继2007年Skateistan在阿富汗项目开始之后,越来越多的阿富汗当地男孩女孩接触到了滑板,同时Skateistan也向他们提供教育课程 Skateistan Opening its Second Facility in Afghanistan
9月8日在阿富汗喀布尔的一起自杀性炸弹袭击致使多人身亡包括6名儿童,其中就包括4名Skateistan的小滑手们.希望早日消灭恐怖主意,遇难滑手们安息...(如果你还了解什么是Skateistan请点这里) On the morning of Saturday September 8th a suicide attack in Kabul claimed the lives of a number of young Afghans. The bomb was detonated outside of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) HQ, where many of the street working children of Kabul sell trinkets, scarves and chewing gum to help support their families.
Skateistan是一个特别的组织,主旨是为阿富汗的战争环境下的孩子介绍滑板并促进交流。Fallen为该组织提供鞋子。最近Fallen推出Skateistan的相关广告,Brian 'Slash' Hansen讲解Fallen如何帮助了该组织。 Fallen just released a Skateistan commercial with Brian “Slash” Hansen talking about its efforts towards helping the Skateistan organization.
说道阿富汗首先想到的就是战争,这个不消停的中东国家战火不断,可怜了那里的孩子们。但是最近在阿富汗首都喀布尔刚刚建成了这个国家的第一个滑板场。这个板场是由一个澳大利亚人发起,很多来自世界各国的志愿者完成的项目。共耗资100万美元,在喀布尔的奥林匹克社区建造了这个室内板场,为阿富汗的5-17岁的儿童提供滑板教学。板场的设计和制作都非常专业,比我们"强大祖国"的绝大部分板场都要好。向所有参与这个项目的志愿者致敬!最新消息是这个滑板场的项目刚刚在摩纳哥荣获了年度和平与共享慈善组织奖! The program offers free skateboarding classes to youth communities in Kabul through a team of dedicated international and Afghan volunteers. Skateistan is open to girls and boys of all socio-economic backgrounds between the ages of 5 and 17.Skateistan states: "As part of our mission, Skateistan programs specifically aim to include greater numbers of young...
前几天看过了英国的室内双层滑板场,再来看看美国最大的滑板场 Lauridsen Skatepark。这个场地有点眼熟对吧,就是之前举办奥运滑板预选赛 DewTour 的那个场地!相比这个滑板场精彩的设计,还有更值得我们了解的方面......
滑板长期以来都被说是“男性”运动,但现在有太多优秀的滑手在说:女性也是同样可以做到的。而且事实上,她们做得更好。今天就和 KickerClub 一起回顾下那些推动并鼓励更多女性前行的女滑手们。
第 92 届奥斯卡颁奖典礼已经结束,除了最大赢家《寄生虫》,最佳男主角:瓦昆·菲尼克斯《小丑》,最佳女主角芮妮·齐薇格《朱迪》外,最值得滑手注意的是:最佳纪录短片的获奖影片《女孩的战地滑板课》。
Tony Hawk 和朋友们一起来到了南非,和 Skatestian 一起参加了慈善组织 Starkey Hearing 基金会,这里的孩子生活在水深火热之中,他们给孩子们带去了助听器,还有滑板,让孩子们感受到生活的乐趣。 Tony Hawk and friends David Loy, Thalente Biyela, and Shawn Hale joined the Starkey Hearing Foundation for a mission to Johannesburg, South Africa to help bring the gift of hearing to youth there. And skaters being skaters, they couldn't help themselves--they brought their skateboards, too. See what...
洛杉矶艺术家Paul McCarthy和滑板创意组织The Skateroom合作生产出了10款限量Paul McCarthy + The Skateroom板面,这些板面图案运用了Paul的摄影作品,同时所有收益将会捐给Skateistan,每块限量250块! Los Angeles-based artist Paul McCarthy, known for paintings, performance, photography and mixed media works that tackle our perception of everyday activities and the darker side of Western culture, has partnered with arts organization The Skateroom for a new charitable product. Applying his harsh, humorous PROPO series of images—photos...
战火中的滑板场Skateistan在继阿富汗和南非的滑板学校之后,又一路挺进柬埔寨,为当地孩子们提供滑板和文化学习的场所,滑板在柬埔寨刚刚起步,不过Skateistan给孩子们带来的正能量确实无穷的,每周有超过150名边缘地带的孩子来到这里学习,滑板也许将会改变他们的命运 In July 2014, Bill Bycroft and Rachel Turner travelled from New Zealand to Phnom Penh to meet the Skateistan Cambodia team. The couple share a passion for skateboarding, traveling and filmmaking, and were inspired to see skateboarding have such a positive impact on kids.
继2007年Skateistan在阿富汗项目开始之后,越来越多的阿富汗当地男孩女孩接触到了滑板,同时Skateistan也向他们提供教育课程,现在Skateistan公布学校内的视频,带你看看在战火纷飞的阿富汗,小女孩们在Skateistan里的快乐生活... Curious about what's happening during the summer days at Skateistan in Kabul? Well, in July the SKATEISTAN filmed various girls' classes to share what they've been up to, both in the skatepark and the classroom.