Redbull新片上线!Steve Nesser, Clint Peterson 和 Davis Torgerson等人来到明尼苏达州最大的城市明尼阿波利斯,这里天气多变,第一天的艳阳高照第二天就可能瓢泼大雨,而地形却非常丰富,各种野道具轮番轰炸甚是享受。 Minneapolis, Minnesota is the city you've probably never skated, that you should visit to come skate. The city centre has been skated for some 25 years with some spots, like the Garage, staying relevant and skateable that whole time. Spots are literally a stone throw away, and when... 联合 @ThePlace滑板公园 @BRAOS_EYEWEAR 推出的Broline节目这期给大家带来的是来自西安的@Cooky姚可扬 在the place滑板场的一些片段,大家一起来看看吧~ 拍摄/剪辑 吴天翔 @AirTee 想要get更多新技能,记住每周五晚the place滑板公园的夜滑活动,场地免费开放哦~ #大家一起来练招#
NikeSB 发布 Chronicles Vol.1 未曾公开的视频片段,Janoski,Grant Taylor,Lewis Marnell等人都出现在其中,看来NikeSB为12月份Chronicles 3的造势活动已经进入轨道了。 Unreleased footage from our first installment of the SB Chronicles Trilogy featuring Stefan Janoski, Grant Taylor, Wieger, Chet Childress, Lewis Marnell, Daniel Shimizu, Clark Hassler.
跳楼哥 Aaron Jaws Homoki最佳Instagram片段合集发布,这里面包括了一些Jaws以前经典的跳楼片段,同时最近的跳楼视频也囊括其中,每个都是大招呀!
Berrics 发布 Brian Peacock 的Recruited栏目视频,昨天Peakcock夜滑已经算是预告了,Peacock在Berrics板场里的表现实在太炸!各种Maunal动作信手拈来,而大台阶扶手也照玩不误,动作绝对够稳够劲!
Fucking Awesome 和 FA的子品牌Hockey联合发布新片“Fight/Fuck”,果然正如刚开始估计一样,视频的风格非常经典怀旧,片子的内容也是保罗万象,一会儿穿插终结者的片段一会儿又是乐队,不过滑板片段依旧犀利!
Sheckler Session 第四季EP 4发布,Sheckler、Torey几个人还在悉尼享受乐趣,几个人住了一套豪华别墅开Party,天晴之后大家来到Coogee海边,还造访了Waterloo滑板场,这个滑板场就在上次给大家介绍的Redfern滑板场旁边,这旅途实在有够Chill! With the weather in Australia being a bit of a wild card, Ryan and the boys are stuck inside. But when you've got killer accommodations like they do, that's just an excuse for a house party! Later on, Torey gets bombed by some rogue bird poo, and when the weather breaks...
摄影师教学继续发布,今天Nigel要教给大家如何拍摄碗池里的动作,怎样拍的过渡更加顺畅,如何让机器避免抖动,Nigel都在片中作出了提示,当然U池也同样适用。 If you've found filming transitions to be a bit tricky then you should definitely watch this week's episode of NKA . Nigel reveals some helpful tips on how to capture those buttery smooth transitions at the skate park . So take some notes and get out there and shoot.
红牛俄罗斯之旅第二集发布,这次一群人来到了许多DIY的地形上,DIY道具的乐趣通常比滑板场多了很多,当然莫斯科街头的野杆路障怎能放过,跟随镜头来到莫斯科探索起来! The very least that can be said about the Antiz/Absurd connection is that they know how to maximize every minute of a skate trip. While roaming the boulevards and avenues of Moscow, they also sessioned the weirdest hidden suburban ramp, and still found time to squeeze in a barbecue session with the locals at...
Brian Peacock在白天和Chase拍摄了Berrics Recruit视频之后,晚上继续在LA街头走起,各种高难度的技巧在他脚下轻松自如,扎实的基本功令人赞叹,而相对于周六的Recruit Brian Peacock片段,这部视频也只能算开胃甜点吧... After filming for his Recruit during the daytime with Chase, Brian Peacock would hit JKwon at night with the Primitive homies. This is just a taste of what to expect from Brian this Saturday...
滑板与时尚结合并不少见,Dylan在DKNY写真,Alex Olson的LV广告,Eli Reed的潮牌ER,而昨天的伦敦时装秀上,设计师Ashish决定将滑板带到走秀之中,注意看里面的滑板甚至包括一块满是划痕的Fucking Awesome,设计师看来为了这噱头也是下足了苦功夫。
红牛再发滑板新片-“俄罗斯之旅”第一部分视频,首先大家来到了莫斯科,这个和中国关系密切的老大哥里的Spot也是各种大理石,不过新奇的地形却是不少,我们跟随镜头踩着滑板体会一下。 The Antiz and Absurd crews share a lot in common: their love for skateboarding, of course – but also the same approach to it, the hobo lifestyle and the rock n’ roll attitude.