滑板联播:Jenkem 差点没了?

Crisis averted! Jenkem Mag almost lost their website after forgetting to renew their domain. It went up for sale immediately! Luckily, after two weeks and some serious cash, they got it back. Jenkem's back online!
🌐 Jenkem 滑板网站差点没了
Jenkem 不久前因为忘记给自己的网站续费,导致域名过期。域名即刻自动进入出售流程。好在经过近两周的时间,他们又花大价钱买回了域名。网站现已恢复正常。

Major shakeup at etnies as several riders depart. Chris Joslin, Jake Wooten, Aurelien Giraud, and Nassim Lachhab have all announced their departure from etnies at the start of 2025. The exodus is reportedly connected to the acquisition of etnies' parent company, Sole Tech, by Swiss snowboard company Nidecker Group last year.
💔 etnies 多位滑手离队
2025 年一开始,Chris Joslin,Jake Wooten,Aurelien Giraud,和 Nassim Lachhab 就相继宣布离队。据悉次举和去年 etnies 母公司 Sole Tech 被瑞士单板滑雪公司 Nidecker Group 收购有关。

adidas Skateboarding just wrapped up a week-long skate trip to Zhengzhou with their Chinese team! They filmed, held a contest, and even premiered a new video at night.
❄️ adidas Skateboarding 郑州之旅
adidas Skateboarding 不久前带领中国队伍滑手前往郑州,进行为期一周的滑板之旅。期间除了拍摄,他们还在当地举办了一场比赛和夜间新片首映。

Wang Di's new skate shop, KIZZLES, is now open! Launched at the start of 2025, it's stocked with the latest apparel and a selection of craft beers hand-picked by Wang Di and his friends.
🍺 KIZZLES 滑板店开业
王玓的 KIZZLES 在 2025 年伊始也迎来了开业。店里不仅有最新款的服饰挑选,还有他和朋友精心选择的精酿啤酒供应。

LOVEDALI® and Dali Beer present their 2025 New Year collaboration: the "Good Luck All Around" collection. The series includes a "Good Luck All Around" skateboard deck and a coach jacket (with three interchangeable Velcro patches). The design draws inspiration from traditional "Jia Ma" woodblock prints of western Yunnan and the "Wa Mao," a traditional Yunnan roof tile ornament used to ward off evil and bring good fortune.
🧧 LOVEDALI® x 大理啤酒 新年系列
LOVEDALI® 和大理啤酒呈现 2025 新年联名“吉刻样样好”系列。包括“吉刻样样好”板面及教练夹克(配有三个魔术贴徽章)。设计灵感来自滇西地区传统民间美术“甲马”的木刻版画,和云南传统置于屋脊上,有辟邪纳福、镇宅之用的饰品“瓦猫”形象。

The comprehensive skateboarding book, "Skateboard Culture," is now available! Featuring 250 renowned skateboarders since the 1970s, the book includes 400 photos, 180 skateboard decks, 65 ad campaigns, 100 stickers, and 17 exclusive interviews. To celebrate the release, a related cultural and historical exhibition is also taking place in France.
📚 滑板书《Skateboard Culture》
滑板书籍《Skateboard Culture》正式发售。该书籍囊括了自 70 年代来的 250 位著名滑手,400 张照片、180 块板面、65 个广告拍摄、100 张滑板贴纸和 17 个专访内容!发售的同时他们还在法国举办了相关文化和历史展览。

Obama got a new movie recommendation for 2024: "DìDi"! The semi-autobiographical film about an Asian-American teen navigating family, skate friends, and first love made his list.
🎬 奥巴马推荐电影《弟弟》
美国前总统奥巴马列举了一份他的 2024 电影推荐清单。而讲述亚裔美国少年面临家庭,滑板朋友和懵懂恋爱的半自传电影《弟弟》也赫然出现在清单上。
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