Real发布旗下Team在堪萨斯的10天旅途粗剪片段!Ishod,Justin,Kyle Walker全部来到了这里,开场就是Ishod Wair的大扶手,来到堪萨斯当然得找Sean Malto耍一耍,果然Malto客串了摄影师!近15分钟的片段让你看个爽! Ishod Wair, Kyle Walker, Peter Ramondetta, Justin Brock, Jake Donnelly, Davis Torgerson, Ernie Torres. RAW clips of what only 10 days on the road produced for Through and Through.
Sheckler Session第四季第九集上线!这集中Sheckler和队员们一起来到了David Reyes的家乡丹佛,出了街头的肆虐之外,大家最后还玩起了枪! The road trip continues to David Reyes’s hometown of Denver, Colorado. The guys take time off to shoot guns with the Dagger 8 Armory crew. It’s a full day in the van but when you have skaters hitting spots, doing what they love, you can bet it’s going to be a good...
红牛韩国滑板旅途“Journey with Choi”第二集发布,Jason Choi,NikeSB旗下欧洲滑手Denny Pham,以及今年Damn AM冠军Yoshi Tanenbaum,几人一起来到了韩国,迎接他们的是一顿纯正的韩国BBQ,接下来就是街头的肆虐了! The second leg of this gruelling two-week trip around the southern Korean peninsula took our squad to the metropolises of Daejeon and Deagu. Guests Yoshi Tanenbaum, Denny Pham and Alex Mizurov were being shown around by local skate ruler Jason Choi in the most extensive bit of landsharking...
当Epicly Later’d纪录片刚开始拍摄时,Ali Boulala便吸引了导演的目光,世界上再没有一个人拥有如此传奇的经历了,在澳洲滑手Shane Cross醉酒驾驶车祸丧生之前,Ali Boulala就经历过酒驾车祸昏迷的惨痛教训,Vice滑板纪录片Epicly Later’d – Ali Boulala第二集 – 遥控车与醉酒。
不久前Drew Fraser离开Shox加入到了南宁三滑板的Team之中,他在离开时曾经说过去追求自己的梦想,那么究竟是什么对Drew如此吸引,我们带来了@三Skateboarding CEO James Tyson 和刚转到旗下PRO的@Drew祝Fraser 访谈,一起了解一下三滑板。 Interview of SANskateboard and Drew Fraser, for English version please roll down.
Converse #NightLines# 视频比赛结果公布!获得滑板店组冠军的是广州Hero滑板店,紧随其后的是大理Streetwarn,泉州WSP和西安Shadow滑板店,个人参赛冠军为李顺,位列其后为潘家杰和刘毛毛辛顺祥!为了感谢所有参赛者,所有没有得奖的滑手们也将获得一双Cons礼品!
当Epicly Later'd纪录片刚开始拍摄时,Ali Boulala便吸引了导演的目光,他令人惊叹的滑板能力,搞笑却富有感染力的行为,以及谜一般的经历都让人感到好奇,世界上再没有一个人拥有如此传奇的经历了,Vice滑板纪录片Epicly Later’d,Ali Boulala第一集,曾经的Baker Boy。 When Epicly Later'd first started, one of the first things I wanted to do was an Ali Boulala episode. I imagined doing a whole season just on him. He was the perfect subject of the show - hilarious, amazing at skateboarding, infectious to be around, yet also a bit...
今天摄影师课堂中,Nigel带我们实战一下如何用单反拍摄滑板片,他用7D作为示范样机,不过所有单反拍摄技巧都大差不差,不到5分钟的视频点拨让你用单反拍出PRO一样的感觉! In this episode of NKA Project, Nigel Alexander works with filmer and skateboarder Kevin Lozano to enhance some filming techniques with a Canon 7D. Watch the progression of how these couple of tips can take your shots from basic to professional in less then 5 minutes.
红牛亚洲之旅走起,旗下一帮风格各异的欧洲滑手来到了日本,接待他们的是Volcom日本队伍的成员,接下来两拨不安分的人便走上了街头,寻找东京那些未经触及的Spot轮番轰炸,这风格绝对不一般! An eclectic crew of European skaters cruise out to explore some pristine Japanese architecture. Our international squad was made up of Basque Country ripper Alain Goikoetxea, Spanish skaters Dani Lopez de Ipiña and Alain Saavedra, Eniz Fazliov from Finland, and Axel Cruysberghs of Belgium. Together, they converged on Japan to explore the cities and...
战火中的滑板场Skateistan在Tony Hawk,Jamie Thomas等其他滑手的鼎力支持下不断在非洲用滑板带领当地孩子摆脱战乱,无数孩子在滑板的影响之远离种族纷争,接受了更好的教育,现在Skateistan打算募集$100,000 让一切正常运转下去,有能力的滑手可以献出微薄之力。 Skateistan aims to raise $100,000 to keep things rolling with the help of pro skaters Tony Hawk, Jamie Thomas, Mimi Knoop, and the Citizens of Skateistan.
Shane O'Neill 加入 P-Rod 品牌 Primitive 的欢迎视频正式发布!不论是台子杆子还是Manual Pad,Shane总是有数不尽的招式!还有那些看上去根本不可能做出来的!速度一起欣赏! He always brings the heat, so you know this is gonna be good. That said, some tricks in here just don’t even seem possible, including the footy of his latest cover shot. Enjoy...
Vans 阿根廷滑手 Renato Donadei 在今年年中进行了一场独一无二的旅途,别人的旅途总是一个Team出去找乐子,而这位,带着相机滑板就开始欧洲之行!不少片段都是他自己自拍完成,不会旅行的滑板人不是好摄影师! In mid-2015 Donadei Renato undertook a different tour. He put some things in his backpack, his camera and his skate and began solo trip to Europe. Look what he did, in his own perspective.