Dew Tour 洛杉矶站比赛即将于8月13日到16日正式开始!纯正的街头比赛风格继续让滑手不断尝试,同时还会有We Are Blood电影的现场首映。 Dew Tour hits the streets of LA August 13-16 2015 with skateboard competitions in street, streetstyle and vert, as well as movie premieres for We Are Blood and more. The event is free, so come check it out in person, or if you can’t make it, be sure to tune...
今天我们又给大家带来一部新的镜面对称滑板短片,巴西的摄影师Guilherme Guimaraes就找到几个滑手拍摄这部亦真亦假的片段,意在告诉我们世事真假难辩,只有滑板才是Something Real。
“2015红牛DragonSK8极限腾跃滑板赛”即将于本周日鸣锣开战,这次比赛我们将滑板文化精髓的谐音“SK8“打造成场地道具融入西湖天地大草坪,各位滑手将在此展现各自的综合实力,继续BEST LINE线路赛混合终极PK赛制的极限比拼争夺4万元人民币赛事总奖金8月2日!#2015DragonSK8 草坪见! “2015 RedBull Dragon SK8 Contest” is going to beat the war drums on this Sunday .This year all competitors will be fighting their effort on the specially designed course.There will be the Best Line and the Best Trick Contest,Total Prize money is up to 40,000RMB. See you there!
Mountain Dew滑板纪录大片PUSH - JOSH MATTHEWS 第四集发布。今年五月底,Josh Matthews收拾好自己的行囊来到了旧金山,在Push第四集中,我们找到他一起去见了他的朋友,寻找街头的Spot,看看他在新家都做成了哪些新招。 A week before June 1st, Josh Matthews picked up and moved from Los Angeles to San Francisco. For episode 4 of PUSH, we join him to meet up with old friends, search for spots, and learn tricks in his new home.
今天的滑板摄影师教学中Nigel教我们如何拍摄一条最好的Line,Nigel手把手教你如何放置摄影机,如何跟随滑手拍摄,以及Pushing时的技巧甚至到正确的滑板选择。 In this week's episode of NKA, Nigel breaks down the basics of how to capture the best skate lines for your next video. Take note as Nigel explains the basics of camera positioning , pushing techniques and even the right skateboard to use.
与Vans US Open 一起举办的 Van Doren 邀请赛女子组决赛正式落下帷幕,Allysha Bergado凭借自己出色的一个回合强势夺得冠军!其他参赛女滑手都非常勇猛,VDI女子决赛现场视频看起来! These girls all shred, but after the destruction ended and the dust settled, Allysha Bergado snagged 1st place bragging rights.
和 Vans US Open 一同举办的 Van Doren 邀请赛已经开始!滑板店之间竞争的视频现已发布,每个店铺都派出了自己最好的滑手前往Huntington Beach一较高下,现场大招频频不断出现也引来阵阵叫好之声。 The fiesta in HB kicked off with a battle between skateshop squadrons. Stay tuned for plenty more VDI coverage from the shores of the Pacific throughout the week.
Mountain Dew滑板纪录大片 Push - Cody Cepeda 第四集发布,这集中Cody回到芝加哥和朋友一起试图拍摄更多片段,但是这一切并不那么容易,尤其是面对保安的重重阻拦。 Fresh off his trip to Barcelona, Cody Cepeda books it to Chicago with his TCMT homie Timmy Johnson to log more clips for his part in episode 4 of PUSH. But it's not always as easy as it seems when security's on the prowl...
先睹为快!KickerPick 最快速度上手Converse CHUCK TAYLOR II!昨晚CONVERSE举办了 CT II发布会,今天KickerClub.com最新上脚带你来看新鞋子!实在有够帅气的!速度围观!
Kevin Terpening 最新 HUF 个人片段发布!此宣传片也是为了HUF Classic鞋款做推广,经典的风格以及干净的动作流畅的街式滑板体验绝对一流!
SpotCheck 第23集中@波比老师- 带大家体会下什么叫做勇往直前!下雨根本不放在眼里,SMP的碗池变身泳池,直接冲下去!