Skate Documentary

This is the first skate doc we dropped this year. Good thing they didn't go full tongue-on-ice-sculpture, otherwise we might not have gotten this footage back. Some say Northeast China's culture is way ahead of its time, some say it's hella rural, some dig the Northeast accent, but this time, we're just telling Northeast skate stories.

Skateboarding trips are always an incredible experience, with far more stories unfolding than what makes it into the final video. From skaters' antics and hilarious moments to injuries and a multitude of untold secrets… Welcome to the backstage pass of the adidas Skateboarding spring trip.
滑板旅行是最棒的事,发生的故事永远比你在正片里看到的要多。滑手胡闹的故事,好玩的瞬间,受伤和一大堆不能说的秘密……欢迎来到 adidas Skateboarding 春季旅行的幕后。

Joe and his Land Project travel extensively, exploring diverse terrains and cultural landscapes, with the aim of showcasing unique skateboarding experiences. In addition to their films, they also create thoughtfully designed zines, allowing audiences to connect with the locations on a deeper level. This time, we're offering an additional perspective on their work.
Joe 和他的 Land Project 走南闯北,在不同土地上探索地形,人文,并希望每一次滑手都能呈现更多惊喜。除了影片,他们每次也会呈现用心制作的 ZINE,以便大家将土地牢牢掌握在自己手里。而这次,我们又为其提供了多一份视角。

Pro skaters are usually more than just skaters, you know? In this documentary that kinda happened by accident, we're diving into the other sides of Vans pro Wang Huifeng – Harley rider, design artist, Boardhead owner, all that good stuff.
一些职业滑手通常有很多身份,在这部因为意外而诞生的纪录片里,我们探索了 Vans 职业滑手王汇丰在滑板以外,关于哈雷车主,绘画设计,板头主理人等鲜活的身份。

Our filmer Shangyu shot most of the documentaries we put out this year. This Vision skate trip was his first time filming overseas, the first ever skate exchange between China and Kazakhstan, and the only international trip we filmed this year—pretty heavy.
我们的摄像师尚宇今年为大家呈现了上面绝大多数纪录片。而这部与 Vision 的滑板旅行,是他第一次在国外拍纪录片,也是中国和哈萨克斯坦第一次滑板交流,也是今年唯一一个去国外拍摄的旅行。
Interview & Podcast

In addition to the 2024 documentary projects, the team at the office and our friends were also engaged in other endeavors. Mid-year, we mobilized everyone to join Vans on trips across China, with each group equipped with their own crew, filming equipment, and skateboards, visiting cities such as Yinchuan, Kunming, Foshan, and Chengdu.
除了 2024 年纪录片的部分,办公室的其他人和我们的朋友们也都没闲着。年中的时候,我们派出了全部人手和 Vans 一起,带着各自的小队伍,拍摄装备和滑板,去到了中国东西南北各地:银川,昆明,佛山和成都。

We utilized a variety of formats, including short films, photography, interviews, and podcasts. We engaged in conversations with Liang Xing about the system, discussed regional culture with Guogai, experienced Huang Jie's unique blend of baking and skateboarding, explored the challenges faced by Dahei and Jiawei, and listened to Xie Jicheng's skateboarding narratives.
This journey embodied Jiawei's sentiment: 'Use skateboarding to understand life, use life to understand skateboarding.'


One of the cooler things we did this year was try to make this nationwide skate gathering even more interactive and immersive. We hooked up some custom film cameras for the adidas TSSH event, so everyone could capture the memories forever.
今年我们比较特别的项目,就是让本就属于全国滑手大聚会的活动,能拥有更多的参与和渗透感。我们为 adidas TSSH 活动定制了胶片相机,让回忆永远定格。

We also threw in a weeks-long online video challenge, getting more people to check off those adi-mission tasks.
同时我们也顺带推出了为期数周的线上视频挑战,让 adi-mission 的任务书被更多人打卡完成。

Before the weather got too cold in November, we also teamed up with Vans and Wang Huifeng for a #KCskatechallenge. We had people sending it over bikes, motorcycles, even cars…hoping everyone sends it even bigger next year.
在 11 月天气即将要冷下前,我们也和 Vans,王汇丰做了一期#KC滑板挑战。有飞自行车的,飞摩托车的,还有飞汽车的……希望大家明年飞得更高。
That wraps up the first part of our 2024 year-end recap. Besides what we put out, there was a ton of other sick footage, news stories, and events…see you in the next one.
这就 2024 年终总结第一篇。除了我们呈现的内容外,当然还有很多优秀影片,新闻故事和活动……那么,下一篇再见。
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