Levis 发布旗下滑板支线2015秋季新品LookBook和视频,本次产品造型经典,并且贯彻了Levis质量更强的风格,主打秋季夹克裤子,同时还有衬衫,T恤,卫衣一同发布。全部精彩LookBook请看这里。
我们常常听到身边的朋友在抱怨国内滑板圈总是一些老面孔,没有新鲜血液。所以我们开设了一个新栏目 I AM,专门搜罗新生代滑手,今天第一期,给大家介绍来自深圳的14岁滑手 - 叶嘉亮。刚上初二的他已经具备相当的滑板功底。
Street League 2015 第二站即将在本周日来到New Jersey,新泽西站的比赛道具延续了洛杉矶站中较少台子的风格,同样出自CA Skateparks之手,本次比赛将会有25名PRO同台竞技,相信比赛定会精彩无比,期待他们周日的表现!KickerClub也将继续跟进报道! Following the nearly ledgeless layout of the Los Angeles stop at the Galen Center is another course from California Skateparks that encourages continuous lines and lots of back and forth action for the fans. Some really good and exciting skating will be seen this Sunday in New Jersey, especially...
Emerica x Lakai 联合旅途第二站费城走起!Stay Flared第二集费城发布!Marc Johnson, Westgate, Andrew Reynolds,Jerry Hsu, Brandon Biebel…等等大牌全部上阵,这个超级阵容再次炸翻现场! From streets soaked in history to the classic crete of FDR, Philly is a legendary skate town. The crew shredded everything they could before heading to Paine's Park for demo demolition.
Mountain Dew滑板纪录大片PUSH - ISHOD WAIR 第四集发布,每个人拍个人片段都是非常困难的事情,每个人也都会遇到非常大的压力,Ishod这次北上也就是为了他的个人片段拍摄,然而时间却并没有想象的那么充足... Filming a video part is a different process for everyone. But no matter who you are, the pressures of a deadline are the same. Ishod takes a trip up north to film more lines and stack more clips for his PUSH part. The clock's tickin'...
今年9月 Brixton即将和Independent Trucks联名发布合作款产品Friendly Union,本次合作款包括夹克,卫衣,T恤以及帽饰产品,此次产品既贯彻了Brixton一贯的Chill之风,也添加了Independent的硬气,期待产品上架! For our September issue, we featured the Brixton X Independent Trucks Friendly Union as our Product Of The Month. This rad collab just officially launched today so here’s a closer look at this rad apparel collection.
Nyjah Huston昨天刚刚从Twitter宣布自己和朋友成立新的科技公司名为Adapt Technology,很显然他们的第一款产品是手环USB连接线...这款数据线上市时间为今年8月22日。 Nyah Huston announced via Twitter last night that he and some friends had launched a website for their new technology company called Adapt Technology. The visually heavy site contains little information about what they’ve created, but the images suggest that it’s a wearable USB connection for phones, cameras, and laptops. This is...
今天的SpotCheck@波比老师- 带我们来到了WEG的Mini MegaRamp上,WEG的Mini MegaRamp应该算中国最大尺寸的滑板道具了,波比老师登上Mini MegaRamp近距离体会什么叫高飘远的滑板项目。
Lakai 和 Emerica 联合进行Demo的场面会是怎样的?Marc Johnson, Westgate, Andrew Reynolds,Jerry Hsu, Brandon Biebel...等等大牌全部上阵,这个超级阵容让华盛顿现场炸翻了! When Lakai and Emerica joined forces this Summer for one big Supertour, you just knew the video coverage would be monumental. Here’s part one, with more episodes to come every day this week. Enjoy!
@Converse滑板 呈献: 死亡之墙比赛,两个木板拼成了一面高达6米的墙,这种比赛可不像平常的比赛一样,大家纷纷拼尽全力往最高的地方冲去,垂直的墙面想想都可怕,实在太帅了。 Rad concept, gnarly outcome. The Empire Games Wall Of Death was not your average contest. This is sick!
今天KickerClub.com 联合 @ThePlace滑板公园 @BRAOS_EYEWEAR 推出的Broline节目带来了苏州滑手小翔的一条Line,小翔现在就职ThePlace滑板公园,同时他也是自主品牌Green Vision的主理人,我们看看他在The Place滑板场表现如何!
Huck 邀请 @NikeSB 滑手 Casper Brooker 来到欧洲拍摄视频,一群人前往欧洲三个滑板胜地巴塞罗那,柏林和哥本哈根,在这里给大家介绍当地的滑板风情。 In a series of short videos, Huck travels to Barcelona, Berlin, Copenhagen and London with up-and-coming skater Casper Brooker for the Nike SB Euro Series. The videos give an insiders perspective to the life of a pro-skater in the making, where Brooker covers events such as the Barcelona...