SEARCH RESULTS FOR: cons project

Slam City Skates x CONS Project

Slam City滑手一行8人来到了位于英国Peckham的Cons Project艺术滑板道具所在地,在那里开心地度过了一天,那里地方虽然不大,但是道具却让队员们爱不释脚,一次又一次冲上抛台飞起来 Slam City Skates team riders, friends and family visited the Converse project in Peckham one sunny evening. This resulted in this new edit featuring Dan Emmerson, Roger Gonzales, Neil Smith, Tom Tanner, Darius Trabalza, Andrew Khosravani, Danny Brady and Domas Glatkauskas.


CONS Project继续烧至葡萄牙首都里斯本, Javier Mendizabal, Remy Taveira等CONS滑手和现场的艺术家,音乐人以及摄影师一起表现着自己丰富的创意,给当地的青少年们营造了一个发挥自己创意的中心 CONS Project Lisboa saw Converse CONS skateboarders Javier Mendizabal, Remy Taveira, Carlos Cardenosa, Felipe Bartolome, Octavio Barrera and more collaborate with artists, musicians and photographers to express their creativity in a unique space in downtown Lisbon. A series of photography workshops and art installations gave local youth a new...

Converse Cons Project Shanghai

5月17日上海#CONS PROJECT#现场气氛燥动,中国匡威滑板队队员@blackie96 @李文金Vince @许莹010 @KengQu @李祉兴 与亚太区匡威滑板队员来自泰国的Geng Jakkarin菲律宾的Jeff Gonzales更多精彩表演。滑板、音乐、涂鸦我们#来自街头#

Cons Project Shanghai

Convese 把来自街头的 CONS PROJECT带到了上海,并找到中国知名滑板摄影师田玮,涂鸦艺术家林子楠,音乐人LOTZ到场教课,这次活动还特地邀请了两位分别来自泰国的Geng Jakkarin和菲律宾的Jeff Gonzales亚太区匡威滑板队员和中国匡威滑板队队员将披挂上阵,让你一次拍个够!除了iPhone课程以外还有滑板果酱赛共有3000元现金奖,最后被各大职业滑手瓜分!

5月17日 CONS PROJECT滑板拍摄教室

只要用iphone就能拍摄出精彩的滑板短片?资深滑板摄影师SURA TIM将亲自教你用iPhone拍摄要点。当然拍摄完成之后,还将展示如何把原始素材剪接成视频。最惊喜的是,CONS滑板队队员将披挂上阵,轮番动作,一切尽在5月17日 Cons Project 上海站!让参与者拍摄出最棒的动作。机会难得,想要偷师什么的就赶紧了!

5月17日 CONS PROJECT 登陆上海

CONS PROJECT登陆上海!5月17日CONS PROJECT SHANGHAI,邀请所有人,一同体验来自街头的能量。三场不可错过的Workshop,手把手让CONS街头人物教你怎么用最日常的工具创作街头艺术,并现场体验操作。还有嘻哈音乐表演,来自美国的CONS人物Flatbush Zombies将负责high翻全场,召集多名涂鸦艺术家的现场涂鸦和CONS中国滑板队的表演与比拼也绝对令人期待,还有特别设置的拍摄舞台。现场为你提供喝不完的冰镇啤酒和BBQ,跟紧所有CONS PROJECT日程,亲身体验什么叫做来自街头!

Tale of Four Cities: New York - Converse CONS

Converse滑板 四城记继续在CONS Project的四座举办城市走起,今天来到了纽约,跟随Cons滑手Aaron Herrington体会纽约街头板场的滑板生活! Tale of Four Cities explores the skate communities within the four cities that CONS Project takes place-- Boston, Toronto, Los Angeles and New York. This film follows CONS skate ambassador Aaron He...

Tale of Four Cities: Los Angeles - Converse CONS

@CONVERSE滑板 CONS 四城记从多伦多转战到了洛杉矶,CONS旗下滑板大使Sean Pablo带着我们一起来到了洛杉矶几个最棒的滑板场、滑板店,并且走上街头和当地孩子一起痛快滑了起来! Tale of Four Cities explores the skate communities within the four cities that CONS Project takes place-- Boston, Toronto, Los Angeles and New York. This film follows CONS skate ambassador Sean Pablo while he visits some of Los Angeles' best skate spots, shops, hangouts, and the community surrounding them.

Tale of Four Cities: Toronto - Converse CONS

@CONVERSE滑板 四城记最新发布加拿大多伦多片段,从这里的滑板店出发,CONS滑手Joe Yates,Don Nguyen一路不停,带你一起体会下雪滑板的乐趣,看看冬天加拿大滑手必去的地下Spot。 Tale of Four Cities explores the skate communities within the four cities that CONS Project takes place-- Boston, Toronto, Los Angeles and New York.

Tale of Four Cities: Boston - Converse CONS

2013年CX OPEN总决赛上映了轰动一时的索尼极限影片-肆城记,现在@Converse滑板 也带着美国肆城记来袭!首站波士顿,CONS旗下滑板大使带着我们来到当地的滑板店、各种地形,无比潇洒的CONS风格一起走起来! A Tale of Four Cities 肆城记 Tale of Four Cities explores the skate communities within the four cities that CONS Project takes place-- Boston, Toronto, Los Angeles and New York. Starting with Boston the films follow CONS skate ambassadors while they visit some of the cities' best skate spots, shops, hangouts, and...

Converse CONS Weapon - Lisbon shoot ft Remy Taveira, Jerome Campbell and Javier Mendizabal

作为CONS Weapon最新拍摄地点,里斯本同样成为CONS全新创意中心,这里将滑板,音乐和艺术的融合在一起,跟随CONS旗下滑板大使Jerome Campbell和Javier Mendizabal等滑手艺术家一起看看Converse Project拍摄时背后的有趣场景 The creative playground of Lisbon, Portugal, was the location for the latest Converse CONS Weapon shoot. This behind the scenes clip features photographer Fred Mortagne, CONS skate ambassadors Remy Taveira, Jerome Campbell and Javier Mendizabal alongside artists Ilk, AKA Corleone and Sam Taylor.


滑手们都想用自己的双手打造出独一无二的滑板地形,Converse欧洲的滑手们在马德里的一座废桥洞内,用几袋水泥做成了大家喜欢的Ramp,再用油漆涂上自己喜欢的图案,这独一无二的地形就这么诞生了!行动起来,将当地的建筑改造成滑板Spot吧 The Local Project Converse concept is as simple as a motivator, as is the design and construction of a structure on which to practice skateboarding. The objective is clear: to arouse the curiosity of local and make them flourish in the desire to expand the site with more modules of that type. This second...