挫折可以爬起来重新来过;脚步不能停留在前进的路上;信心从怀疑中诞生;我们在人们视线之外;却在你的内心当中;不服不输,我们约你一起“对着干”!九月十九日在MODERNSKY LAB 社会滑板-《对着干》首映派对丰厚的奖品与现场的互动环节,为大家准备了免费酒水披萨!等你的到来!
广州(9月5日,2015年)——House of Vans亚洲系列活动广州站活动圆满收官。在三天的系列活动中,Vans为各地创意团体提供创意展现的机会,同时带来国际级的音乐演出表演。
Mountain Dew滑板纪录大片PUSH - BEN RAYBOURN 第六集发布,和Ben在一起,你永远也别想知道他下一招是什么,在他的PUSH最后一集中,Ben带我们造访了几个超大的滑板场。 You never know what you’re gonna get into with Ben Raybourn. We link up with Ben as he puts the finishing touches on his part in his sixth and final episode of PUSH. Full part dropping soon!
最近最热的滑板片应该非《We Are Blood》莫属了。高昂的制作成本,豪华的滑手阵容,精美的画面,让它在过去几周里一度刷爆朋友圈。我们跟几个圈内滑板朋友聊了聊这部片子,来听听他们怎么说。
West Bank曾经是连一块滑板也买不到的地方,而现在滑板人数却有了激增,这一切都是在一小群核心人物的带领之下发生的,这部纪录片就记录了一群巴勒斯坦的年轻人将滑板文化引进West Bank并不断发扬故事。 A documentary, chronicling how a small group of teenagers created a skate scene from scratch in a place where you can’t even buy a skateboard has been released online. Epicly Palestine’d, a half-hour-long investigation into the burgeoning skate culture of the West Bank, gets to grips with a counterculture struggling against the...
House of Vans广州站现场滑板视频来了!汇丰,车霖,小鸡等等国内一线Pro轮番轰炸,給现场送上一波又一波高潮,同时House of Vans的音乐演出和各种Booth也让大家玩了痛快,KickerClub.com马上就带你体会HOV广州激烈的现场!
万物皆有开始,自从滑板在南加州占领街头的那一时刻,总有一个人一直是滑板界的中流砥柱,元老级别的Z-Boys成员Craig Stecyk就是这么一个人,DSL主编Sebstien Zanella来到洛杉矶,用这段黑白影像记录了Craig Stecyk对滑板不减的热爱。 Since everything has a beginning. Since skateboarding had once taken possession of the street, as it did in Southern California. A man was there, documenting every gesture of those first agitators, The Zephyr Boys. Craig Stecyk has become an icon. Artist, photographer, agitator, eccentric soul, a character with a unique state...
都说滑板会让你更加具有创造力想象力,那么今天给大家介绍一下在音乐方面有所成就的10位滑手,有的还小有成就,有的却没那么大名气,还有的就完全是来搞笑的了... Some good, some bad, some hilarious.
KickerLive-House of Vans广州现场视频来了!广州著名Hero滑板店主理人田军先给我们介绍了现场地形,之后还有猛料十足的汇丰,袁飞,车霖等等国内知名滑板核心人士小采访,错过House of Vans现场的朋友们没关系,我们先跟随现场的随机采访感受下HOV广州站的气氛!滑板比赛视频稍后上线!
海边小路边的停车场旁放置了一个金字塔状的长条形路牙,吸引了一大批滑手前来造访,不得不佩服滑板人的创造力,一个Curb被大家玩得出神入化,各种从未见过的招全在这里上演了!也只有滑板人能将这么不起眼的小事物使用得淋漓尽致了吧,路牙杀手3速度看起来。 When the skaters at Pacific Drive installed the perfect pyramid parking block in front of the shop, who knew a skateboarding video series rivaling the Godfather trilogy would be birthed. Filmed on location, one block from the beach, bookended by tall cans and Brazilian cut bikinis, we proudly present Curb Killaz 3.
如果之前你不知道这家伙,现在你应该赶快补课,Tyler "Squints" Imel绝对是世界上最疯狂的人之一了,他对于生活的热爱,对于滑板的热爱甚至渴求让他在滑板上不断激励自己,片中几乎垂直的大斜面大斜坡他都自如征服,他滑板时我们只能说愿上帝保佑你! If you don't know, now you know... Tyler "Squints" Imel is one of the raddest human beings on the planet. His love for life is huge and his love for skateboarding is even huger. If this part doesn't get you stoked to skate, may god have mercy on your soul... Remember, life...
Tyler "Squints" Imel明天将要发布一个全新的视频片段,而今天发布的《无限自由》由Jon Holland执导拍摄,精细取景画面的同时带你体会他积极向上的滑板心态和精湛的脚法。 Tyler "Squints" Imel is droppin' a new part tomorrow. While you're getting ready for it, reacquaint yourself with his positive vibes and badass skating, as seen in Jon Holland's REDirect submission.