Mellowpark.cn的滑雪新片”虎 Am I“上个周六顺利举行,因为隐藏在胡同里的PARTY所在地的原因,估计只会有少数铁杆儿的粉丝才会来参加我们的首映式,但出乎我们意料的是还不到8:30整个会场已经塞满了冲着啤酒奖品,当然更是冲着我们的新片来的,不要遗憾如果你错过了这次盛会,也没有拿到DVD,下周开始你可以在就近的Quiksilver 和NIKE的专卖店里索取免费DVD 了。当然在这个雪季的麦罗的活动中也可以拿到这部片子,查看这里当晚的所有精彩照片吧!
With a hard to find venue we were worried no one would show up for the world premier of 'Hu Am I?' - however, the promise of free beer and giveaways must have guided party-goers the whole way, as the place was literally packed out by 8:30pm with the party spilling out onto the street! A big thanks goes out to all those who made it, and don't worry if you missed out on getting a DVD as we'll be distributing these through Quiksilver & snowboard stores over the next few weeks, as well as at our own events this winter. Check the full image gallery online here!
周六上海继续 哈哈