It's kinda interesting that Joslin dropped his full video part after Thrasher announced their SOTY. Makes you wonder if it was just a timing thing, or if it was intentional. I saw some people saying he got snubbed for SOTY in the past because of some behind-the-scenes BS, so he's basically saying 'f*** you' and doing his own thing, stepping outside the game. I think that's reading way too much into it though. 'Behind-the-scenes BS' implies there are clear rules that were broken, but what are the actual rules for Thrasher SOTY? It's always been a super subjective award. The fact that it's still such a big deal after all these years, and so many people are hyped about it, shows it's not just some random pick. So, chill out, don't get too caught up in the drama.
Joslin 选择在 Thrasher 公布年度最佳滑手之后发布自己的 full video part 有点意思,不知道是视频制作时间没有赶得及还是可以为之。我看到有人说他因为此前被潜规则没有选中 SOTY 所以干脆不跟你玩了,跳出游戏规则。我觉得有点过度解读了,潜规则的前提是这个事要有明确的规则,然后明显不符合规则但是被选中被称为潜规则。但是 Thrasher SOTY 的规则是什么呢?本来就是一个非常主观的奖项,这么多年还这么立的住,这么多人期盼,本身就说明也不是胡来的。所以放松心态,不要入戏太深。
A year in the making and multiple trips back to Barcelona, Chris Joslin drops his new video part entitled JOYCE. In loving memory of his G-Ma Joyce, Joslin dedicates what he calls “the best part I’ve filmed in the last ten years.”
Also, Platfrm dropped two pre-release documentary shorts before the full part, and they're definitely worth checking out. Joslin's seriously the best at balancing contest skating and street skating, hands down.
另外,Platfrm 在正片发布之前的两个预热记录短片也非常值得一看,Joslin 绝对是赛场和街头平衡的最好的滑手,没有之一。
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