Our friend Ben has scored another Vimeo StaffPick with his latest project! This film, captured during last summer's Aranya GrandMasters, provides an authentic glimpse into the lives of skaters both on and off the course. I recall seeing Ben and his team filming on location, and he mentioned during a recent podcast recording in Chengdu that the film had been selected for Vimeo's StaffPick and was nearing release.
Not only are Ben’s films crushing it, but he’s also putting his homies on, giving them shine. You might remember 647 was the main dude in his last award-winning flick. This time, the filming was handled by Chengdu’s own skate filmer, Yu Yue from Greenergy. Ben also mentioned he’s writing a script for his next skate narrative and wants to cast some Chengdu locals.
Back in the day, the MCs at every contest would always say that the most important thing was everyone getting together, that it’s all just a game and the results don’t even matter. You don’t hear that much anymore, but Ben’s new film reminds us of what’s really important about skate contests. That’s what’s up.
我们的好朋友 Ben 又一部片子拿到了 Vimeo STAFFPICK,片子拍摄于去年夏天阿那亚的滑板大师赛期间,真是的记录了比赛台前幕后滑手们的真实生活。那几天看到 Ben 带着几个人扛这机器这里拍拍那里拍拍,上个月在成都跟他录播客他跟我说片子被 Vimeo 选中快要发了。
除了展示滑手的真实生活场景,Ben 也带着自己的滑板兄弟们走起来了,上一个获奖的片子里可以看到滑手 647 是主要角色。这次的“大师胡闹”摄影指导是成都的滑板摄像师,Greenergy 主理人于悦。Ben 还说正在写脚本的下一部滑板故事片,想找成都的滑手们来出演。
很多年前,每次滑板比赛时,现场的主持人都会说滑板比赛最重要的是大家聚在一起,这就是一个游戏,成绩根本不重要。在今天很少听到有人这么说了,但是 Ben 的新片,让我们再次关注到滑板比赛最重要的部份,这才是年轻人该有的样子。
"For decades we have been coming together in cities across the world for skateboarding contests. But what makes these contests special is the moments adjacent to the skateboarding: The drunken shenanigans in the hotel lobby, talking shit with new friends who don’t speak English, breaking boards for no reason, yelling, raging and getting swagged out. That’s what this film is about - the culture behind the largest skateboarding event in Asia, but most of all, the feeling of being a skater."
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