前不久Vans发布了传奇滑手Geoff Rowley的首个签名系列套装,其中就包含了最新款Rowley Solo鞋子,以66/99来标注Geoff Rowley的传奇历程,那么Geoff Rowley的Vans签名款滑板鞋的发展究竟是怎么样的呢,我们今天就带你细数传奇 Geoff Rowley 的 Vans 签名款历史。
用$1000的鞋子来滑板感觉怎么样?Jenkem不走寻常路,他们拿了一双$1000的adidas Yeezy Boost 350走上街头开始滑板,这次可真的是Skate and Destory,可能不少Sneakerheads要心痛了。
NikeSB 柏林公开赛将于7月11日到12日在柏林举行,为了向大家介绍比赛,NikeSB旗下居住在柏林的滑手Denny Pham走上了柏林街头,这里的好地形数不胜数,而且滑手气氛也很热烈,跟着Denny Pham来体会下柏林。
Converse CONS最新长片#Pleasecharge#发布,Converse欧洲队员Remy Taveira,Jerome Campbell等13人周游西班牙,法国,英国,荷兰和德国,22分钟精彩长片即将上演! As promised, Converse Cons has uploaded its new video, #Pleasecharge”. Filmed across many cities in Spain, France, UK, The Netherlands and Germany, and featuring the European Converse crew: Remy Taveira, Harry Lintell, Felipe Bartolome, Jerome Campbell, Paul Grund, Greg Cuadrado, Kevin Rodrigues, David Stenström, Javier Mendizabal, Carlos Cardenosa, Danny Sommerfeld, Daniel...
从潮流品牌到报社记者,每当人们想要街头想要叛逆形象时就会拿滑板来说事,更可笑的是这些出镜的模特们根本都不是滑手,现在我们就给大家带来17张被滥用的滑板照片。 What is it about the mainstream and jumping on the skateboarding bandwagon? From high fashion brands to Hollywood scriptwriters, every time people need a shorthand for “rebellious yoof” they stick a skateboard in shot. Most annoyingly of all, they never seem to get actual skaters – or anyone who even has the first clue...
我们几年前愚人节拿来说事的滑板进奥运似乎真的要在2020年东京夏季奥运会变成现实了,根据美国体育周刊Sports Illustrated介绍,6月12号递交给国际奥委会的新增体育项目名单从26个减少到9个,而滑板也列为9个项目之中。 So this is something people have been talking about forever, and now it could turn into a reality: Skateboarding might actually become an Olympic sport, starting at the 2020 Summer Games in Tokyo.
BATB 8四强比赛Sewa vs Tom Asta,Shane vs Cody以及季军争夺赛和冠军比赛我们都给大家收录在了一起,当高清官方视频正式发布之后我们也会尽快更新。
2015 VANS GSD 深圳站工作人员早早就到板店进行检录,由于报名滑手太多,为确保活动有序进行,深圳站的流程是提前网络报名、到场检录、采取先到先得的原则发放礼包券、沸点大巴券,12点准时发放礼品及活动手环!
BATB 8决赛!Shane O'Neill vs Sewa Kroetkov!电风扇vs直升机!现场高清视频来了!谁能捧回冠军奖杯满载而归?速度补课!
BATB 8季军决赛!由Cody Cepeda对阵 Tom Asta!现场高清视频!冠军争夺战即将发布!
Official 正式发布其和成立于2010年的巴塞罗那品牌Laser合作产品,本次共发布8款限量帽子,每个都具备Chill到炸的加州风情,同时宣传视频也采用了上下拼接的方式,信息量很大。 Official is pleased to announce the release of the Official x Laser Capsule Collection, a collaborative limited edition 8-piece headwear collection consisting of bucket hats, 5-panel strapbacks, and 5-panel campers. Each piece manifests the uniting of Californian and Catalonian influences, which at the core is the driving force behind the collaboration as evidenced...