在芬兰Kopper艺术中心内,建立起了一个简单的滑板场,这个板场其实就是芬兰滑板项目Fiskars Project中的滑板艺术品,让滑板与设计相结合,我们跟随镜头一起探索一下这个滑板艺术品。
滑板硬件飞速发展的同时,滑板轴承似乎并没有多大的改进,于是Bronson Speed Co.历经35个月时间研究,不断改进测试,终于带来了新的革命性轴承产品:Bronson Speed Bearing,更深的轨道,轨道内的弧面,滚珠的更深嵌入以及外壳的0摩擦,真是款科技感十足的轴承! For the last 35 months we have been researching, testing and prototyping with the goal to completely reinvent a skateboard product that has lacked any real innovation for over thirty years – the bearing. Introducing Bronson Speed Co. – Next Generation Bearings, Designed for Today’s Skateboarding.
6月21!跟着@Vanschina 一起#抢回街道#!!全国19个店铺17个城市一起躁起来!速度围观你所在的城市都有什么安排!
TWS发布滑板创意VX长片Head Cleaner,38分钟全片VX拍摄,短小而又连贯的动作贯穿其中,而最引人注意的就是里面各种奇葩地形,真是让你看了之后才知道#一切皆有可滑#!
在刚刚结束的Austin X Games中,Nyjah Huston凭借出色发挥强势夺得冠军,位列其后排名第二的是Chaz Ortiz,获得第三名的是Ryan Sheckler,现在我们通过ESPN现场镜头回顾下三人的致胜回合。
KickerClub 和 ThePlace滑板公园 推出的BroLine第三部中,我们请来了小虎为我们在The Place展示了一条Line,飘逸的风格和脚下技术都是片子的亮点!
Mountain Dew滑板纪录大片PUSH-Ishod Wair第二集发布,参加各种比赛,跟随队伍进行周游表演,马不停蹄拍摄视频,这些事情挤在一起让Ishod根本没时间放送自己,他的日程表总是那么充实,终于他回到了家里和朋友家人一起Chill。 It's crazy how little time you have to chill when you're a super in demand pro skater entering contests, skating demos, and filming for video parts. Ishod used to have all the time in the world to go back home to Philly to hang out with his friends and family. Now he's...
可能很多人还没来及体会@NikeSB P-Rod 8,P-Rod 9的测试视频就已经出炉了...P-Rod 9采用了CupSole外底设计,融合了Zoom Air,并且鞋底花纹的变化也更好增加了摩擦力提高了脚感,鞋子面世时间预计将会在今年秋季。 The Nike SB P. Rod 9 CS Skate Shoes are one of three new shoes coming from the mind and feet of Paul Rodriguez. Its unique fused upper gives you durable suede in the toe and heel where you need it, and a mixed textile mid-panel for added breath-ability....
BATB 8第二轮第七场比赛由Luan Oliveira对阵Morgan Smith,两人都是颇具实力,似乎一场持久战即将开始,而Luan计划开场就使出自己的绝招速战速决,究竟结果如何,两人谁能胜出!
在美国上学的摄像师@yuchenjoe 又带给我们一段KTV北美视频,这是一段Sponsor Me视频,Caio在前不久的Damn AM和PHX AM都取得了不错的成绩,Caio在这段视频表现也颇为尽力,我们一起体会一下美国当地草根滑手的赞助视频是怎样的。
滑板是探索世界的工具,Patrik Wallner和他的 Visualtraveling 摄制团队即将发布新作“The Edge of Arabia”,拍摄于阿拉伯半岛边缘地区,这里未曾开发的街头和异域风情都让队员破位震撼,预告片正式发布,期待正片到来! Skateboarding is a worldwide adventure, but there are certain pockets of the globe that haven't seen much action. The Visualtraveling crew delved deep into Arabia and their documentation will be live next Tuesday.
Gabriel是你即将看到的动画形象,这个小家伙在滑板场内的表现已经超神,精致的3D动画特效,完美的背景音乐,也只有滑板能让无数人为之发挥自己的创造力和想象力去不停创作吸引眼球的新事物。 Gabriel is a cartoon character living in the real world. This introduction showcases Gabriel's world and some of Eric Lerner's ideas of what is possible within it. If you are curious / excited about Gabriel and the potential of his world, you can help make future videos a reality by sharing this video; the...