Luobo - The Skater Lawyer Who Shreds Big Stairs

You all remember the video of skater 'Luo Bo' (Radish) nailing that massive set of stairs, right? It was like the embodiment of the word 'energy'! We reached out to Luo Bo after seeing the clip to get the story behind the ten-plus attempts it took her to conquer the spot, as well as the scoop on her life outside of skateboarding: being a lawyer.


🎙️ First, give us a quick intro!

Hey everyone, I'm Luo Caiqing. My skate nickname is Radish (Luo Bo), I've been skating for about 8 or 9 years, and I'm currently working as a lawyer.

🎙️ How did you get into skateboarding? Who are the Chinese skaters or crews that influenced you the most?

I started skating in college in Yichang, Hubei. Before that, I knew nothing about it. One day, I was browsing Taobao and saw skateboards for like, forty-something yuan. I was bored when I didn't have classes, so I thought, 'Why not buy one and try it out?' Turns out, it was a toy board, haha. Playing by myself was even more boring, so I went online (I think it was on a forum) to find out where people skated and if there were any skate shops. That's how I found Orange (we all call him Orange Bro) and the Crazy Cat skate shop (which is closed now) in Yichang. When I went to skate with them, they told me my board was a toy, and then I bought my first real skateboard, a Feidian, from Orange's shop.

🎙️ 先简单介绍下自己吧!

大家好,我叫罗彩清,滑板的外号是萝卜,滑板差不多有 8、9 年了,现在在做律师。

🎙️ 你是怎么开始滑板的?影响你最深的中国滑手或者团体是谁?

我是在湖北宜昌上大学的时候才开始滑板,在此之前没了解过滑板。有天刷淘宝,看到滑板才卖四十几块钱,大学没课的时候很无聊,想买来玩一玩,结果是玩具板哈哈哈。因为自己玩更无聊,就在贴吧(好像是)找滑板的人都在哪滑,哪里有滑板店,然后找到了湖北宜昌橙子(我们都叫他橙哥)和 Crazy cat 滑板店(现在关门了)。去玩的时候他们告诉我,我的是玩具板,然后我就在橙哥店里买了自己第一块滑板,是沸点的。

I think the people around me had the biggest influence, the friends I skated with along the way (Xiao Lan, Changyun, Zhukai, Wushuang, Lan-ge, UZI, Yahei, Bingliang, Shuaidi, all the people I skated with back in college when skating was more important than studying). And later, when I moved to Hangzhou, there was Xiaoyu, A Q, Fuma, Ajun, Maozi, and so many others.

Some of us learned everything together, from pushing to ollies to pop shove-its, skating late into the night and then hitting up BBQ afterward. Some of them don't skate anymore, or don't skate as much, but those experiences of skating and hanging out together were really special.

我觉得身边的对我影响是最深的,是一起滑过来的朋友们(在大学一起滑的小兰,长云,祝凯,吴双,兰哥,UZI ,呀嘿,冰凉,甩弟,那个时候,读书不是主业,滑板才是。后来毕业来杭州后的小俞,阿Q,驸马,阿俊,帽子等等太多了)。

有的一起从滑行,练到 ollie,再到 pop shove it,一起滑板到深夜,滑完再去 BBQ;有的中途虽然不滑了,或者现在不滑了,但那些一起滑,一起玩的经历都是很特别的。

2019 年 3 月 31 日,大学时期在隔壁三峡职业技术学院举办滑板活动

After I started working, it was Hangzhou skate legend Wang Fei who took me under his wing. He'd bring me along to any events, which let me meet a ton of well-known skaters and learn from their styles. And I was super stoked when I landed the 7-stair at Fei-ge's Xiasha park, and got invited to join their ACSK8 team. Massive thanks to Fei-ge for sponsoring me—no pressure, just grab a board when I need one. Perfect for someone like me who's got a full-time job, haha.

工作后是杭州滑板王飞,有什么活动都带着玩,接触到了很多有名的滑手,学习他们的滑板风格。而且很荣幸在飞哥的杭州下沙板场跟翻下了 7 阶后进入他们的 ACSK8 team。感谢飞哥的赞助,对我没有要求,没有板面跟他拿就行,狠适合我这种工作了的人哈哈。

🎙️ What's your family's take on your skating all these years?

My family's never been supportive of skating, but I don't really care. Their opinions don't matter much. As long as it doesn't cost them money, I make my own decisions.

🎙️ 家里一直以来对你滑板的看法是什么?


