王汇丰 ROCKLEE Tracy 王国华 Tommy zhao Jeremy Hu Boss 元元 黎佳威
With Shanghai getting colder and the nights getting longer, Linsen Zhen and filmer Aibo were hustling to finish his Boardhead part, NIGHTSTER. Just days before the premiere last weekend, he landed the hardest ollie he’s ever done in his 10+ years of skating. We caught up with him at night to hear some of his stories from the shoot and his nocturnal life.
🎙️ Tell us about that gnarly ollie, how many electric scooters did you go through?
Bro…that spot was brutal, and you know how cold Shanghai nights get in winter. We went twice. The first time, we drained the battery on one scooter, swapped it for another, still no luck. Jige asked if I wanted to grab another scooter, I was like, I’m drained too, let’s call it.
After some time off, once the part was really coming together, I knew I had to go back. If I landed it, the part would be done. We went back that night, took some heavy slams, but finally got it. I think it’s the hardest ollie I’ve ever done in 10+ years of skating. The spot was a total nightmare, but it felt so good to finally land it. Gotta give it up to the security guard too, he was a real one, haha. He understood what we were doing, it was hilarious.
🎙️ What’s the latest you and Aibo ever filmed ‘til? What’s he like when he’s working? Is that where the part’s name came from?
We’ve shot ‘til like 4 in the morning before, got home when it was already daylight. He’s got a 9-to-5 during the week, so we usually only filmed on weekend nights. As it got colder, we were out shooting more and more, trying to wrap the part before it got too freezing. Huge shout out to him, for real. Once I landed that ollie, we were both like, yeah, we got it.
We had a few different names we were throwing around, all with a night theme, but Huifeng’s suggestion was the best, so we went with NIGHTSTER.

🎙️ What made you want to make a night skating part?
I think every skater’s got some good memories of night sessions, right? Every time you think back, it’s got a special vibe. Making a whole part filmed at night has always been something I wanted to do—it’s been on my to-do list for a while. I’m sure a lot of people have the same idea, I just made it happen. At first, it was tough. Me and the filmer had to deal with bad visibility at night and still try to be on point. The lights’ batteries only lasted so long, especially in the winter. And not many people are down to come out late at night to skate some spot they’ve never tried before. A lot of the time, I was just hoping I’d get in the zone early, or we’d have to wait ‘til next week to keep filming.

🎙️ Tell us about moving to Chengdu and then back to Shanghai. What made you decide to move each time?
I moved to Chengdu ‘cause I’d never really lived there before, I guess? Haha. I just wanna experience different cities while I can, soak up the different vibes and food, you know? It gives me inspiration for skating and life in general, and then I start thinking about making a video part. Usually, when I leave a place, it means the part’s pretty much done…
🎙️ Which winter do you hate more, haha?
Both are brutal , but Shanghai winter with the rain, and you’re wasted on the street and can’t get a cab? That’s game over.
️🎙️ You’re heading back to Guangdong soon. Any plans for next year you can spill?
Yeah, I’m homesick. Besides the usual tours and events next year, I’ve got some big plans, but I can’t say anything. Every time I talk about my plans, they get messed up somehow. So, I really can’t say. Just wait ‘til I get it done, I’ll let you know. Right now, I just need a few days to chill.

在上海气温越来越低,天黑得越来越早的日子里。林森桢也和摄像师艾博抓紧一切时间,拍摄着其 Boardhead 个人视频《NIGHTSTER》。在上周末首映前的几天,他也收掉了自己“滑板十几年跳过最难的 ollie”。我们也在夜里找到他,聊聊关于他拍摄和生活的一些夜间故事。
🎙️ 说说那个大地形 ollie 的故事吧,一共拉过多少辆电动车?
bro…那个地形实在太难了,加上冬天上海夜晚有多冷你懂的。去了两次,第一次把车拉没电,换了另外一辆,然后还是没成功。鸡哥问我要不要再换一辆车,我说现在我自己也没电了,下次吧……休息一段时间后,在这个片子的“轮廓”已经很清晰之后,我觉得我需要再回去一次。如果成了,这部片子就算是完结了。当晚我们就决定回去,经过几个狠摔之后,最终还是拿下了,我想这是我滑板十几年跳过最难的 ollie 了吧,各种槽点汇聚一身的地形,但完成了还是很有成就感的。不得不说,保安也是性情之人,哈哈哈,他理解了我们在做什么,非常有意思。
🎙️ 最晚和艾博拍到几点?他工作时的状态是什么样的?这也是片名的灵感来源吗?
有试过拍到凌晨 4 点多的,到家天已经亮了。他周一到周五是要上班的,所以平时我们只在周末的晚上外出拍摄。随着气温越来越低,我们外出拍摄的频率也逐渐变多,都想赶在变冷前完成这部滑板片。真是辛苦他了,最终在 ollie 成了之后,我们都觉得,嗯。片名最初有好几个选择,都跟夜相关,最终觉得汇丰提的这个最好,最终使用了现在这个片名。
🎙️ 为什么会有“夜拍滑板片”的心愿?
🎙️ 说说你之前搬去成都又回来上海的事吧,这几次搬家是如何决定和考虑的?
搬去成都是因为我没在成都长住过,算理由吧?哈哈。我只是想在有限的时间里尽量体验不同城市带给我的感觉,感受下不同风格的人群和食物,这会给我带来一些滑板和生活上的灵感,然后就会开始想拍滑板 video了,通常离开也就预示着滑板片已经完成…
🎙️ 哪边的冬天你更接受不了哈哈哈。
两边都难以接受 😂 ,但如果上海寒冬里下着雨,然后你在路边喝多了却打不到车,那将是绝杀。
🎙️ 马上你就回广东了,明年有什么新的计划是可以透露的吗?
是的,想家了。明年除了正常的几个 Tour 和活动以外,确实有大计划,但我不能说,每次我把计划说出来,这个事情会变得很难完成。所以,我真的不能说,尽管等我完成了再告诉你们吧,但现在,我真的需要休息几天。
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