新闻联播:笑脸加入 Grizzly,Felipe Gustavo 签名板面抽奖

Torey Pudwill was just in China filming. And while he was in Changsha, he welcomed Junbin Guo (aka Smileface) to the Grizzly team!
📰 笑脸加入 Grizzly
GRIZZLY 小熊砂纸创始人 Torey Pudwill 前不久在中国拍摄。在长沙期间,他也宣布郭骏彬(笑脸)加入 GRIZZLY 队伍!

Just last Friday, we gave you a tour of Blondey and Jennifer Murray's amazing home, and back then, Jennifer was still his fiancée! Well, guess what? They tied the knot over the weekend and are officially husband and wife!
📰 Blondey 结婚了
上周五我们刚刚给大家介绍了 Blondey 和 Jennifer Murray 的家,那时候 Jennifer Murray 还是“未婚妻”。没想到周末两个人就迎来了婚礼,正式成为夫妻了!点击本段文字参观他们的奢侈豪宅。

P-Rod just announced a new wheel sponsor a few days ago – BONES wheels! He's got his own signature shape in their X-FORMULA V5, and it comes in 52mm, 53mm, and 54mm sizes.
📰 P-Rod 加入 BONES 滑板轮
P-Rod 几天前宣布自己迎来新的滑板赞助——BONES 轮子,并推出 X-FORMULA V5 轮型签名款,尺寸包括 52mm,53mm 和 54mm。

Felipe Gustavo, the Brazilian ripper who rides for adidas and Plan B, just wrapped up his China trip and is giving away three boards he skated for just one day each! Click here to enter the raffle and win one!
🎁 Felipe Gustavo 签名板面抽奖
本月,来自巴西的 adidas,PLAN B 职业滑手 Felipe Gustavo 在结束中国之旅时,留下三块分别只滑了一天的板面送给粉丝。点击本段文字,参与抽奖!

adidas Skateboarding just dropped a new Pro Shell ADV colorway for Niels Bennett! It's decked out in dark brown leather with a velcro strap over the laces. And check it out, Bennett's name is embossed right on the strap!
📰 adidas 贝壳头新配色
adidas 滑板为旗下滑手 Niels Bennett 推出个人配色 Pro Shell ADV。鞋款以深棕色皮革呈现,并配以魔术贴在鞋带处。Bennett 的名字也被压印在魔术贴上。

Vans rider Geoff Rowley and Pawnshop Skate Shop just dropped a collab on Geoff's signature Skate Rowley shoe! Pawnshop is a legendary shop in Covina, and they even put "Covina" right on the tongue.
📰 Rowley 25 周年:滑板店合作款
Vans 滑手 Geoff Rowley 和 Pawnshop 滑板店推出合作款 SKATE ROWLEY 职业签名款。作为柯汶纳(Covina)的著名滑板店,Covina 字样也出现在鞋舌上。

ZERO just turned Adam Arunski pro over the weekend! The dude's 35, which is sick! And his new part is dropping online soon.
📰 35 岁终成职业滑手:Arunski
ZERO 在刚刚过去的周末宣布旗下 35 岁滑手 Adam Arunski 晋升职业滑手,其新片很快也会在线上发布。
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