Johnny Walker just dropped their latest commercial in China, and it’s a bit different this time. They tapped Ben Mullinkosson, the American skater/director who’s based in Chengdu, to direct it. And get this, the two main dudes in the spot are Rogue and Xiaoji from Avenue&Son. This ain’t Ben’s first time using skaters in his flicks either. He’s got another new project about to drop soon, and we even caught up with him in Chengdu earlier this month to record a podcast that’s coming out soon too. Stay tuned!
最近 Johnny Walker 在中国市场发布了最新的广告片,与以往不同的是这次的导演是定居成都的美国滑手导演 Ben Mullinkosson,而片中一二号男主角则是 Avenue&Son 的滑手小宇和小鸡。这不是 Ben 第一次找滑手来出演自己片子里的角色了,近期他还有一个新片准备发布,而我们月初在成都还找 Ben 又录了一期播客也即将发布,敬请期待。
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