红牛又发布了一段技术流街头片段,走上街头的德国滑手 Michael 'Fitschi' Tan,他旅途中放了整个Team的鸽子,竟然一个人跑到货机机场而不是乘客机场等飞机了!最后一个巨大的BS 360 Double Flip也是让全场震惊! There are a lot of funny stories floating around about Michael 'Fitschi' Tan. For example, there was that one time he tried to fly to the USA from a small cargo airport in Frankfurt-Hahn while his team-mates were waiting for him at Frankfurt-Main airport. Aside from those stories,...
Desillusion再发大片,这次带来了HUF帅哥 Austyn Gillette的个人纪录片“Be Human”,由Robin Pailler 和 DSL 主编 Sebastian Zanella 联合打造,24岁的Austyn通过天赋和努力成为了世界顶级滑手,而在这里Austyn也谈到了如何保持PRO和正常人生活之间平衡的重要一点。 At only 24 years of age, Austyn Gillette has built a decade strong career from hard work, humility, innovation and a commitment to skating every damn day. After a difficult year out injured, Desillusion spent a day with Austyn to reflect on the trials...
我们常常听到身边的朋友在抱怨国内滑板圈总是一些老面孔,没有新鲜血液。所以我们开设了一个新栏目 I AM,专门搜罗新生代滑手,今天第三期给大家介绍来自深圳的邓进。
@NikeSB 发布Ishod Wair在Chronicles 2中的额外片段,这里各种大杆子大台阶,Ishod带翻上这些恐怖道具看起来无比轻松,各种惨摔也是Ishod成为曾经年度滑手的重要筹码。 Big rails, ledge game, flowing lines, comfortable on transition. Unbelievable all-around skills. Ishod can't be stopped.
红牛最近出手频繁,今天又带来了阿根廷旅行系列的短片“来自阿根廷的问候”,开头轻快的配乐立刻将眼球吸引在了屏幕上,阿根廷海边美景和多样的地形看起来真是眼馋,虽然没有什么巨大动作,不过这种Chill的风情值得享受。 Even though it's a small city, Mar del Plata is one of the pillars of the skateboarding scene in Argentina. The cradle of surfing in the South American country, it saw the birth of the first national skate contests at the end of the 1970s and into the early '80s.
@NikeSB 发布Justin Brock在Chronicles 2的个人附加片段,在Chronicles系列影片中,Justin Brock的表现都颇为出色,而这背后全是用一次又一次惨摔成就的! As Chronicles 3 approaches we took a look deep into the hard-drives of lead SB Chronicler Jason Hernandez to pull together Justin's Extras edit.
Monster Children联合Oakley在位于悉尼的Oakley In residence工作室内创作了集艺术,滑板和摄影为一体的道具,Sean Malto,Curren,Chima等Oakley Team来现场拍摄,Sammy Winter在里面表现尤其出色,最后那Ollie接斜面简直绝了! Oakley and Monster Children presented an exclusive gallery of images last night at Oakley's Sydney #InResidence from a studio shoot with Sean Malto, Curren Caples, Chima Ferguson, Sammy Winter, Josh Pall and Juan Onekawa. All images shot by Atiba Jefferson and skate-able sculptures designed and painted by Brett...
Fourstar发布了旗下最新视频"Obtuse Moments",长达16分钟的视频中Ishod,Carroll,Puig,TNT等等大牌齐上阵,不过Guy在前几天的宣布退出相信是让Fourstar这段新片缺少了些重量级片段。 Big guns and bigger fun when Ishod, Carroll, Brophy, Puig, Gerwer, TNT and the boys barnstorm the Olde World. Sixteen-plus minutes of wünderbar!
红牛再发滑板旅途新片“Journey with Choi”,Jason Choi,NikeSB旗下欧洲滑手Denny Pham,以及今年Damn AM冠军Yoshi Tanenbaum,几人一起来到了韩国,迎接他们的是一顿纯正的韩国BBQ,接下来就是街头的肆虐了! In this first episode of "Journey With Choi," Jason Choi, Denny Pham, Yoshi Tanenbaum and Alex Mizurov get served up a traditional welcome Korean BBQ before breaking out to skate the crisp marble of Seoul. The capital offers tons of epic-looking spots and colorful vignettes of pure entertainment.
现在大型滑板比赛的打分颇为主观,风格至上,有时却很大忽略了滑板的动作难度,The Boardr为此推出了全新的打分系统,将招式分解为四个大部分,并且录入了全部动作数据和道具等级,更为简单客观的对滑板比赛进行打分。
红牛泰国之旅继续走起,Dylan Hughes, Clint Peterson等队员们原本打算在泰国街头寻找DIY的地形,不过这里的Spot确实非常丰富,Manual Pad,台阶扶手应有尽有,滑板在泰国风情别样。 Join Justin Strubing, Dylan Hughes, Clint Peterson and Daryl Dominguez on a skate quest of legend in the streets and jungles (and even hospitals) of Thailand.