一,所以潜意识里会受他们影响。

🎙️ "The skate market has definitely been tougher this year, and brands are having to adapt. What are your thoughts on the current situation, and can you share any upcoming plans for BOARDHEAD?"
"Honestly, I've never really thought of BOARDHEAD as just a business. It's always been more about my love for skateboarding and expressing that through the brand. I want to infuse it with my understanding of skate culture and street culture.
As for plans, they kinda come to me like those design ideas – out of the blue! So I don't really worry too much about how the skate market is doing. I've even thought about releasing a BOARDHEAD marker, just for fun, you know? Or putting out a bunch of random products that don't really make sense. Then people will be like, 'What brand is this?' And we'll be like, 'Oh, it's a skate brand...'"
🎙️ 今年的滑板市场明显不如以往,各家品牌也都在积极调整以适应新的形式。BOARDHEAD 面对当下有哪些思考,接下来的品牌计划有什么可以透露的吗?其实做 Boardhead 一直以来我不想把它当成一门生意来看待,更多的是从滑板的热爱感受去对待 Boardhead,注入更多我对滑板文化,街头文化的理解进去。
Boardhead 的计划和设计灵感一样,计划需要突然的计划。所以当下的滑板市场变得怎么样我不用去想太多。曾经我还想过出一支 Boardhead 的马克笔来玩,想出很多不搭边的产品,然后别人问这是什么牌子,噢,是滑板牌子……

And I don't want people to just buy BOARDHEAD boards to flip them for a quick buck. That goes against everything I believe in. I want skateboards to have value. So, we might make fewer boards in each batch, but we'll have way more variety. It might not make the best business sense, but for us, making fewer boards means we can keep the prices fair. I don't want people selling them just to make a profit.
而且我希望我做的滑板,不是大家为了卖掉而低价出售,这就违背了我做品牌的初衷,我希望滑板更有价值。所以之后 Boardhead 每批滑板可能做的会越来越少,但是我们的款式会越来越多,这当然不是一个很好的商业逻辑,但对于我们来说,数量变少,至少可以控制它的价格,不至于大家为了卖滑板而卖。
By increasing the variety of our designs, we hope to inspire more skaters. Just like we were inspired by Habitat, maybe one day people will see a BOARDHEAD graphic and be blown away.
We're more of a culture brand than a business. Of course, commercial brands have their place, but if everyone just focused on profits, who would keep the culture alive? I want to use my platform, however small, to share my attitude and lifestyle, my approach to skating and art, and hopefully inspire others.
同时增加款式,希望我们的设计可以影响到更多的滑手。就像我们喜欢 Habitat 一样,能有一天大家看到 Boardhead 的设计,也能为之惊艳。
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