红牛加勒比01: Color Rico

红牛又出新片滑在加勒比,第一集Color Rico,欢迎来到美丽的加勒比海!寻找街头未经触及的Spot,欣赏这里如画的风景,加上后期色调的精美选用,跟随红牛旗下Vladik Scholz,Denny Pham等人踏上这词波多黎各色彩之行! Welcome to Color Rico, where a handful of euro rippers charge the colorful skate spots of the Caribbean. Vladik Scholz, Denny Pham, Adrien Bulard, Kris Vile and Jaakko Ojanen set out in search of new spots and good times, uncovering the hidden skate gems throughout the region. Part 1 of the...

Official - 玻利维亚羊毛之旅

Stefan Janoski带着Official Team旗下Sebo Walker,和主理人Jason Maggio与TM Jeff Landi一起踏上了玻利维亚的四天旅途,准备在这里寻找Official新品的材料,Stefan Janoski亲子动手剃起了羊毛,一起体会这趟有趣的旅途。 Life in the Central Andes isn’t for everybody. For new arrivals in Bolivia, it’s common to feel some discomfort immediately: difficulty breathing, intense headaches, and bouts of nausea. But, give it a few days and most people are able to acclimatize to the elevation of 14,000 feet...

ThePlace - Broline - 弹你屈狗簧 联合 @ThePlace滑板公园 @BRAOS_EYEWEAR 推出的Broline节目今天带来了上海滑手胡俊杰 @弹你屈狗簧 在The Place滑板场内的片段,拍摄剪辑 吴天翔@AiraTee

Sony Action Cam App

Sony Action Cam发布了手机客户端APP-Action Cam App,这个App功能十分强大,可以直接对Action Cam相机里的视频和图片进行编辑,包括裁减拼贴,调整视频片段速度等等,这部介绍视频就給大家演示了一下这个App的神通广大! This video shows how you can edit your action cam footages and images with your mobile device using Action Cam App.

孙坤坤 Independent 欢迎视频

孙坤坤加入Independent欢迎视频正式发布!孙坤坤是国内街头、碗池、U池等等各种道具都能玩的来的滑手之一,年纪轻轻的他也得到了Independent Trucks的认可,恭喜孙坤坤正式成为Independent旗下AM!

红牛最新视频: 滑在比利时街头

红牛发布比利时Bacon Skateboards和Lifeblood Team联合旅途,超级大的弧面,经典的街头地形,组成了这部比利时街头的滑板片,一起跟随镜头体会一下比利时街头的原始风情! What happens when you roll with a crew 30-deep to Belgium on a massive skate mission? Muckefuck, Bacon Skateboards and Lifeblood joined forces and took the journey to meet up in the land of insane skate spots for a massive trip like never before. Big transition, classic street spots, and banger clips...

9月26日 LOVEDALI滑板整片"The Original Dream" 30个城市首映!含预告片!

LOVEDALI滑板首部整片"The Original Dream最初的梦"9月26日将在以上30个城市举办新片首映活动!该片记录LOVEDALI TEAM两年多以来在云南各地,广西南宁,柳州,桂林的公路旅行以及滑手在各自所在地的拍摄.各地具体时间内容请见当地海报,到场均可领取纪念品和参与抽奖活动!感谢各地滑板店铺,酒吧及滑手们的支持!

Mountain Dew滑板纪录大片PUSH - Ishod Wair第五集

Mountain Dew滑板纪录大片PUSH - Ishod Wair第五集发布,在这集中Ishod带我们走上了街头,绝对多的滑板片段也在这集中跟大家见面,这也是Ishod在PUSH纪录片中的最后一集,下次整片即将发布! With enough footage, anything else is bonus. Ishod hits the streets for last minute bangers in his fifth and final episode of PUSH. Next up... full part!

Hobo Daze 2015 视频发布

Offical x Vagabond Hobo Daze 2015流浪日视频发布!滑板,冲浪,烧烤,露营,篝火…实在太Chill了!一起跟随王汇丰,刘佳明,小鸡等等体会这次无与伦比的旅途!

滑板摄影师课堂 - 如何自拍

前几次摄影师课堂给大家介绍了如何拍摄滑板,如果没人拍了怎么办?别担心,今天Nigel带你来学习如何用GoPro和手机配件自己拍自己滑板,怎样自拍效果最好,我们一起学习一下。 Even if you're the only one in your crew pumped to skate, capture some epic lines with these tips from this weeks NKA "How To" edit. Nigel dishes out some helpful suggestions when using GoPro and cell phone accessories. So pack your gear, lock down that shot and get to work.

Sheckler Sessions 第四季第三集

@Redbull Sheckler Sessions第四季第三集发布!美好的天气再度到来,Sheckler,Torey一行人来到了海边Chill起来,之后Volcom澳洲队伍还带着大家来到了当地滑板场,千万别错过Sheckler最后那个怪物级别的Ollie! Blessed by a break in the weather, the boys decide to make the most of it by logging some shore break sessions at the beach. Ryan takes them to a famous plaza for some party lines, David shows his big rail prowess, and they all get a souvenir from the trip with...


普通人第一次去滑板店可能会有失身的尴尬,如果你不知道滑板店是干什么的,去了会特别不自在,店里每个人似乎都等着在看你出丑,不过不要怕!下面Jenkem就给大家带来几点提示,让你成为正宗“板店之友”。 Going to your local skateshop for the first time is almost like losing your virginity, it’s pretty awkward and you don’t really know what you are doing. The guy behind the counter seems uninterested in anything you have to say and everyone else in the shop keeps looking at you funny. Never fear! Here...