Volcom 发布了最新与 Spirfire 合作产品宣传视频,这次大家真的玩起了火,废旧的碗池内升起了火堆,两品牌共同的滑手Grant Taylor, Ryan Sheckler,Dustin Dollin等人在这里撒野的动作更是让视频加了把躁劲。 Volcom unveils its latest collaboration inspired by the thrashin’ fashion of gouging grinds and heat-seeking aerial bombardments. Together, Volcom and Spitfire bring a collective 50 years of experience in making quality products specifically designed for those who keep the eternal skate-fire stoked. Hard like Stone and hot...
etnies在PlanB新片True发布之前和PlanB联合推出了合作鞋款,并且发布宣传视频,Chris Joslin和Ryan Sheckler两名当家滑手出镜拍摄,这两个品牌的合作历史可以追溯到1992年,这部宣传片在宣传新鞋的同时也意在为PlanB今天上映的True造势 etnies and Plan B skateboards have reunited to collaborate on a footwear collection. The two brands have had ties since 1992 and today, Chris Joslin and Ryan Sheckler continue the alliance.
难道比赛赛场一定要非常正统吗?今年Red Bull Triple Set比赛就放在了North Park剧院内举行!整个剧院变身Triple Set赛场,舞台的聚光灯照射之下,sheckler,Decenzo,Sewa等超过20名顶级职业滑手参与其中,最终TJ Rogers强势夺冠,通过镜头回顾赛场精彩瞬间 Red Bull Triple Set 2014 video recap
Plan B大片BTrue即将面世!首映将于11月23日晚在加州Montalbån剧院内举办,届时VIP入场时间为晚7点,普通观众入场时间为晚9点,票价为$5每人,所有收益将会直接捐赠给Sheckler基金会 Plan B Skateboards is premiering their BTrue video Sunday, November 23, 2014 at the Montalbån Theater in Hollywood, CA.
Ryan Sheckler在一次比赛里做的后空翻震惊全场,这次滑手Izzy Cantu来了个前空翻!飘逸的长发在空中甩开,身体蜷缩起来,这可不是用脚摩擦出的空翻,这是用膝盖在摩擦! NBD… Izzy Cantu just did frontflip on skateboard… but wait… it was knee frontflip! WOW!
etnies Marana Bloodline再度焕发生机,Marana E+新款鞋正式加入Marana Bloodline产品线,视频里拍摄角度丰富,航拍也让画面显得更加广阔,现在就跟随Ryan Sheckler等人在街头体会Marana Bloodline系列鞋款的魅力所在 The Marana Bloodline has come alive. The third and final Blood type (E+) has joined the family that has a prognosis for progression.
PlanB酝酿许久的视频终于发出预告!1分多中的预告片中不少片段取景于国内,而Torey, Sheckler, PJ, Gustavo等人敢冲敢拼,摔跤场面看着就疼,相信正片必定会精彩无比!一起期待正片发布! Introducing True, the much anticipated video from Plan B Skateboards. Dedicated to the progression of skateboarding since 1991.
今年3月我们在加州采访了已经移居美国一年的许四多,采访原文最先刊登在了我在 Whatsup 滑板杂志的专栏上。今天转载回 KickerClub.com 没有看过的可以来补补课。还有采访录音收听。
红牛在世界滑板日当天为西雅图滑手们带来了独一无二的道具,由Torey Pudwill和艺术家C.J. Rench合作,巨大的红色道具相当抢眼,Sheckler,Gustavo,Decenzo等人也一同来为道具剪裁!艺术与滑板道具的完美结合就在这里 The Red Bull Skate Space project successfully established an unprecedented achievement in the history of skateboarding. With the intention of making a lasting impact on the local skateboarding community, Torey Pudwill and artist C.J. Rench collaborated on the project combining two of Seattle’s passions: art and skateboarding. Alongside fellow Red Bull skateboarders...
西雅图今年的滑板日绝对会让所有人羡慕无比,Torey,Sheckler,Decenzo将自己设计建造的Red Bull Skate Space艺术道具带到了滑板日的现场,制作一件艺术品同时让他可以用来滑板,这并不是一件简单的事情,但是在红牛这么多Pro面前,就是这么易如反掌 Pudwill, Sheckler, Decenzo, and more will embark on the Pacific Northwest for Red Bull Skate Space.As you see in the teaser above, making art that is a functional skate piece is not an easy task. It will take creativity and an open mind to figure out how to make this one-of-a-kind...
今年X Games赛事即将打响,今年比赛将分为职业组街式比赛,AM组街式比赛和Park赛事,现在名单已经出炉,看这比赛名单真叫人兴奋! This year at X Games, we're taking an initial step into top am skateboarding with the first X Games Am. We complied the input from key people in the skateboarding industry like magazine editors and other influential skaters to get a short list of 12 top ams to have in this one. Then...
滑板不仅仅是我们脚下表现自我的工具,现在它在广告界中也成为了常客,但是广告最终是广告,为了将自己公司的产品发布出去,所以滑板也经常尴尬地出现在各种公司的广告中,从饮料到裤子,甚至还有女性用品,看了你就知道谁代言的是这个了 Skateboarding seems to be a vital tool in the modern advertising executive’s arsenal. Garden furniture not quite edgy enough? Have someone send a kickflip over it. Need some more youth appeal for that family car? Park it in front of some graffiti and maybe film someone doing casper stalls on the roof. Anything particularly...