Yuto recently got to visit the McLaren Technology Centre and shred some in the showroom full of all their amazing sports cars and F1 cars. He even got to test drive the Artura and their F1 simulator! Before he left, they hooked him up with a custom McLaren skateboard deck as a gift.
不久前 Yuto 受邀参观了迈凯伦技术中心,在停满历代跑车和 F1 的展厅里滑板,还试驾了 Artura,和 F1 赛车模拟器。作为送别礼物,迈凯伦还特别订制了一个滑板板面制品给 Yuto 作为纪念。

After successfully defending his Olympic title last year under immense pressure, and with some downtime before the next big contests, Yuto's star power has made him a hot commodity for businesses.
Yuto 去年刚刚顶住巨大压力,卫冕奥运会冠军。之后一直也没有什么重大的比赛需要准备,作为这种休息阶段。他的名气也令其商务接到飞起。

Several days ago, Yuto also released an advertisement he filmed for IKEA Japan. The ad is quite simple, featuring footage of him skateboarding at a skatepark, and ends with him pulling out a pillow and falling asleep. However, the accompanying tagline is quite interesting: "Without sleep, dreams can't begin. Maintaining healthy sleep habits is crucial!"
几天前他还发布了为日本 IKEA 拍摄的广告,整体也很简单,展示了他在滑板场滑板的片段,并在结尾处拿出枕头睡下了。不过这次配合的广告语倒是有点意思:“没有睡眠,就无法开始梦想。稳定的睡眠习惯非常重要!”

Yuto has a long-standing partnership with Louis Vuitton. The three pinned posts on his social media account reflect three common states for himself and the skateboarding community: his Olympic gold medal, a post about filming in Tokyo and discussing the relationship between street skating and competitive skating, and an advertisement he did for Louis Vuitton.
Off the Olympic stage, he's also been busy attending LV fashion shows. Here are some photos of him at various Louis Vuitton events from last November to January of this year, including his appearance at LV's Paris Fashion Week show.
Yuto 也一直和 LV 有合作关系,他社交媒体置顶的三条内容分别的奥运会金牌,讲述自己在东京拍摄并讨论街头和比赛关系的帖子,以及为 LV 拍摄的广告。这从某种程度也反应他自己和整个滑板届较为普遍的三种状态。
而他在奥运会赛场外,也奔波在 LV 秀场。下面就是从去年 11 月到今年 1 月,他在不同地方参加 LV 活动,以及出席 LV 巴黎时装周的照片。

Following this, he filmed a "Person of the Year" advertisement for Suntory Maker's Mark Bourbon Whisky, in which he recounted the story of winning the TAMPA PRO competition.
接下来就是他为三得利美格波本威士忌(Maker's Mark)拍摄了广告“Person of the Year”,他在视频中讲述了赢下 TAMPA PRO 的故事。

Pulling it back even further, we see his interactions with Liverpool Football Club (LFC), who even gifted him a personalized #2 jersey with his name, YUTO, on the back.
再往前捋就是他和利物浦足球俱乐部(LFC)的互动,LFC 还特别赠送了赢有 YUTO 字样的 2号球衣。
Tyshawn Jones, aka "King of New York," is a two-time SOTY who has never competed in those big-name contests. He's not only an exceptional skateboarder but also a fashion icon, having ollied over the adidas CEO and even a $5 million Ferrari on the street.
Yuto, as a representative of the competitive scene, has also found a balance between skateboarding and business. Whether on the streets or in contests, both skaters have proven that the boundaries of the skateboarding world are vast. As long as you have the skills and a unique style, you can go far.
Tyshawn Jones 外号“纽约之王”,拿过两次 SOTY,从未参加过那些出名的比赛。不仅拥有出众滑板实力,也是时尚圈的宠儿,不仅滑板飞过 adidas CEO,也在街上飞过价值 500 万美元的法拉利。
而 Yuto 作为比赛方面的代表,同样在滑板与商业之间找到了平衡。无论是街头还是比赛,两位滑手都证明了,滑板世界的边界可以很广,只要你有实力和独特的风格,未来都能走得很远。
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