"ALWAYS" is Tudou's first skate video, and it all started from a conversation with his good friend Wang Lengjing. They both do graffiti, skateboarding, filming, and even have their own clothing brands. They even released their videos on the same day – and they shared a lot of the footage too!
They started in Beijing, then went to Zhengzhou, Kunming, Dali, then back to Kunming and Beijing. It took a few months of filming, filled with laughter and good times, to finally make this video happen.
Let's have a chat with our up-and-coming friend here, and hear all about their film and what they've been up to.

🎙️ Your WeChat name is "Who is Tudou?" So, who is Tudou?
Well, "Tudou" (too-doe) was this imaginary friend I dreamt up, not anyone in particular. It's just that for a while, the stuff I was drawing looked like potatoes, and my friends started calling me that. I often use it as my tag when I'm out doing graffiti. Usually, I'm just drawing, skating, hanging out, that kind of stuff.
🎙️ 你微信叫“谁是土豆”,所以谁是土豆?

🎙️ So how did you and Wang Lengjing meet?
Let me think... I think it was last year. We met while we were out doing graffiti, skating, and just hanging out.
🎙️ 你和王冷静是怎么认识的?

🎙️ So you both do graffiti, skateboarding, filming, and you both have your own brands and studios, right?
Yeah, we're into a lot of the same stuff. I don't actually have a studio though, I just find somewhere to work whenever I need to draw. As for filming, well that goes without saying, and I can edit anywhere really. And with the brand, I'm just playing it by ear, doing it for the fun of it, y'know?
🎙️ 所以你们都涂鸦,滑板,拍东西,还有自己的品牌和工作室对吧?

🎙️ So you're using the same camera, going to the same places, filming the same stuff... let's start with the camera. Why did you buy this particular camera? What influenced your decision?
Well, Lengjing got his first last year. We were working on this hat project, and we were like, "Let's go out and film something with it, see how it works." We tried it out, and it was awesome, so I got myself the same one.
🎙️ 你们用一样的机器,去一样的地方,拍一样的东西,先说说机器。为什么会买这个机器,是受到什么影响?

🎙️ Even though the two videos are totally different, you're using the same footage. Aren't you worried people will get bored seeing the same stuff?
Personally, I think it's cool. This is my first time filming and editing, so I don't have much experience. Lengjing's got more experience, so I can learn from him. Plus, for some tricks, you need both long lens and fisheye shots, so having more options in the edit is helpful.
Also, we both have different ideas about skate videos and different tastes in music. By making two videos, we can both express ourselves through editing without arguing 😂. As for whether people will get bored seeing the same stuff, I haven't really thought about that too much.
🎙️ 虽然两个片子截然不同,但用一样的素材,不怕大家看到同样的东西会腻吗?
然后就是我俩对滑板片的理解和音乐喜好不一样吧,剪两个的话大家都可以去做剪辑上的表达,不会吵架 😂。至于看到同样的会不会腻,这没太多想。

🎙️ You guys also recently released a clothing collaboration. Any cool ideas or stories behind the designs you can share?
tudo: Lengjing was mostly in charge of this one. I just threw in some ideas. It was a pretty wild ride, but it's awesome to be able to wear stuff we made ourselves.
Wang Lengjing: I'm really into the simplicity of skate clothing. Most of the time when I buy clothes, there's always something I don't like about them. Like, pants are usually too short, or they're not practical or whatever. So, first off, we wanted to make clothes that we actually like, you know, everyday stuff that we can wear anywhere, anytime. More functional, basically.
As for cool ideas, I think we should explore more details on clothing that can be changed or adjusted. That kind of stuff never goes out of style.
🎙️ 你们最近也出了合作服饰,设计上有什么值得分享的想法或故事吗?

🎙️ You guys went to a bunch of different places. Did you notice any differences between the skaters in each city?
Yeah, quite a few. I get the feeling that the climate and the unique spots in each city make a difference. The skaters in the south are more laid-back, while the ones in the north are a bit more... fiery.
🎙️ 你们去了好几个地方,各地滑手有什么异同吗?

🎙️ If you could go back and film again, where would you most want to go?
Ideally, I'd like to get some friends together and find some new spots, see where everyone wants to go. But if I had to pick one place to go back to, it would probably be Yunnan. Cruising around there is just so chill.
🎙️ 如果再回去,你最想再去哪里拍?

About "ALWAYS"
"ALWAYS" is about that moment when your skateboard wheels hit the ground and start rolling. We're standing on those wheels, weaving through the guts of the city, from the dark corners of night right into the dawn. As the wheels spin, they stir up the wind, sometimes cold, sometimes hot. And with it comes laughter from the heart, real-deal scrapes and bruises, and countless moments of pure stoke. We tried to capture all of these moments, always happening, with our camera. It's all real, fresh, and alive, just like how we keep getting back on our boards and hitting the streets, again and again.
Hoping that skating always brings joy and good times, rolling from the old "ALWAYS" to the new "ALWAYS".
Because "always" never really ends.
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