Mountain Dew滑板纪录大片PUSH-Leticia Bufoni完整片段发布!追逐自己滑板梦想的女神来到LA,一切并没有想象中的那么美好,然而种种困难在她面前都化成了滑板的动力,我们一起跟随完整片段走近巴西女神滑手Leticia Bufoni的滑板生活。
一个女性如何能够建立自己的滑板产业,拥有自己的店铺,拥有最Core的队伍,拍摄最棒的视频?Michelle Pezel告诉你这都是可以的,她成功打造了加拿大最著名的滑板店之一Antisocial,至今已经13年之久,那么她成功的秘密究竟是什么,Huck杂志就带来了这段滑板创业背后探究。 Vancouver’s Antisocial is one of the most respected shops in the world. It’s been holding down the scene in British Columbia since opening in 2002, and is still just as relevant today. Huck magazine recently made this cool profile video on Antisocial’s founder, Michelle Pezel, which provides some insight into how the shop...
单反相机里很多参数在拍摄滑板时经常让摄影师陷入尴尬,今天Nigel就告诉大家自己的佳能单反相机设置参数,首先调至手动档,关键一定要记住你要把相机设置为1280x720 60fps,除了这还有啥需要注意的地方我们一起来看! In this episode of NKA Project, Nigel gives you a quick lesson on how to set up a Canon Rebel T3i series camera for filming skateboarding. After watching this video you'll be a master at cruising through those camera settings. So grab your camera and hit the skate park.
@NikeSB 继续发布 Chronicles Vol.1 中的额外片段,今天带来了Grant Taylor的个人部分,不论碗池还是街头Grant Taylor总是那么凶猛,敢拼敢冲,而在自己签名款鞋子发布之后,相信他在Chronicles 3中会有更佳出色的表现。 Style and power are the hallmarks of all-terrain master shredder, Grant Taylor.
从今年三月份开始陆续发布的PUSH-Mountain Dew联合RED,WD和Lowepro三大公司联合推出系列纪录片终于进入尾声,Josh Matthews个人完整片段发布,12分钟的片段带你走近Josh的滑板生活,他的家庭。 PUSH - JOSH MATTHEWS full video online.
KickerClub.com携手Sony action Cam的SpotCheck栏目第29集中,@波比老师- 找到了一个旧的大轮胎带到了滑板场,放地上放U池上玩起来真带劲!虽然Bobby老师最后光荣负了伤...
Real发布发布了最新整片“Through And Through”,17分钟的片段里,Ishod Wair,Dennis Busenitz,Justin Brock,Chima Ferguson等队员们給大家带来了滑板大餐,街头板场完全轰炸,后面大阶大杆满场乱飞简直绝了。 Real shit from Real with this brand new video titled “Through And Through”. 17 minutes of sick new footage featuring Ishod Wair, Dennis Busenitz, Justin Brock, Chima Ferguson, Peter Ramondetta, Kyle Walker, Jake Donnelli, Massimo Cavedoni, and many more. Filmed by Tim Fulton and Jeremy McNamara.
当滑板不再属于纯正的街头,当滑板深入人心,不仅占领了体育频道,还占领了探索栏目,动画片频道,电视购物...不论遥控器怎么使唤都是滑板,这种生活是滑板人想要的吗?Converse滑板举办的Connect the Dots比赛获胜视频Skate Vision就带你体会下这种生活。 Winner of BEST OVERALL and $10,000 in cash, SKATE VISION was an amazing entry from Boston. Congrats to Dillon Buss, Tommy Wisdom, David Lewis, Brian Delaney, Brian Reid, Brian Leff, Abe Dubin, Lee Madden and Trevor Denman for making the big dough this year!
今早刚刚结束的 2015 Street League 全程比赛视频发布!先恭喜黑马Kevin Hoefler、Nyjah Huston、Luan Oliveira获得冠亚季军!全程视频看起来!视频分为上下两部分,下部中正是最终对决片段!总共1小时40多分钟不错过每个细节让你看到爽!全程速度点击观看!
NikeSB 发布Chronicles Vol2 中的未公开片段,长达4分半的视频中,Ishod Wair,Justin Brock,Luan Oliveira,Shane O'Neill等人均呈现了不少大招,一起体会一下。 Unreleased footage from our second installment of the SB Chronicles Trilogy featuring Ishod Wair, Justin Brock, Luan Oliveira, Shane O'Neill, Daryl Angel, Theotis Beasley and Donovon Piscopo. 联合 @ThePlace滑板公园 @BRAOS_EYEWEAR 推出的Broline节目这期给大家带来的是来自山东,同时也是vans和lady赞助的滑手 @徐兆-LADY滑板 在the place滑板场的一条line,大家一起来看看吧~ 拍摄/剪辑 吴天翔 @AirTee 想要get更多新技能,记住每周五晚the place滑板公园的夜滑活动,场地免费开放哦~ #大家一起来练招#
Toymachnie旗下大PRO,Johnny Layton(aka J-Lay)个人视频发布怎能不看?这几天Berrics大肆宣传的整片终于发布,数多的街头野生地形,行云流水的风格搭配滑板落地干脆饱满的声响,令人赏心悦目。 It's been awhile since we've seen a full J-Lay part, but don't think for one second he hasn't been crushing it in the streets. If raw power could pay the bills, Johnny would be a billionaire.