Converse滑板 四城记继续在CONS Project的四座举办城市走起,今天来到了纽约,跟随Cons滑手Aaron Herrington体会纽约街头板场的滑板生活! Tale of Four Cities explores the skate communities within the four cities that CONS Project takes place-- Boston, Toronto, Los Angeles and New York. This film follows CONS skate ambassador Aaron He...
Plan B队伍来到Active滑板场进行Demo表演,PJ,Felipe,Sheckler等人全部来了,Chris Cole也是第一次跟随Plan B队伍出场,整个Active板场被躁翻天! Plan B destroyed the Active park for their first demo with Chris Cole on the team. Watch PJ, Felipe, Sheckler, Cole, and more break it off in the recap edit.
在美国街头滑板是一件相当困难的事情,而在中国一切都不一样,数不清的好地形,对滑板宽松的态度,越来越多的国际Team来到中国拍摄视频,很多滑手造访深圳、上海、广州早已不止一两次,中国滑板革命已经到来,让我们跟随镜头来探寻中国滑板即将扮演的重要角色。 Skateboarding on the streets in the U.S. is tough. Cops bust you, people yell at you for being on their property and old guys certainly aren't pumped to see you skate. In China, it's different. For over a decade now, pro skaters have been traveling across the globe to visit China for its lax...
千呼万唤始出来!由Carhartt WIP资助的滑板黑客帝国《Öctagon》整片终于发布!滑手们生活在一个被名为Öctagon的系统控制的世界之下,“这里的地形并不真实存在,而只是数据堆叠”,有人顺从,而有人通过不断努力来告诫这里,我们才是街头主人。 “The Öctagon is totalitarian and omniscient. Billions of data are generated by this independent system and build a unique reality. Individuals live within the Öctagon. Geographic space doesn’t exist for real, it is not tangible but still defined by a multitude of data."
Mountain Dew滑板记录大片PUSH-巴西滑板女神Leticia Bufoni第二集上线,在14岁的时候父亲带着Leticia来到加州,她也决定追逐自己的滑板梦想留在这里,尽管周围没有多少认识的人,她也不会说英语,不过这一切都阻挡不了她的滑板梦。 A few years ago Leticia Bufoni moved out to California after dreaming of the perfect skate spots. She barely knew anyone, and she didn’t speak a word of English. It didn’t take long ‘til she moved back to Brazil. Fast forward a few years, and she’s back. Now living in LA, she’s...
Richie Jackson参加Berrics 2UP比赛的片段发布!这个可以自由组合的道具在他脚下简直就是活了,太精彩!完全没想到滑板还能这么玩,要技术有技术,要风格有风格,创意无限!
Hypebeast发布台北滑板最新片段,Trent McClung和摄影师一起来到台北街头的一个Ledge,在这里介绍自己和两个哥哥的故事,而在每一次做动作这里都有数不清的围观人群,最后一跳完美的Line也让群众大饱眼福。 The McClung brothers of Huntington Beach, California continue their exploration of Taipei in this latest episode of #fromwhereiskate, as youngest brother Trent takes on a series of ledges at a spot with heavy foot traffic. Having followed eldest brother Taylor into a path towards professional skateboarding 14 years ago, Trent has not looked...
上一期我们给大家看了 ATD 的室内滑板场,这一期就带大家转转他们的滑板店。ATD 代理了很多国内外知名的滑板品牌,绝对是上海滑板硬件购买的首选店铺.
2015 Far N High比赛结束,当谈论到高飘远三个字时Luan Oliveira无疑是大家首先想到的几个人之一,Luan也不负众望获得比赛冠军,标志性的Hardflip一出全场炸翻!那么现在我们就通过现场的镜头体会一下Luan这条获得2015高飘远比赛冠军的Line。
Berrics第二届Maunal比赛2UP再度来袭,10名新滑手参与到比赛之中,Shane O'Neill,PJ,Chris Haslam...听名字就知道比赛不容错过,一起迎接第一位滑手Tom Asta的参赛片段! 10 NEW SKATERS. MODULAR BLOCKS. THEIR BEST MANUALS. YOU DECIDE WHO WINS. A thing of beauty, an art form, the utmost tech of the tech, the manual is much more than a trick—it's a full-on discipline. Requiring a supernatural amount of patience, grace, and precision, manuals can literally break down even...
深圳首支滑板说唱《Sk8 All Day》首发KickerClub!深圳滑板音乐人@大雕Roc 创作,破鞋、烂板、Pro梦想,“刚想下个八级 保安过来抓你”,歌词中句句透露着滑手滑板的真切表现。
Damn AM 比赛的第二站亚特兰大站比赛中,Yoshi Tanenbaum凭借自己稳定而高难度的发挥一举夺冠,他也因此获得了半决赛的入场券,我们用现场镜头感受一下这条完美的Line。