🎙️ Tell us about that big ollie you posted. Was that the biggest set of stairs you've ever jumped? What's the story behind it?

It was the biggest I've jumped, but before that, I'd jumped 10-stairs in three different locations. The first time I saw that spot was on Douyin (Chinese TikTok) when I saw Xiaowu and Xiongmao jump it. I thought, 'I can do that too,' and spent the night watching their videos, picturing myself doing it.

Later on, Hat and the crew were heading back to Nanning for Chinese New Year, and he wanted to get some footage. So, we went to try it together. We'd actually gone once before, but there was an event happening at the convention center, and we got kicked out. I only got like three tries that day and didn't land it. When we went back after the holiday, it was freezing cold (if I'd known it was going to be televised, I would've dressed better). I told them, 'I'm landing this within 50 tries,' but on my second try, my pants ripped! I went home to change, came back, and after another ten-ish tries, I finally got it.

🎙️ 说说我们发的那个大 ollie 吧,是你跳过最大的台阶吗?跳这个台阶前前后后有什么故事分享吗?

是我跳过最大的,但在这之前我跳过 3 次不同地方的 10 阶。第一次看到这个地形是抖音看到了小五和凶喵跳,我觉得我也能跳,然后晚上就反复看他们的视频想象一番。

后面过年前帽子他们回南宁,他也想拍点东西,然后我们一起去跳。年前其实也去了一次,但是那天会展在办活动,被赶了,只跳了三次,没成。年后回来,那天好冷(早知道可以上电视就穿帅一点了)。我说这次 50 次必成,结果刚开始跳了 2 次裤子开档了,回家换裤子,回来再跳了十几次才成的。

🎙️ Is skateboarding your way of de-stressing outside of work? Why haven't you ever seriously considered quitting?

Yeah, definitely. And I've thought about it a lot (quitting). When I can't land tricks, when there's no one to skate with, when people I used to skate with stop inviting me... I've thought about it all, haha. But it's always just a thought. That's the pull of skating; even though I often say I'm done with it, I know I'll keep coming back.

🎙️ 滑板算是你工作之外解压的方式吗?为什么一直没有想过就不滑板了呢?


🎙️ Tell us about your job. How did you choose to become a lawyer? Does it require an extra year of university, and isn't the National Judicial Examination really tough?

It was kind of a combination of choices. I didn't need an extra year of university for this. I just passed the National Judicial Examination, did a year of internship at a law firm, and then passed the lawyers association's interview and assessment. The National Judicial Examination is very difficult because it covers a massive legal knowledge system. There's a lot to learn. It's one of the hardest exams in China.

🎙️ Can you share a brief story about your first official case after starting work?

Hahahaha, my first official case was actually me practicing on myself. It was a dispute over a house rental contract. I rented a place from a second-hand landlord, and the floor was wood. But the floor started warping, and there were leaks that made it even worse. The landlord kept dragging his feet on fixing it, so I sued him. We ended up settling; my rent was reduced by 300 yuan a month, and I got a few hundred for property damage.

🎙️ 说说你的工作吧,你是怎么选择成为律师的,这个要念多一年大学吗,以及司法考试很难对不对?


🎙️ 正式工作后打的第一个官司可以简单分享下吗?

哈哈哈哈,正式工作后第一个官司是我自己拿自己来练手。一个房子租赁合同纠纷,租了二手房东的房子,地板是木质的,结果住的时候地板翘起,加上房间漏水泡发,二手房东一直拖延不解决,我就把他起诉了,最后调解掉了,房租每月降 300,还给几百的物损。

🎙️ Have you ever represented any skaters or skateboarding brands in legal cases?

Quite a few, but most of them get settled out of court. I can't really share specific details about those cases.

🎙️ 有没有帮什么滑手或滑板品牌打过官司?


🎙️ Do you have any basic legal advice you can give to skaters?

My main area of expertise is personal injury related to traffic accidents, but here's some advice I can offer:

  1. For individuals: If you injure someone while skating in a public place, you'll definitely have to pay compensation. The only question is how much. So, it's best to be extra careful not to hit anyone. If you're going to skate big spots or participate in events, remember to get insurance.
  2. For skate shops: If you're organizing events or running skate lessons, definitely get insurance."

🎙️ 有没有可以分享给滑手的一些基本法律建议?



So, what other jobs are you guys doing besides skateboarding? Are you still skating, or have you moved on? We'd love to hear about your professions and stories in the comments!


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