这段视频是 2015 年,传奇滑手 Jamie Thomas 受邀来到阿富汗首都喀布尔,在 Skateistan 为当地的孩子教授滑板时录制的视频。6 年过去了,回看 Jamie Thomas 当时在片中对未来的美好展望,恍如隔世。
50 多年以来引领全球滑板界的领军人物 Vans,自豪地宣布与 Skateistan 建立全新的合作伙伴关系。
这部 Skateistan 的最新纪录片记录了约翰内斯堡滑手的日常生活,还有 Tony Hawk 去南非为当地的滑板学校开幕的镜头,摄影师希望滑手们可以通过这部片子感受到滑板带给全世界孩子们的希望。 The documentary, directed by Coral Amy Brown, also features footage of skateboarding legend Tony Hawk opening up the new skate school. We hope you enjoy the documentary, which you can watch in full above.
战火中的滑板场Skateistan在Tony Hawk,Jamie Thomas等其他滑手的鼎力支持下不断在非洲用滑板带领当地孩子摆脱战乱,无数孩子在滑板的影响之远离种族纷争,接受了更好的教育,现在Skateistan打算募集$100,000 让一切正常运转下去,有能力的滑手可以献出微薄之力。 Skateistan aims to raise $100,000 to keep things rolling with the help of pro skaters Tony Hawk, Jamie Thomas, Mimi Knoop, and the Citizens of Skateistan.
2007年Skateistan进驻阿富汗以来,已经有不计其数的孩子们接收到了更好的教育,同时通过滑板接触到了世界,这里的孩子对于自己的未来有什么想法,有了世界人民的帮助,一切皆有可能实现。 Before Skateistan, skateboarding in Afghanistan was unheard of, unseen. No one had yet tapped into its amazing potential as a tool to change lives. Now over 1200 youth, with over 40% girls, participate in high quality sport and education programming at our four skate schools worldwide - Mazar-e-Sharif and Kabul in Afghanistan, Phnom Penh...
TWS Eric Stricker纪念奖是为了纪念那些为评介自己对滑板的热爱,为滑板事业做出积极杰出贡献的人,今年的Eric Stricker纪念奖就颁发给了为战乱之中儿童提供庇护的Skateistan和它的创立者Oliver Percovich,为他的崇高举动致敬! The Eric Stricker Memorial Award, in memory of TWS editor Eric Stricker, sets out to honor individuals in the skateboarding industry that have shown a continued dedication to the positive growth, longevity, and love of skateboarding. This year’s Eric Stricker Memorial Award deservedly goes to the incredible people at Skateistan...
Official 和 Skateistan合作发布两款全新帽饰产品,帽子的标识上均有Official和Skateistan的标识,本次合作是Official对Skateistan强力支持的表现,同时销售所有盈利将会直接进入Skateistan的运营经费之中。 Official and Skateistan are proud to announce the release of its new collaboration. The collection consists of two snap back hats. Both with Official written in Dhari on the front and with custom Skateistan labeling and taping on the interior. Please spread the word and help support the amazing cause that is...
Zero老大Jamie Thomas和摄影师Chad Foreman于6月份第一次来到了阿富汗Skateistan滑板场,支持阿富汗滑板事业的发展,帮助那里的孩子拜托战争的纠纷,这部纪录片便记载了Jamie Thomas这次旅程 In June 2014, skater Jamie Thomas and photographer Chad Foreman visited Skateistan in Afghanistan for the very first time. Jamie is the founder of Zero Skateboards and Fallen Footwear, which have been key supporters of Skateistan since back in 2009. Not only have these sponsorships kept our students on boards, but...
战火中的滑板场Skateistan在南非也开始了新的项目,Skateistan将在约翰内斯堡建造一个高质量的滑板场,来帮助那里的孩子们远离种族纷争,让他们接受更好的教育的同时享受滑板享受生活 The non-profit Skateistan is proud to announce the official launch of its first project on the African continent in Johannesburg, South Africa.
继Rodney Mullen之后,阿富汗Skateistan的发起人之一Oliver Percovich也登上的TEDx的讲台,讲述自己在阿富汗推广滑板的种种经历,而在他的不断努力之下,阿富汗的女孩子最喜欢的运动成为了滑板,他改变了战火纷飞之中孩子的命运,致敬! TEDx Sydney video of Skateistan founder Oliver Percovich
为了帮助战乱中的阿富汗姑凉们回到学校,Spitfire和Skateistan联合推出合作款轮子,希望能尽自己的一份力去为孩子们的教育事业作出贡献,让滑板去改变阿富汗孩子们的生活 To help Skateistan meet their goal of raising $35K and keep them rolling they asked members and supporters worldwide what skateistan means to them. Check out the new video, the Spitfire x Skateistan benefit wheel and find out how you can help and continue to support their efforts of providing skateboarding and educational opportunities...